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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

And for those who think the Greens are sitting on the fence with no idea of solutions, think again.
That almost reads like a threat.

I've never had any doubt that there's an ideological agenda behind the Greens position on this and that that agenda is not in our national interest.
That almost reads like a threat.

I've never had any doubt that there's an ideological agenda behind the Greens position on this and that that agenda is not in our national interest.

Sorry if there was an edge sounding there. Its just that some on here describe us in very draconian ways at times and it does get up my skirt a bit.

I think you are behind the times plod.

Doesn't current government already have plans to develop the northern part of Australia with new dams for irrigating new crops to feed the south East Asian region.....I once read where the government has some 100 sites for selection to build a dam.

But then again I guess our dear sweet Greenies would raise lots of objection as to reason why the government could build dam here or there because it is the home of the rare pink tongue green frog or the red nose wombat......No No No, you can't chop down that tree because there is koala lining in it.......The Green tree huggers would be there in the rent a crowd....I think you have overlooked the point to develop land for crops, it will require land clearing which the Greens are firmly against.....So how do you overcome that aspect?

There is one thing I do agree with you and I have said it before, if those dole bludgers don't want to work give them the alternative, work of go in the army.
You dont need dams for permaculture hydroponics. Just small individual spaces and very little water. In fact, covered over no water.

I could supervise ten people for an immediate start to feed and care for ten families. I know a number of other ex professionals who would do it also as volunteers. In fact, if i could not supervise 100 conscript troops I'd eat my hat. And I'd soon have the best dozen or so sorted and promoted to take over.

This stuffing around for many years to waste millions on dams is crapola. This country needs some imagination built into real action now. Time for drastic measures and its called " having a go"

Plod, you are all over the shop with your posts.

One minute you are talking about opening up vast amounts of land in the Northern region of Australia (your post # 4039) regarding land clearing which would need vast amounts of water for irrigation to feed crops and now you are talking about permaculture hydroponics.

I have not heard of any large commercialized hydroponic ventures that have been successful.....A friend of mine tried it up in Mareeba and he went down the gurgler with it......Hydroponics is for hobby farmers in my opinion.

So we don't need dams.....well my oh my....You have lost me or was it because I mentioned those RAT BAG Greenies who want to stop progress and development with their whacky protests.

Again you are not taking it all in.

Hydrponic permaculture is done on a small scale. Each refugee family could have thier own with their own dwelling. The idea is to have thousands of these across the breadth of northern Australia to populate the place with people who are self sufficient and no drain on society.

My idea is probably a bit rough round the edges but with thought we could do better than the Dutton nuthin stalemate to nowhere of the moment.

It would certainly not cost a million per person over three years as it has on Manus Island.

But about these vast amounts of land you speak of to be opened up for development or is that just with a forked tongue once I mentioned the whacky Green who would do every thing in their power to stop it.
But about these vast amounts of land you speak of to be opened up for development or is that just with a forked tongue once I mentioned the whacky Green who would do every thing in their power to stop it.

The Greens have changed enourmously in the last few years. A few ingrained socialists in NSW but they are being isolated and left behind by more educated progressives.

The Jewish population in the middle east have turned deserts into food productive havens by these methods. It is our empty deserts I have in mind.

I'm sorry if I'm misreading your above post , whilst I agree with perma-culture and it's benefits as I've personally seen it in action . Low water usage and the the use of no chemical pest control ect .
The comment I can not get my head around is that you believe that you can hand land over to refugees to "populate " the place . Probably like the ones on the ABC news with 16 kids and 3 wives that are crying that there is no money to feed the family. How could you possibly think the Government could keep these peoples on the land they are given ? It is a well known fact the refugees are settled in regional areas and are asked to spend a certain time frame there , once that has is expired most flock to the big cities to join with others of their same culture.
Do you not think that these same peoples would not apply to the human rights commission to have access to welfare , medicare and other government funded services ? I'm sorry but your idea is typical of Green one world ideology , society doesn't work like this for good reasons. Money doesn't grow on trees and all you will be creating is another poor and neglected slum as we see in those regions overseas , but you want it on our doorstep.

I think the idea is to bulldoze forests, fauna, flora and old growth rather than interfere with finely balanced eco-structure of a wasteland.
Well Tisme we were on the right track. Last nights Q@A discussed just those points.

Monash academic Erin Watson-Lynn stated that Australia was missing an enormous opportunity in not utilising the labour and talents of the assylum seekers and they should be viewed as a boon for the country. Such people from other countires in tbe past proved entrepreneurial and most likely to start business.

I know many of you think old Plod's a bit nuts. However having worked in a Research Department for five years and being a creative (and lettered) artist I can attest that "from ideas, crazy or not comes innovation" .

Yeh, perhaps conscription is a bit over the fence but feel we could pass laws to enforce these people to stay and develop within a stipulated place for a stipulated period. And freedom to society would only come when they have achieved set out objectives. If we keep business out of it and keep it supervised under government personnell and statutory regulations it could be done.

So instead of going crook tell us the next move to improve or create a better idea. .
And it remains the case that this is a separate point to whether or not a country is in control of its broader immigration program of which asylum seekers are a part.

You would have BUCKLEYS chance of getting those refuges or illegal immigrants from moving out of their comfort zones in West Sydney where they can pray in their Mosques 3 or 4 times a day and where they can enjoy the social security cheques sent to them every fortnight for their 3 wives and 15 or 16 kids.
We have problems trying to get Australians working in remote places and that is why we have so many coming here on 457 visas....Further more what experienced do those illegals have to work the land.....Oh I see your answer coming, get the government to spend more money training them.

You would have BUCKLEYS chance of getting those refuges or illegal immigrants from moving out of their comfort zones in West Sydney where they can pray in their Mosques 3 or 4 times a day and where they can enjoy the social security cheques sent to them every fortnight for their 3 wives and 15 or 16 kids.
We have problems trying to get Australians working in remote places and that is why we have so many coming here on 457 visas....Furthermore what experienced do those illegals have to work the land.....Oh I see your answer coming, get the government to spend more money training them......Supply them free house, machinery, fertilizer and insecticides.

Great idea.

Go back to sleep. We are discussing those on Manus Island ole Pal

If you take note my idea is for them to create thier own envioronment and pay thier own way. And in a sense they will remain unded house arrest so to speak untill they do. Read my previous posts together for context.

The idea that nothing can happen without large spend is wrong.

Wake up ole ain't gonna happen.....Read the papers...listen to the news.....those on Manus have 3 choices, either go home from where they came or settle in PNG or Cambodia.....

They have been told 100 times, they are not coming to Australia......Your idea is therefore irrelevant.

Ideas are just that, and as the deadlock goes further other ways will have to be sought. The forum is a good place to work on new ways for the future. I suppose if you've not had creative ideas before its a bit tough to imagine anything but the lobbyists behind polititions dictating it. Sit back in the chair in front of the box and watch as a mute.

Not this ole duck, I'll keep shovelling for improvement till I die.

Yeah so long as it suits the Water Melon Party agenda.
Having refugees working on public projects and paying their way is a far better idea than having them rotting away in concentration camps.

If they do well they get to stay, if they don't they go back to Nauru.

This idea should be further explored. The current system is a no win situation for anyone, including our national image.
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