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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

It does not break or circumvent any International protocol to seek refuge, by whatever mean. There is no such agreement about having to go to a recognised refugee camp, even if there's one.

And genuine refugees cannot just turn up to a UN office or an OZ embassy to file a claim. It just doesn't work that way. I mean, it's like telling a person who needs help to wait at some non-existence camp X, not knocking at your door for help because that would jump some queue.

As said before... no one is saying Australia should take all who turns up; nor should we be the only country to pay for the offshore gulag either. Make it a regional or an international issue... get others to chip in. Doing what we're doing doesn't help anyone, most important of us, not helping ourselves.

It's a myth that refugees flee, get settled and just stay on welfare.

They might claim welfare, work in some sweat shop or odd jobs for cash... So that's cheating... but they will soon learn the language, get a proper job [if anything it's how they can buy a house].

The world is not over populated. It's just that wealth are not spread more equitably. And we're all poorer for it.

Headline today showed that the top 5 richest men in the world own half of it.

How many can of Coke or house do you reckon Buffett would buy? How much intellectual vigour and hard labour do you think he could produce? Not half the world's combined.
July was another month with no boats.

It's now been 3 years since a successful people smuggling operation by boat.

I think the demand for Australia, as a destination, will be diminishing rapidly and not because of the border protection.
The land of milk and honey, is rapidly becoming the great south whirlpool, there won't be backlogs in Indonesia soon.
Other destinations will be far more enticing.IMO
July was another month with no boats.

It's now been 3 years since a successful people smuggling operation by boat.

Eternal vigilance my friend.

We can never be certain what bs "war" or "famine" or "genocide" asails the parasites to get on a leaky boat and pray that they don't die of thirst, hunger or just a freak wave, or pirate attacks, or suffocate... to get a fresh start in a free country.

If conditions are really bad, there's always a line (somewhere), always easy access to a refugee camp (somewhere), or just a passport and enough money to hire translators to call up the embassy.

This is Australia, dam it! We want our refugees to come here on a jet.

You're not talking refugees there Homer. Those would be economic migrants... the clean cut, English-speaking, highly qualified with proper visa and sponsorship. They might not see Australia as that land of milk and honey.

For refugees...
You're not talking refugees there Homer. Those would be economic migrants... the clean cut, English-speaking, highly qualified with proper visa and sponsorship. They might not see Australia as that land of milk and honey.

For refugees...

Yes Iuutzu, I was meaning those that chose the shortcut, by greasing palms with gold, not those who are genuine.
I came here as a migrant at 8 years old, I have embraced the Aussie culture of giving it your best shot, and have been successful to a small degree.
What I hate, is those who want to bring their baggage with them and those who want to circumvent because they can.

The problem with that analogy is, they travel through many safe Countries, before they get here.
The problem with that analogy is, they travel through many safe Countries, before they get here.

Maybe those safe countries are not welcoming, not signatories to the UNHCR refugee convention - i.e. temporarily shelter and assess anyone who seeks/request asylum.

That and if your home is so screwed that you're forced to leave it, chances are you'd want to settle where there's little to no chance of more wars or famine, where your children won't have to one day be forced to run or die again.

It's only human to do that isn't it?

All refugees I know embrace the new culture in Australia. As long as that culture is one that demand loyalty to the country, obey its laws, don't hurt or harm anyone... then do whatever else you want to.

Open restaurants, eat Halal, worship and pray to whatever diety/ies you like.

To ask them to become White and American... that you'll need to wait a couple of generations.

Those safe Countries are not welcoming, generally due to the conflict they have had with refugees in the past, we haven't had the same issues.
That doesn't mean we won't end up with the same issues, most Countries do, as France and Thailand are experiencing.
To use the the poor me card, to endear oneself then bite the hand that feeds you, isn't human either.

There is nothing wrong with that, to hold on to past that you are trying to escape, is unforgivable.
Also to assimilate, then abuse the Country where you took refuge, is a disgrace.
We see it with the drug cartels from refugee backgrounds.
Yet you say turn a blind eye to illegal entry, it is a weird stance from my perspective.
If someone has money, there are ways of legal entry, why take illegal options.

With regard the 'white and American' crap.
No one wants anyone to become white, most Aussies get cancer, from trying to turn brown.
I'm getting a bit fed up with people playing the colour, sex discrimination card, why can't people just be the best they can, in Australia that usually gets you there.
There are too many people, wanting someone else to push their cart, at the moment.
Absolutely. Cost of living here is way too much. Hey governuts please make more houses and bring more people in to tax and keep the coffers going lol
Um white american? wtf are you talking about. How about consideration for australians who have been here for a little longer?
Yes we need more reality tv shows... like i need a hole in the head. welcome to social media crap facef uck and twatter come to mind lol
A migrant myself, I have spent too many minutes of my life trying to have Luutzu see the light or at least have the tools to see it, but he is locked in a mindset where he wants to see his migrant past as similar to the one of the illegal immigrants flooding in the west and has a deep hatred of the American [western world] and associated.
Nothing you can say, no figure you can show will change that, ignore list is the only option I am afraid as there can be no debate
Um white american? wtf are you talking about. How about consideration for australians who have been here for a little longer?

It's my attempt at humour, mate

Most of our popular culture are live-stream from the US isn't it? Maybe for those without a good internet connection it's still Britain.
It's my attempt at humour, mate

Most of our popular culture are live-stream from the US isn't it? Maybe for those without a good internet connection it's still Britain.
No way I always watch yummy mumies and home and away and all the other really good free to air tv programs Fantastic stuff. and when I get bored I hop on facef cuk and the other vast plethra of social media. But watch out you don't get bullied because OMG this is the real deal. Whatever social media says is 100% true lol

How many refugees "bite the hands that feed them"?

That's not to say there's no criminal activity and such among the refugees, just that's what you'll find in any population, anywhere.

Until we walk in other people's shoes, maybe shouldn't listen to media reports and commentators blabbering about why people are so and so and deserve to die.

Just use search for Syria or Mosul or anywhere in the ME. What would you do, stay there and die? Stay indoor as told and die?

The vast majority of refugees in the M.E. run to their nearest refugee camps in neighbouring deserts. It's when those are full that they have to get on a floaty and decided to invade Europe.
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