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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

the (fascists) may change that soon.

You should check who's feet the jack boots are 'el duce' sorry "el dutchie"

Jane Elliot has long known the effects of bigotry on interlect('debtrimetal')... Alas poor Smith, nincompoopism...synonymous ...
What is it $8- $10 billion and counting? go on give it your best estimate?

Australia... Stop the dolts.
The whole business is a joke. No one asked to be born but once through the cathedral door to the outside world we are all equal and should be able to share it equally.

The people on the boats are mostly trying to find a better life. Like most of our forebears who were not only boat people but poisoned and shot those whose land it was. And as the situation around the planet grows, the pressures on fairly empty countries is going to be such that we will not be able to stop the influx.

However we have a lot of empty clear desert land to our northern boarders. Soooo with perhaps some supervision in the beginning these Hethens on Manus I'm sure could become a productive comunity which eventually would become a protective population that would directly control and supervise the continuing problem.

Now if I can contemplate something that may work (maybe not but lets try) why can't the useless pollies do it. Of course big pride in not backing down comes into it if you have the look of Hitler on your dial.

But we can't consider the common sense of a left wing commo Green, now could we. Well because we are overturning and researching good alternatives against the negative crap of the current major parties the Greens will continue to rise to surface. Oh,,, and we cant tree hug much anymore either because the libs and labour have cut most of them down.

Gees the millions wasted on the topic of this thread would just about put a home around all our homeless too.

Read that our pollies turned down NZ's offer to accept the refugees on Manus?

If true, wtf?

You don't have other injustices against Australians to fight about? If fighting one battle at a time is your grand strategy, start at the top man.

The recently leaked documents - Paradise Papers - showed multinationals and the uber rich not paying their taxes to Australia.

Nike made sales of some $500m a year in Australia yet somehow paid only $4m in taxes. Now... a pair of Nike goes for at least $120... the costs for them to produce is about $2.

Misplaced priorities, maybe?
Off topic, absolutely.

NZ can afford to be all care and no responsibility by virtue of its location. It's not their shores people smugglers would target as a result.

Responsibility to whom? The Australian people?

When's the last time you, me and most Australian battlers pay 1% or less on our revenue (income)?

Nike, Apple, Google etc. etc. pay diddly on their hundreds of millions in (non)profit they do (not) earned in Australia... yet somehow a bunch of desperate people on leaky boats seeking a better life, maybe an escape from the non-ethnic cleansing... yea, they're the ones who break the rules and steal our stuff.

And if NZ can afford to take in the illegals and future-terrorists on Manus, who the heck are we to deny those people the opportunities?

We need to lock up desperate people to make an example out of? Or our struggling Aussie contractors need those billions a year?
What the Government is doing to asylum seekers in the name of Australia.

Behrouz Boochani exposed Australia's evil on Manus. The shame will outlive us all
Richard Flanagan
We are now known as the inventors of a vile form of repression. Instead of thanking the refugee reporter for alerting us to what was happening to our country, we enabled his imprisonment

• Manus Island police use long metal poles to beat refugees


Friday 24 November 2017 02.03 GMT Last modified on Friday 24 November 2017 04.02 GMT

So this is what we have come to as a nation.

The wretched of the earth, because they were no longer safe where they lived, sought to come here. With a determined cruelty, we kidnapped and imprisoned them in Pacific lagers. These lagers became synonymous with the idea of hellholes because it was important to our government that they be – and be known as – hellholes.

On this policy of deterrence, as it was called, which had as its declared purpose to make innocent human beings suffer indefinitely, we spent billions of dollars. To this end we had truck with vile regimes such as Sri Lanka’s. And to this end we began forsaking our democratic rights.

In the camps the refugees were made to answer to numbers given to them as their new identity. Denied their names they were not even allowed their stories. Every attempt that could be made was made by the Australian government, from the petty to the disturbing, to deny journalists access to the Pacific lager. When it came to imprisoned refugees free speech became a crime: for some years any doctor, nurse or social worker in the camps who publicly reported on the many instances, now well-documented, of rape, murder, suicide and sexual abuse of refugees was liable to two years’ imprisonment.

Because evil was being done to the innocent, and to that truth there is finally no justification that even the most powerful could make. And so it mattered that Australians not know of the mounting crimes for which all Australians will be finally accountable.

All this too was done in our name by our governments, of both left and right. And, more or less, if we didn’t tacitly agree, few of us disagreed enough. And perhaps we didn’t really want to know.
What is the issue at Manus prison ? FREEDOM,

Put yourself in their shoes.

All we want is freedom – not another prison camp
Behrouz Boochani
Over the past four years we have become a mere subject for politicians and the media. Our human dignity has been debased and all our dreams shattered



Contact author


Monday 13 November 2017 01.14 GMT Last modified on Monday 13 November 2017 06.57 GMT

Manus prison has reached a historic landmark. It’s a culmination of years of premeditated violence and affliction. For more than 10 days hundreds of refugees have been refusing to leave the prison camp and, as a result, the situation has morphed into a large-scale humanitarian crisis. If things deteriorate further, we will witness a disaster beyond imagination.

