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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

If all their documents are destroyed and no copies or new document can be issued from their home country, then it's up to the migration officer how genuine the case for asylum is.

I would assume that in most cases, when they apply for refugee status they will send for their documents from relatives back home.

Getting a refugee or any sort of visa into the Western countries are not easy. I've seen news and documentary showing how the process starts with the UNHCR, then if they are sastisfied it'd be refereed to the third country for further checks and interviews; then if pass that then it's onto health checks etc.

Entire process takes over two years.

So the recent Syrians into Europe.. they have to, most of them, because the other camps around the region are all full. And being full because more refugees are being made than there are places and countries that would take them.

So them making that journey would mean they're "skipping the queue"... but there's no more queue to line up in. And the only benefit they gain is that they have their claims assessed sooner because they forced it on the Europeans.

We in the West have our quotas, which is somewhat generous... but those quotas are for "normal" times.

There are some 9 wars going on the the ME and North Africa at the moment; there's a couple in Eastern Europe and a couple more that might start soon... Time is anything but normal.

While the bubble gums was a nice visual aid, the entire premise is flawed.

First, he claimed, correctly I'm assuming, that more than half the world earn less than $2 a day - living under the poverty line, way under.

So that's around 3.5 billion people being poor and wouldn't mind at all earning twice or three times their current wage at $6 a day.

He then conclude that since there are so many poor people, we can't help them all by taking them in to our country so we have to help them where they live. That's also true.

What's false and misleading is that... well those 3.5 billion people are not seeking asylum. They wouldn't mind having similar standard of living as the West, but they are not seeking refuge, are they? They are still living where they were born, still around their family and trying to make ends meet with whatever they can scrape.

So the claim that refugees are poor people (implying they're economic migrants) and we can't help all poor people... is misleading.

UN define refugee as: "A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence."

So OK, we can't bring all the poor people of the world into the West... can we bring in some refugees or they're all one and the same?

Put another way... if we see poor and homeless people walking down the street... we might feel sorry for them and wish their situation has been better but we can't bring them all into our house.

But what if we see people being chased down the street by a killer and they're screaming for help? What if chased by ISIS? Or their house is in the way of our drones and jets, or that of Russia's and Assad and other nice armies around?

Soo... they're poor, what they have are either blown away and they're running from what's coming to them any day. This guy is spinning it and tell us to just focus on the them being poor bits.
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Wow..What an eye opener....And yet the world is spending trillions of dollars om weapons and fighting wars and terrorists.

Give any normal person a couple trillion dollars and they could bring peace and prosperity to billions with stupid things like funding schools and building homes and creating jobs in infrastructures and research and science and might make a few billion friends from the returns and reinvestment from the initial trillions.

Give the same to a bunch of warmongers and little Napoleons and they literally set the world on fire. Flattening cities and causing death and destruction abroad and insecurity and poverty at home. Then come ask for a few more please - for peace keeping and our own security of course.
The Hooker...

An Illegal Immigrant picks up a hooker.

"Hey, how much you charge for da hour, sister?" he asks.
"$100" she replies.

In broken English, he says,
"Do you do immigrant style?
"No" she says.

"I pay you $200 to do immigrant style."
"No, “she says, not knowing what immigrant style is.

"I pay you $300."
"No" she says.

"I pay you $400.
"No" she says.

So finally he says,
"OK, I pay $1,000 to do immigrant style."

She thinks, “Well, I've been in the game for over 10 years now. I've had every kind of request from weirdoes from every part of the world. How bad could immigrant style be?

So she agrees and has sex with him.

Finally, they finish.

Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says,
"Hey, I was expecting something perverted and disgusting. But that was ok. So, what exactly is immigrant style?"

The illegal immigrant replies, "You send bill to Government."


Screwing us and we pay!
The Hooker...

An Illegal Immigrant picks up a hooker....


Screwing us and we pay!

I think illegal immigrants were already screwed, that's why they fled.

Some of them might fled from friends and allies of ours; some fled from consequences of our grand strategies for world peace and whatnot. And those who aren't fleeing from war and terror flee because trade policies we sold to them and their corrupt gov't fair and square send the poor bastards running for a low wage job across the border.

Have you seen The Big Short? Even a couple of Wall St type making hundreds of millions see who's screwing the people.
The OSB monthly update for December has been published and it's been another month with no boats.

Also of interest is the turn back stats in the 2 years since that element of the program began.

From the first turn back on 19 December 2013 through to 31 December 2015, OSB has returned 685 people aboard 23 ventures to their countries of departure.

The success of the overall policy over the past two years is illustrated in the following tables both in terms of the number of attempts and more importantly from the perspective of our border security, the number of successes.
Some where in Dante's fictional rings of hell there is someone buggering a child as a warning to others not to go there. You Smith and your fellow travelers have give us the reality....

Why take it out on Dr.Smith?.......He is only forwarding a report.....You seem to be advocating Dr.Smith is in favor of what has transpired.......You don't really know what the good Doc thinks.

He has also commented on the division within the Labor Party.......The Labor Party are at odds with each other on the matter.
I wonder how long the public is going to go along with the charade that the policy is a preventative drowning measure, when we all know it's zenophobia in play.

The magnitude of selective misopedia is stain on our conscience that will one day be brought to account as a shame. Of course there are those who just don't value children, their welfare and well being.

I think that there is both xenophobia and a belief that mandatory detention saves lives, but you are right, the lifesaving feature is the excuse rather than the reason.

No children (over breastfeeding age) should be in detention, they should be going to school, hopefully with the prospect of turning them into integrated Australians rather than potential Aussie hating terrorists.

That both the previous and current governments have seen fit to keep them in detention is a shame on them and the whole country.

If those twits had not thrown there ID's over board on the way to Australia via Indonesia and people smugglers, they would not be in detention for the length of time they now experience...In many cases, kids are still in detention because their parents want it that way and they will remain there until such times as the Australian government can establish where they come from and if the father has a criminal record.

Nobody can deny the fact that since the people smugglers have been out of business, there has been no deaths at sea.

Nobody can deny the fact that sexual abuse may take place on Nauru but this practice is more prevalent in the Australian Aboriginal communities of which there is very little publicity given but because it happens in a detention center, the Human rights, lefties and the Greens make a big scene of it....Sexual abuse is also happening in our own Australian homes every day....Very seldom do you hear about it that either.

A child of 5 is sexually abused on Nauru and the whole world knows about it.
The Anglican Church has now offered sanctuary to the asylum seekers who are supposed to be sent back to Nauru. If the government wants them they will have to invade the cathedrals and drag them off the Bishops (so to speak. )

It will be so interesting to see how the politicians and the public react to this. I wonder what the reaction would be if Mosques also offered protection asylum seekers? Or the Salvation Army ?

Watch this space
And of course there are those who just value their children, their welfare and well being... Think again..but what would I know eh.
The fundamental lesson here is not to break what was fixed but that's what Labor did after it took office in 2007 and something Labor still struggles with judging by Tanya Plibersek's comments as reported above.
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