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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

From Bolt's Blog - sadly so many genuine refugees whose places will be taken by those with money who may not actually need our help. 1800 arrivals in July - how many Captain Emad's and other frauds in these:

HMAS Taxi called again
Another boat...and...

Australia to rescue boats in Indonesian waters under proposed deal as another asylum boat found
AUSTRALIAN patrol boats will soon be able to rescue asylum seekers in Indonesian waters as another boat has been intercepted.

I heard that on the ABC this morning and it was presented as if were an achievement by the Gillard government. The example given was that it would allow Australia to rescue boats that are even north of Indonesia, like the one last week that was north of Bali. No mention of Australia receiving compensation for taking over Indonesia's responsibility. I suppose the Asia Pacific solution Gillard is touting is to attain a similar agreement with the other nations in our region.

The stupidity of this is beyond belief. Set off from anywhere in Indonesia and when just a few miles off their coast make an SOS call to the Australian navy or even the ABC.

I truly believe that Gillard proposed the Malaysia solution, not because it would stop the boats, but because she knew it would be rejected. This would allow her to fumble through to the next election while blaming the opposition for any deaths at sea. Once the election is over and the coalition are in power, she can resume her condemnation of the inhuman solution being adopted by the coalition. She could say with all honesty that she never implemented an offshore solution unlike the heartless coalition. The churches, the ABC and other left media would simply forget that there was ever a Malaysian solution proposal and get back to what they are best at doing; condemning the coalition for its inhumanity.
North Pole <--> South Pole

Howard's Solution <--> Gillard's Solution

Effective <--> disasterous
AUSTRALIAN patrol boats will soon be able to rescue asylum seekers in Indonesian waters as another boat has been intercepted.
There was some follow up on this on Radio National's "Drive" program this evening. Apparently the statement was made by Indonesia and ABC Radio cannot find anyone in the government who knows anything about it.
Looks as though the Indonesians are so utterly confident they have us wound round their little fingers they can now even make announcements on our behalf.
What a farce.

Obviously Gillard is going to say, that she has a working relationship with Indonesia.
She really is losing it, sad just very sad.
If this manner of government was happening in a third world country, we would be sending troops in.LOL,LOL

If we were to come to such an agreement with Indonesia on the assumption that Indonesia does not have the capability to manage such rescues, it should be on the basis that any refugees rescued in Indonesian waters are returned to Indonesia. That way we are ensuring the safety of the passengers, but not providing a means for our benevolence to be abused.

Oh isn't that what Abbott is saying.

Hope everyone has your insight, because if it keeps going the way it is, Indonesia will become a passenger terminal for asylum seekers.
It won't be long before a cruise liner or converted sheep carrier arrives with 5000 onboard, I joke not.
Then the flood gates will really open, as the government will then have to decide, between military intervention or a completely open border.
This can escalate and end badly.

I have not read the whole posts on this thread.

But, so far I gather that there are negativity on the people who arrived on boat.

Personally, I believe that there are more illegal immigrant who arrived on plane than by boats.

I know people who arrived from NZ and England and on Aust government benefits from day one they arrived in Australia. And these people have been in Australia for over 10years and they are still on govt benefits. Govt housing etc. Are they grateful? No..they whinge on everything and yet they live in houses - eastern suburbs (Bronte, NSW) and lower north shore (NSW). Their children also on benefits. Very trendy people, have the latest fashion or gadgets. Do they want to join the workforce?No....They will find a job, with minimal hours if it is required (to maintain their benefits). They go holiday overseas once a year to visit their relatives. They are white anglo. And they still call their birth country their 'home'.

On the other hand, I know lots of immigrants from Asia and other small countries in South America who work all kind of jobs, from dawn to midnight the moment they arrived in Australia. They were highly educated and their kids grow up highly educated and have great jobs in Australia. They live very frugal, live in apartments, work different jobs etc. They don't go overseas for holiday or visit their relatives back in their birth countries once a year.

The media reports the arrival of dodgy boats from Indonesia, but it does not report who arrived by plane and rotting the Australia system.
Re: Really??

I have not read the whole posts on this thread.

Obviously. Your fallacious argument crops up regularly

But, so far I gather that there are negativity on the people who arrived on boat.

