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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Answered my own question.

Temporary Protection Visa (TPV)

Wiki Link
It's now a competitiion to see who can stay on tele the longest and cry the most in the hope of getting a spot on the evening news.
Rob Oakeshott is taking notes and will in future try to work some tears into his speeches making them at least 20 minutes long.
Wayne Swan is bending Gillards arm to see if he can get a tear out of her, but there's only the usual hissing and striking.
If all these teary eyed parasites would just agree to send people where they have some protection then all would be ok.
What on earth does that silly slogan have to do with the present situation?

The Kiwi's invaded Australia and the majority went on the dole. The ones not on the dole play football.
Exactly what the illegal immigrants are doing right now.(invading Australia). We have not got any to wear
tags yet. Oops. Tags are football boots.
IT WAS A JOKE!! It kept many Australians happy, in our town anyway. But in our town we have a sense of humor.

Its often hard to tell when someone is making a joke or is being sarcastic on a forum as you don't have the benefit of facial expressions, voice tones etc.
Let’s form a committee

Wow finally some leadership! Pass the buck to a committee.

Obviously Gillard was setting up this committee over the last two days as she knew that her proposal (via Oakeshott) was never going to get through. How cynical and a waste of tax payers money for two days.

The reason for setting up this committee is twofold:

1. Gillard does not have the ability to be a Prime Minister so she has to use a proxy (committee).
2. Once the Committee returns its findings, which will be exactly the result she has instructed them to come up with, she will reintroduce the same policy and when the opposition again opposes it she will be able to say that the opposition won’t even listen to “experts”.

How stupid does she think we are?

It seems to me that the Malaysian Government has some sort of hold on Gillard. Why is she insisting on the Malaysian Deal? Is there a secret deal/commitment?

You forgot reason number 3. Gillard doesn't want want to cancel the winter break of parliament, no that's more important than a few dare devils crossing the Indian ocean. Easier to form a commitee than call off your holiday.
The only other option was adopt Tony's policy, no a holiday sounds better.

It was interesting watching the news tonight, Tony actually got a bit of air time, which was most unusual.
The Kiwi's invaded Australia and the majority went on the dole.
No New Zealanders have been eligible for the dole if they arrive in Australia for more than a decade.
Many came and made a very productive contribution to Australia.
It was a reciprocal arrangement. If Australians wanted to freely move to NZ they could do so.
I'd like to see some statistics which demonstrate that 'the majority went on the dole'.

As someone who moved from NZ to Australia and who worked and paid taxes, plus giving hundreds of hours of voluntary service to the community, I'm a bit over the 'jokes' about New Zealanders.
To quote citizens from a country which is geographically and culturally very close to Australia in the same context as asylum seekers from Muslim countries half a world away is just odd to me.
Ms Gillard has appointed Angus Houston as a specialist adviser to herself and the parliament on asylum seekers.
Mr Houston is a retired soldier essentially.
Can anyone offer any reason why Mr Houston is an expert on the motivations of people smugglers and asylum seekers?

He may be eminently qualified. I don't know.

I for one think Kiwis are brilliant, with such a small population they compete successfully on the world stage in most sports. They have a tourism industry second to none and a great work ethic, just go to mining towns, full of New Zealanders.
O.K back to the asylum seekers.
I for one think Kiwis are brilliant, with such a small population they compete successfully on the world stage in most sports. They have a tourism industry second to none and a great work ethic, just go to mining towns, full of New Zealanders.
Ah, bless you, sp.
I loved how the debate was all about the 'Oakeshott' bill, which in effect was a repeat of the labor Malaysian solution.
Poor old Rob must have been thrown a morsel to get him a bit of press, as he is probably going to be trashed in the next election.IMO
As soon as it was passed labor were all over it as the Malaysian solution, poor old Rob has made his bed, shame it's burning.LOL

To anyone Gillard appoints you can bet she will dangle a carrot in front of their nose.
Agree with them or not, one thing to admire about Tony Abbott in this is that he has stuck to his principals.
Agree with them or not, one thing to admire about Tony Abbott in this is that he has stuck to his principals.

Has he really stuck to principles or is he just being the archetypal politician, milking the political situation for everything he can?

Certainly the Libs are claiming they won't support Malaysia because it's 'inhumane' and it's not a signatory to the Refugee Convention. But how does this line up with turning boats back, likely containing that 13 year old girl Joe Hockey was so tearfully on about, to Indonesia which is also not a signatory to the convention?

As long as the stalemate is maintained, the boats will keep coming and the government will as a result incur more and more public anger.
If a compromise between the two main parties (forget the Greens) is forged and the problem solved, the public soon forgets that Labor caused such a mess in the first place, and by the time the election occurs, your average voter won't remember what boats arrived when.

You may be right. Mr Abbott may be the most principled politician in the parliament.
My money would be on a different conclusion.
Agree with them or not, one thing to admire about Tony Abbott in this is that he has stuck to his principals.

That is the one thing australians gravitate to, stability, labor have put australia into a complete state of turmoil.
Abbott has played a blinder, while Turnbull and the rest have tried to find a way to bend to labors crap.
Abbott has stood firm with basic policy, which is easy to defend on ethical and political grounds.
The media will start and realise the Gillard stance is politicaly motivated one that is unsustainable, blind Freddy can see that.
Therefore the fall back position for the media is to gravitate to Abbott, otherwise they will lose circulation as the majority tire of their unfounded bias. IMO
I don't think the majority of voters are as thick as labor and the press make out.
The past two days of nonsense on the Malaysia solution has been nothing more than a political stunt by Labor. They knew it would be defeated in the Senate.

Like with Kevin Rudd's "greatest moral challenge of our time", they are now trying to walk away from the mess.

Labor has indicated it could be willing to dump plans to send asylum seekers to Malaysia, after the Senate killed off legislation aimed at restoring offshore processing.

By contrast, Tony Abbott has been consistent as opposition leader. He's wise enough to realise it's not a good idea to volunteer the Coalition into sharing the blame for what would be another Labor disaster.

As I said in an earlier post, there is a difference between turning people back to from whence they came as opposed to sending them to a new destination.
They entered Indonesia of their own free will, to send them back isn't disadvataging them. Just emphasising the futility of going there in the first place.
It is completely different to taking them in and shipping them off to somewhere else. I'm a bit suprised with your take on it Julia, if you fail to see the difference, most of the electorate will.
I don't think the majority of voters are as thick as labor and the press make out.
Watching Leigh Sales interview Chris Bowen on tonight's 7:30 report (ABC link above), look at the expression on Leigh's face near the end as Chris speaks (6:22) and Chris's expession at the end.

He knows he can't hide the stench no matter what he says.
Re: A True Leader would....???

The Greens seem to be that first to have fallen off the cart.

They don't support the Malaysian solution yet support a sunset clause on it. Only a faint hope, but I wonder if Labor will now turn on them. I wouldn't put it past Julia Gillard.

A bit more hot air from Labor, or has a serious attack on the Greens begun ?

Finance Minister Penny Wong also criticised the Greens' unwillingness to pass the legislation. Senator Wong said the Greens had offered "no practical response" to the crisis at hand.

Most likely a bit of hot air (Labor farting) under the covers. They've done that before. They still need each other's love to keep them in office.
The bottom line is:

Gillard does not have a clue - PM? Rubbish! "there will be no decisions or stopping of boats by the Government I lead"

The Greens live in fairy land and have no idea about the real world or the electorate.

Abbott has a solid plan to stop the boats which he will establish if and when he gets into power.

The independents - Labor lackeys just following Gillard's disasters.
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