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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

HOAX ... No Phuc Dat Bich

Also read this and thought of the "Resisting climate hysteria thread" ... for the life of me I don't know why?
A test it has passed.

The Indonesian captain of the above boat has also previously been a naughty boy,

After squawking about wanting to know more about this boat when the media reports appeared, Labor's Richard Marles has gone deathly silent and the best SHY could come up with was this,

Green senator Sarah Hanson-Young said the Turnbull government has "serious questions" to answer if the boat was allowed to run out of fuel before washing up in Indonesia.

As for Indonesia, as long as we keep turning these Indonesian vessels back, we're not in a weakened position in any co-operation.

The UN just release a report estimating that there are some 60 million refugees in the world today - the highest number on record.

So maybe give some thought to why there are so many being displaced and forced to flee their home. That might solve the people smuggler and economic migration crisis we're all worried about.

I mean, we could put all the fences and buy all the cameras and guns we want to keep the bad guys out... sometime such efforts are useless if the entire neighbourhood are stuffed.

Since this is the only neighbourhood in the solar system, if not the galaxy, maybe get vocal about our masters not riding around with advanced weapons and good propaganda blowing things up... that might help.
So maybe give some thought to why there are so many being displaced and forced to flee their home. That might solve the people smuggler and economic migration crisis we're all worried about.
Push factors vs pull factors.

Push factors were Labor's first excuse when the boats started to return after softening the Howard government's border protection policies.

Been there, done that. It remains the responsibility of the governments of individual countries to maintain control of their borders and manage the global asylum task through ordered processes and not delegate that to illegal people smuggling operations.

So what R they fleeing from?

It is either Communism or extreme Islam....Both are evil so what do you propose should be done?..Still bring them to Australia so they practice their Sharia Law or Fabianism (communism) and disrupt our way of is happening now and should be stopped......You come to accept our way of life or piss off!......I am utterly sick of these do gooders.

We are currently bearing the stupidity of the Fabian indoctrinated Labor party who allowed 50,000 to enter the country illegally and who are still a burden on the tax payers....we have agreed to take in 12,000 Syrian asylum seekers which all added together is adding to blow out in social welfare.....

Who is going to pay for all this and where will the money come from.....Ah yes will say the government....And where will the government get the money from?.......Um yes and me and you will be the first to scream from the roof tops if the government raises taxes to pay for it.

Most likely you and the Greens would would be happy to take in 60 million......

We are carrying enough financial legacy from the Labor Party without making the matter worse.

People smugglers, like all transport operators, simply charge a fee for a trip on their boat. They do not force people to want to get on that boat.

We can argue about them smugglers not providing safe vessels, life jackets and comfortable seating for refugees... but ey, if them refugees are rich enough, they'd be flying economy and no body will blame them for being economic migrants.

If they could get to Australia from Indonesia flying economy for less than $1000,(I think it is less than $300 via Bali to Townsville) why do they pay people smugglers $10,000?

The illegal immigrants are not genuine refugees fleeing persecution, they are economic refugees and that is why they throw their ID's over board...If they were genuine and keep their passports and visas they would have been processed in the the same way if they had come in by aircraft.....through costumes and immigration.

I think your argument has been shot down in flames.

take in them 60 million, add our 25 million, factor in their birthrate, and within a generation Australia will have enough economic power and human resource to take over the world! Instead of being mini-Me to the yanks and the poms.

Serious, Australia need a much larger population to make a bunch of infrastructure projects economical.

With larger population we might come to actually know what to do with the abundant natural resources we got - instead of getting machines to mine and ship them off cheaply overseas, and having multi-national miners not actually paying much on the funny profit they're not making on it.

Which brings us to the main event.

Most Australian on an average income of $75,000 pay more in income tax than most of the largest corporations in Australia.

But we're worried about the poor on welfare and the refugees breaking our bank account. They're the one that did it.

Another example... A US Tomahawk missile costs $US1.5M each. That's about the same income an average person earn over their entire life yes? Normal people could build a decent public library with that, maybe replace a few demountables with proper brick and mortar classrooms for the kids.. and create a few jobs while we're at it too.

And who knows, that tomahawk equivalent might turn out a few bright kids with them books and teachers.

The US spent about $2 trillion a pop on Afghanistan and Iraq (2014 figure from memory)... I don't think their country are richer or their people more secure because of it. And the fact that ISIS and a few other crazies are dragging them (and us) into Syria where the Russians are also trigger happy there...

