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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

I think what you are referring to Miss Hale is that it is politically incorrect to call illegal immigrants "illegal immigrants" even if they come here "illegally" by boat without any papers. "Asylum seeker" is the politically correct term.

You may be right Calliope, only I am sure I have been ticked off for calling these people arriving by boats asylum seekers and not immigrants (not on here, in conversations with people I mean). Or maybe this politically correct stuff has just made me totally confused :1zhelp:

Well then why did labor politicise it in 2007? And no need to insult people. Just because the thread starter may not know the difference doesn't mean to say none of us do. Shame on you for being so petty.

Labor gave bipartisan support for the Pacific solution which clearly was a superior system giving genuine refugees a place of refuge while discouraging people coming to free load from our welfare. Yes, the Pacific Solution was implemented with bipartisan support from labor. In 2002 Gillard agreed with turning the boats back. Google and you will find.

Why should asylum seekers get preferential treatment over struggling Aussies? Houses supplied to them with around $9,000 of furniture?

And, if an Aussie fraudulently claims welfare to which he/she is not entitled, they face criminal conviction. But why do so many asylum seekers remain on our welfare when both Bowen and the UN state that large numbers coming here are NOT genuine refugees?

Do we have an obligation to give asylum seekers who are not fleeing persecution our welfare at the expense of our own?

Sources of non-refugee comments:

This is an older article, however, many more asylum seekers have turned up which is unlikely to have changed the flow of non-refugees arriving:

No worries OG,
If we get invaded and you manage to get on the first boat out of here, check and see if I'm onboard. If not give me a call on my mobile, could you mate.

Yeh I know what you mean about Iraq and Afghanistan = refugees, there is a conga line of them through the middle east, Pakistan and India. Apparently they are heading here, poor buggers only managed to escape with pockets full of money and satellite phones to ring the ABC.
It's an absolute tragedy.
Julia, cut me a bit of slack I'm trying not to swallow that tongue in my cheek.
Julia, cut me a bit of slack I'm trying not to swallow that tongue in my cheek.
I'm relieved to know you've not undergone an asylum seeking conversion on the road to Australia.
(with apologies to whomever coined the phrase 'a conversion on the road to Damascus'.
Calliope might know who that was, so versed in classicism he is.)
I'm relieved to know you've not undergone an asylum seeking conversion on the road to Australia.
(with apologies to whomever coined the phrase 'a conversion on the road to Damascus'.
Calliope might know who that was, so versed in classicism he is.)

Paul was going to Damascus to beat up some Christians when he "saw the light."

Well then why did labor politicise it in 2007? And no need to insult people. Just because the thread starter may not know the difference doesn't mean to say none of us do. Shame on you for being so petty.

As I've already said; to grab the bogan vote/affirm a tighter grip on power/seize power, whichever party uses this scare tactic - Liberal, Labour or Nazi, effect and motivations are the same. (We haven't got to the point where the Libs burn down Parliament, knock off Julia and blame the Immigrants just yet

I'll say it again; neither party are interested in stopping immigration or putting a cap on an increasing population, so I'd be more pissed off at your politicians than the immigrants or asylum seekers.

I agree with you about our population; there's already too many kids slipping through the public school system and ending up unemployed or in Jail, In my honest opinion, if I were Prime Minister I'd be putting a temporary halt on immigration until some decent headway could be made in public health and education. I'm worried about whats going to happen when all these kids finish their apprenticeships and realize there can only be so many plumbers/carpenters/electricians in each town.
I think what you are referring to Miss Hale is that it is politically incorrect to call illegal immigrants "illegal immigrants" even if they come here "illegally" by boat without any papers. "Asylum seeker" is the politically correct term.

It's not the politcally correct term, it is the correct term; an Asylum Seeker or Refugee can't be an illegal immigrant by definition - they are not immigrating, they are seeking refuge/ asylum. You can twist words around all you like but the definitions of the words and the international laws remain the same.

That's not to mention the push to import labour from China.


So by virtue of your definition, an asylum seeker/refugee from Iraq/Afghanistan, it is perfectly OK to travel through 5-10 countries (which are NOT in a civil war - IE, Turkey/Indonesia/India/Sri-Lanka), to come here?

Why not stop in Indonesia/Thailand/India?????

Answer; they want a free lunch and the current Government is giving it to them....

(Meanwhile, Noco's son is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan)
Yes, I think if some prick of a country has come in and bombed your country then yeah, you've got the right to choose a new bloody home, and if you just so happen to pick the prick of a country that bombed yours then who gives a crap.

Are any of you pissed off at foreign companies taking profits out of Australia or just at immigrants? As far as foreigners raping the country go I think the miners take the cake... but I do hate that guy at the 711 who marks up tallyhos 1100%.

Each and every one of us should take our surviving ancestors back to our own bloody countries and leave this land for the Aborigines... Personally I reckon this is a crappy idea, but seeing as you all hate immigrants so much, maybe some of you are keen.

And as for putting shame on people, shame on anyone who knows the difference between an Asylum seeker and and a refugee but chooses to deceive people for their own political ends.

As for economic refugees which I believe your all complaining about... maybe we should stop pushing austerity measures in other countries and creating more of them, once again simple logic. You all vote for war and austerity then complain when you see it's fruit, if you wanna talk about irony
Congrtaulations Julia Gillard, you have just broken the record for the most number of illegal immigrants in one year.

Please collect your prize at the next election and it will be a good one; yes darling you will be able to live in luxury at tax payers expense for the rest of you miserable life.
This is a win for us.

I'm am immigrant.
Arrived in 1985.
Never had a Gov hand-out (except Howard's $800 ($900?) handout).
Paid all my taxes.
I uphold Australian values and beliefs.
I don't want to bring in Sharia law or some other BS ideology that oppresses people, belittles women or forces them them dress like a bee-keeper.

I think immigrants who hate immigrants are hilarious. The irony won't stop flowing in this thread.

This attitude doesn't apply now, as high percentage is never employed 5 years after arrival.
Handouts including Social Benefits are basis for long term existence.

Longer we sit on our hands the harder it will be to keep Australia happy go lucky country.

Unfortunately looks that people should take to streets with their disapproval, as current PM Julia behaves like dictator and noting we can do about it until next election !
I think immigrants who hate immigrants are hilarious. The irony won't stop flowing in this thread.

I think people who imply the word hate when non was evident are hateful people themselves.
Another boat another policy failure.

Worst year already and only half way through.

What a pathetic government.

Pathetic is not the word dutchie. I have some stronger language to describe Gillard and her government but I might be banned on this site for ever.

Gillard has broken the guiness book of records for the most number of arrivals in one month and she is quite content to sit back and do nothing..
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