Naturally. They sneak in illegally through the back door

Personally, I believe that there are more illegal immigrant who arrived on plane than by boats
Plane arrivals come in legally with passports and visas.

The media reports the arrival of dodgy boats from Indonesia, but it does not report who arrived by plane and rotting the Australia system.

Legal entry is not newsworthy.
Re: Really??

+1. However, I'll be surprised if this is what either the Australian or Indonesian governments have in mind.

I have not read the whole posts on this thread.
Might be good to do that before you offer comment.

But, so far I gather that there are negativity on the people who arrived on boat.
Correct. If you read the thread you will discover the reasons why.

Personally, I believe that there are more illegal immigrant who arrived on plane than by boats.
That was true during the Howard era but apparently arrivals by boat now exceed those by plane.
Further, as Calliope has pointed out, plane arrivals come with documentation. We know who they are.
Boat arrivals, on the other hand, destroy any documentation they may have had to make it more difficult for their origins to be traced.

I know people who arrived from NZ and England and on Aust government benefits from day one they arrived in Australia.
People arriving from these countries are not entitled to government benefits on arrival.

Maybe check a few facts before you make inaccurate generalisations.
Re: Really??

I know these people very close (some are relatives by marriages).

The regulations may have changed in the past years....but I do know lots of kiwis that came to OZ and straight to benefits and still receiving . It seemed unfair, because my family & I came as business migrants, and the regulations were very strict for us, and yet these anglo saxon people came and treated differently. Not that we wanted any handouts from govt.

The point that I would like to express that:
There are not many countries that have social welfare system like Australia. There are lots of countries that have no social welfare what so ever at all. And people who came from these countries (without social welfare, eg from Asia or south America countries), do not have 'welfare' mentality. In their birth country, if you financially failed, you could end up begging and living on the streets (with your kids). And people who are willing to risks everything to be able to live in Australia are the people who don't want to end up begging for food on the streets. They have pride. So when these people able to live in Australia, they would try everything not to beg. They don't have welfare mentality.

One of our neighbours are Aust born, offspring of someone who owns multinational companies, very very wealthy and yet this neighbour lives with kids in housing govt house.

If you have to run businesses, who would you rather hire? Someone who takes sicky/smokey or someone who have lived through hardship that you yourself would never likely to endure?

I know this is a stock forum, but I see little compasion and the want to keep Australia's white policy alive. Look at the chart/stats, from Aust and abroad before planting seed of hate. Just because they came on dodgy boat, look different and don't speak English, they are not human.
Re: Really??

If you had read this whole thread, you would find that genuine refugees are fine. Colour of the skin is no issue so you can forget your sick "white" comments...

When the UN and even Chris Bowen state that large numbers of boat arrivals are NOT genuine refugees, you are being pretty silly to try and turn it into a racist thing. Shame on you.
Re: Really??

You are quite inappropriately insulting all of us whose fundamental concern is the displacement of genuine, proven refugees who are languishing in violent, squalid UNHCR camps in several countries, having applied with documentation to come here.

It is nothing to do with skin colour and it's pathetically simplistic for you to suggest that.

The current influx of asylum seekers, many of whom are shown not to be genuine refugees, is preventing the admission of the above genuine people, many of whom have been waiting years in camps because they lack the financial resources to pay people smugglers.

I suggest you take your offensive views elsewhere.
Re: Really??


Yes, in fact many here who want to see an end put to the boat arrivals have also suggested an increase in the numbers taken from genuine refugee camps to compensate and to encourage entry through the official channels.
On "Border Security" last night it showed an Australian Navy (or Fisheries??) boat stop an illegal Indonesian fishing boat. They fired shots in front of it to try and make it heave to but the boat ignored the shots. They then sent a inflatable to the fishing boat and boarded it. It was then towed by the Navy boat.

Towing back the illegal boats -whats the fuss? It can be and has been done.
2GB had a DLP Senator on this morning who is a member of the special Angus Houston committee to find a solution to the asylum seeker fiasco. He said in the four weeks since the formation of the committee they have had just one two hour meeting.
Aren't they supposed to be reporting their well researched findings and recommendations when parliament returns in less than two weeks?

I just went to the 2GB website and found this one.

Perhaps it took them 1 hour and 55 minutes to find the link.
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