Forget climate change, which of course don't exists... might create ourselves a nuclear winter overnight with these proxy wars, leading to edgy generals, leading to possible mistakes about the other side's First Strike and nuclear retaliation that's on hair trigger alert.

It's like a movie... only it's real, and we could all die.

Anyway... dam refugees... coming over here ruining my country and my way of life with their meanness, terrorism and blind hatred of people who don't look and sound like them.

If they have $10,000, like you say... then they're risking their life with the rickety boat and the nice people smugglers. If they have $500,000 they'd be dealing with Qantas and Virgin and a few visits to Australian embassies.

Have said it before.. if they are found to not be genuine refugees, then we don't accept them (money talk, bs about freedom and dreams walk, or drown).

That UN report estimate 60 million refugees and dislocated people. UN figure. Of people who flee from their home because they can't stand being bombed on or beng shoot at or having their head cut off by ISIS and them other crazy warlords.

Call them economic migrants if you want. But if war were brought to our front door, our water supply destroyed or became toxic, our job and meagre way of life wiped off... maybe we would get out of there searching for safety as well as economic help like having a job where you don't get blown up any second.


Told you before, most refugees don't bring along their real ID.
Most don't even have ID in form of passports. You think people living in villages, earning maybe $300 a year would be flying anywhere ever?

So If they did not have passports or ID's how did they get into Indonesia?...They all flew in through immigration and customs with passports and visas and then threw them overboard once they got onto leaky smugglers boats.

What is this $500,000 you talk about?...As I stated you can fly from Townsville to Bali and return for $300...why pay $10,000 and risk the chance of drowning like over 1250 did under Rudd/Gillard/Rudd.

Your argument does not hold water...only the leaky smugglers boats hold water.
I think the real issue is being missed... With so many refugees isn't it better to be taking those who have been waiting in camps? They are the real refugees who don't have money for smugglers and who are prepared to do it tough in crowded conditions rather than return to persecution. Most likely have their papers too.

Boat arrivals so often seem to have ditched their ID. If they are genuine refugees you would think their ID would be important to them. And it's too big a loophole for would be terrorists to get in without ID or much scrutiny.

Surely taking those who are clearly genuine refugees who have been security checked and waiting a long time is a far superior system. Also they can be properly checked for security reasons prior to being brought into Australia.

Australia is already doing this with refugees with Syria - possibly something that wouldn't have happened it we'd had thousands more unauthorised boat arrivals taking advantage of a stretched welfare system and who may not even actually be refugees.

The wave of Syrian refugees we saw in recent months heading to Europe do so because all the refugee camps nearby are full and can no longer accept anymore of them.

I heard that there's a few millions in Jordan, a few million in Lebanon.. and there are even refugees from Iraq in Iran; Syrian refugees fleeing to Iraq recently; and those in Turkey have been there since the war start in 2011 and seeing no end in sight, that and Turkey is getting drawn into Syria and the alliance etc.

Then there's those in Africa fleeing to neighbouring African refugee camps for at least a decade now.

It's only when conditions got much much worst, creating more and more refugees that they flow into Europe. And when they get to Europe that's when the world know there's this refugee crisis.


In terms procedures. Yes proper checks must be made; and they are. There's security checks, then health if all the paper works and claims are met. These are done and should be.

All the more reason that those using smugglers and getting rid of their IDs should take second preference to those who are deemed to be genuine refugees and who have proven so by waiting in camps for placement.

Very difficult to thoroughly check background when IDs have been destroyed as we understand has been the case with many boat arrivals under the last government.

Was saying that if a person from the rich countries want to migrate to another rich country, all they need is some cash and fly over; If they're from the poorer countries, they'd need about half a million dollars and that'll take care of the paper works and all the requirements they'd need to legally get on over.

They don't even need to pay or bring all that cash. Just show they have it, apply for a student visa or work visa.. done. are romancing with yourself ...where is your link to what you are saying...back it up or drop out of the argument. are romancing with yourself ...where is your link to what you are saying...back it up or drop out of the argument.

You can check them from Dept of Immigration sites.

I know people who have done exactly what I just said.

There are many Aussie graduates who decided to live a couple years abroad so hop on a plane and off to the UK or US they go. They would then travel the place as they find some casual job, or if they're more qualified find more stable employment and could in a few years apply to migrate permanently. Or go back to Australia and raise a family here.

There's that 457 visa program and skilled migrant intake.

It's tougher if you're from a poor country to get over... but if you're qualified, have enough dollars... you could get sponsored over or come over to study and maybe find a spouse and stay permanently.
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