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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

The article that you linked was interesting.

If the asylum seekers were true refugees, then why would they want to return to their homeland?
Well the bigger joke is why would they ask to go back to Sri Lanka, rather than go to Nauru. Just shows how bloody stupid this government and the greens are.
What a bloody disgrace.
I think Bowen is the only one with any credibility, at least he looked as though he thought this was the right way to go, from the start.
While Bob was playing Julia as an idiot.
That link worked. Did you do anything differently?

Re the content, might as well just drop the whole charade of the boats. Just phone Australia from Indonesia and we'll come to get you.
Over 10000 boat arrivals so far this year.
Over 3000 since the government announced Nauru as part of it's offshore processing policy (Aug 13).
Over 2000 this month.

All Gillard Labor has managed to do is keep it's Green bed partners happy.
Good time to buy shares in Air Asia.
At least the standard of boat will improve, as thegovernment gauranteed rebate kicks in. Maybe they can start and supply air conditioned ferries.
Many have secured cash to return home under reintegration packages of up to $3,000 to encourage asylum seekers to return to the countries they fled.

This labor Government will send us broke !

Cannot wait for the next one, hopefully labor and green free !!
This labor Government will send us broke !

Cannot wait for the next one, hopefully labor and green free !!

Well one thing for sure, they are going to step on a lot of their grass roots supporters in the mini budget.
Trust me it won't be pretty.LOL
Watch this space.
The Australian Government should take some lessons from the Germans, and grow some balls. Instead, what do we get? THIS?
Are we becoming inured to the constant arrivals? It's no longer news.
Hardly an endorsement of the government's current policy.

You would not expect anythimg different from this government as they have only gone half way with Nauru and Manus. No TPV and no turning back the boats where possible.

Gillard does not want it to work so she can turn on the opposition and say I told you so.
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