For many who are watching from Australia or other parts of the world, particular questions have arisen, including: why are the refugees refusing to leave the camp? From the perspective of someone who has lived in this prison for more than four years and who has been critically analysing the politics of offshore processing throughout this time, I am certain that there is a misconception of the main reason behind our resistance – a misinterpretation of the principle driving the stand taken by the refugees. This mistake has both been made by people who are actively supporting the refugees and by individuals who have been indifferent toward the events in Manus and Nauru prisons all these years. And it also pertains to those who have supported the government’s political strategy.

Understandable of course. But one may say "him and untold thousands of others in the same position".

1.We have no capacity to take indefinite numbers of arrivals.

2. He comes from Iran. How many other countries that signed the Refugee Convention did he come through or past to get to Australia ? Why did he not settle in the closest available country ?

No capacity?

Australia is a very big place.

No money? We spent how many billions on those camps? They don't go to the refugees. A few pack of noodles a day, a tent... those don't cost billions. That and oh... stop spending hundreds of millions on foreign wars might save a few bucks.

Take a look at Iran. It's between Iraq and Afghanistan. Those aren't exactly peaceful places since 2001. That and there are actually refugees in Iraq and Afghanistan. They actually flee to the nearest place seeking refuge.

We are being conditioned to fear and hate fellow human beings. It's social engineering at its most farked. If we just let it happen, it will not stop at refugees and foreigners. It'll make its way to us hating our neighbours, our widows and orphans. Then maybe ourselves one day.
Take a look at Iran. It's between Iraq and Afghanistan. Those aren't exactly peaceful places since 2001. That and there are actually refugees in Iraq and Afghanistan. They actually flee to the nearest place seeking refuge.

They could go to Saudi Arabia or Oman, Kuwait or Jordan, just across the Persian Gulf. All Muslim countries who I'm sure would want to look after their buddies.
They could go to Saudi Arabia or Oman, Kuwait or Jordan, just across the Persian Gulf. All Muslim countries who I'm sure would want to look after their buddies.

Muslim or any country that would not shoot them on sight they goes to. Look it up.

Syrians flee to Lebanon, Syrians to Iraq, Jordan; Afghanis to Iran, Iraq. Africans to Libya...

They even run to Israel for crying out loud. Muslims going to Israel seeking refuge. But most are Jewish by faith, black by skin tone so they "aren't really Jews" and so are locked up in the desert.

As to Muslims all being friends and buddies... you haven't read the news about the siege on Yemen by Saudi Arabia, the UAE [?] and supported [permitted] by Uncle Sam and the UK.

Yemen is completely blockaded. Air, Sea, Land... nothing goes in or out without being shot at or shoot down. Kids, elderly, terrorists... all die and starve since 2014.

The US spent, so far, about $2 Trillion a piece in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we think it's horrific what a few jet liners crashing into buildings... and it is horrific and barbaric... think of what $4 trillion of arms can do. They don't all land on terrorists and tear them to shreds.

I guess only the Romans graze cities to the ground and call it peace.

Makes manus look like a tropical holiday.

They are living in high standards compared to the locals ( a lot of Australians as well) and they have freedom to move around the island.

The pictures we get fed are from activists on a campaign.

"Stop the boats" worked.
We still take in refugees.
Its unfortunate these guys got the short end of the stick. But hey they are safe from their home countries.

The complaint is indefinite detention, not that the conditions are not luxurious.

New Zealand offered to take them, our OZ politicians says no. Why?

1. It set a bad example and entice desperate people to risk their lives on the high seas instead of being civilised, book themselves on a plane and have a few hundred thousands in the bank like normal people.

2. Contracts are important. Corporate welfare also important. How will the suppliers and corporations that manage those camps earn enough to pay dividends to shareholders if there's no refugees to screw and milk? Go to NZ?

The headline read militants target Sinai mosque.

To be that racist you got to wait until the terrorists hit Christians and Jews or something. It just doesn't give oompf to the Islam is Evil when "the muslim" kill their "fellow" Muslims.

Ah yes, spending trillions of dollars to flatten cities... I guess that's peace keeping and anti-terrorism good work.

Try to see it from the other perspective. Shoe on the other foot kind of thing that Jesus probably taught.
What is the issue at Manus prison ? FREEDOM,

Put yourself in their shoes.
The worst shoes to be in are those on the floor of the Indian Ocean.

I hope I'm wrong but I'm anticipating they'll be more after Labor return to office.
The worst shoes to be in are those on the floor of the Indian Ocean.

I hope I'm wrong but I'm anticipating they'll be more after Labor return to office.
Why is it the same crowd that feign concern for the refugees that perished at sea when they dont give a f*ck anyway and would be the first to volunteer to maintain the borders with guns drawn. Bloody hypocrites.
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