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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

If we Australians ddi that in a Muslim country we would probably have out throats slit, stone to death or shot.

Well of course these are probably Australian children we are talking about and

1.) I think there are still expat secular schools for the English speaking
2.) Australians a unlikely to be so impolite
3.) Australians living there are likely Muslim anyway
4.) I don't think they play the Australian National Anthem in Muslim country schools to walk out on.
Now you want to argue push factors.

That was the Rudd government's first line of defence when the boats started again after it softened the Howard government's policies.

A return to the stronger border protection policies post Labor demonstrates otherwise.

Of course it works. That's why former Captain Abbott is in London spreading the Gospel, well, not literally the Bible Gospel to love thy neighbour.. have to ignore that part of the Bible, but the Gospel according to Tony... to be tough, to ignore your conscience and your God's teachings or else... else Europe will be forever change and change is never good.

Always bad. Especially when it involves Muslims and Islam whose religion are obviously evil and bad while Christians are good, but ignore the good in it to keep it good.

Ah well, I guess all the other billions of poor people around the world have never heard of the riches of Western nations and its welfare. Dam! Bill Gates and his Foundation plans to give the poor mobile devices so they can read and learn about these river of gold.

This is well worth a read.

A few highlights imo

Too much to list so I encourage people to have a read
This is well worth a read.

A few highlights imo

Too much to list so I encourage people to have a read

Interesting that you jumped straight to the bit that make it seem like a Murdoch press article and gloss the rest

I'll just leave the very topmost post here...

Says it all and then some.
Interesting that you jumped straight to the bit that make it seem like a Murdoch press article and gloss the rest

I'll just leave the very topmost post here...

Says it all and then some.

I did actually read it all Sinner and found that these were the big things that caught my eye as it surprised me to see him saying that it is a common practice for economic migrants to rip up the their documents and that they know how to game the system. My position has been that this is just hyperbole but this Q&A makes me question that.

It's also quite concerning to see him describe the conditions that workers are subjected to and the violent acts against them which isn't how I would have thought it would have been. It is worth noting though that he does speculate that as Manus uses locals as guards that his would be reversed and they may well abuse the detainees.
Interesting Timeline:
To allow another 12,000 Muslims into our country will be the biggest mistake in the Australian history......The LUG Party allowed in 50,000 and look where that has ended up...There will be a mixtures of Sunnis and Shiites who hate each others gutz and will no doubt start a war among themselves here in Aus..

Even if 1 in 1000 who arrive are terrorist then that is 12 too many who are apt to cause havoc as in Paris.

Perhaps if they are segregated and sent to different parts of Australia, there may be some control but U can bet your boots they will find their way into Western Sydney eventually.

Ban the Burka and ban Muslim schools.....those 12,000 refugees should be on conditional terms.....Learn English and ban the Koran......Join in our way of life or go back to where you came from....We are opening our hearts to these people and you are expected to do the right thing.


DISTURBING reports in Britain say 4000 ISIS fighters have already been smuggled into Europe as fake refugees. Two of the merchants of death in the Paris massacre arrived as refugees.

Forgive me if it sounds intolerant, but Australians must ask: How many times have we rolled out the welcome mat for budding terrorists?

Defence chiefs in Europe are painting a gloomy picture of Muslim troubles ahead. They admit it was wrong to let thousands of refugees flood borders.

And they question whether Sunni Muslims worldwide consider IS a corruption of Islam or view the butchery as the new orthodoxy.

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Karl Stefanovic Paris panic

In some Muslim hearts the cowardly terrorists are bringing forward the day of Muslim domination. Secretly they may look forward to that.

The Paris outrage is an attack on Western civilisation. Our culture is at risk.

So you can forgive me if you sense I am a little tired of the media opinionistas on the ABC and in print tripping over themselves to say how we must be kind to Muslims.

The painful truth is that the world is not joined in mourning the carnage in Paris. Many are celebrating it.

I have to ask Noco: just how many Muslims do you think have come into our country since the LNP took charge? Which govt just opened the doors to another 12k on top of the quota? The current quota is what under this govt?

Can you also explain who was in govt when the Muslim population here grew to 476,000 by 2011? Whitlam perhaps?

I am well aware of what the LNP is allowing and I am firmly against it....The LNP are making a grave mistake.

The whole crux of this Islamic movement infiltrating into the Western World is to not only create havoc and fear from terrorism but to weaken the Western World's economy...It is becoming an enormous burden even on Australia and this is exactly what Islam wants and are happy to see happening.

Judith Sloan says it all.

I was the kind of kid who always finished her homework early. Needless to say, I had typed the last word of my column for this week with plenty of time to spare.

The trouble is I’m not sure anyone is really in the mood to read more about tax reform options for Australia at the moment.

This got me thinking about the economic implications of the terrorist attacks in Paris. Will there be a bit of a blip — tourist numbers heading to Paris may fall, for example — or does terrorism have a noticeable effect on the economic performance of countries?

There are several ways of thinking about this topic. The first is to consider the impact on what John Maynard Keynes called “animal spirits”. There is no doubt a terrorism attack, such as the one in Paris, induces a general sense of unease among people and increases *uncertainty.

In the short term, there is likely to be a negative economic effect as more people refrain from making big economic decisions — in *relation to investment, setting up businesses, completing major transactions and the like. The impact on the equity market is also likely to be negative, at least for some time.

If the 9/11 incident is any guide, however, this immediate impact may be short-lived. Mind you, in that instance, arguably the policy reaction of central banks in part set up the conditions that led to the global financial crisis seven or so years later.

(Excessively low interest rates, liquidity sloshing around and the mispricing of risk are not good bedfellows.)

The greater concern is the medium-term economic impact of terrorism. When President Francois Hollande declares his country will wage war against terrorism, the consequence will be more resources devoted to national defence and security. (This is assuming Hollande means what he says.)

Indeed, most Western countries already have committed additional resources to funding intelligence agencies, building up and deploying police and defence capabilities, and insisting on a network of internal security arrangements (at airports, sports stadiums and the like).

Governments also have had to step in to provide or subsidise *terrorism insurance.
I am well aware of what the LNP is allowing and I am firmly against it....The LNP are making a grave mistake.


Well then, perhaps a little less "LUG" acronyms and more bi partisan dismay at the the absence of Captains Courageous in the wheel house of HMAS Migration.

And talking of Captains Courageous, we need a troupe of "Long Jacks" to whip (figuratively) these Muslim youth and their older Muslim manchild companions into responsible citizens, instead of lazy minded, indolent sociopaths.
A test for the Turnbull government,

It would be foolish to do anything other than tow/return those on board back to their origin.
More on the above,

Coincidently (ABC radio news), Indonesia have suggested one of their islands for a offshore processing centre on the basis that Australia pays to operate it. This would be a bad move in my view with the biggest reason being that the people smuggling trade in Indonesia has be assisted by official corruption.
Labor as usual is keen for the shipping report so the money can change hands within the people smuggling networks,
Why are boats arriving again .... is Labor in power again .... why wasn't I told!!!
Why are boats arriving again .... is Labor in power again .... why wasn't I told!!!

BOATS???? or a BOAT with 8 people on was probably so small it slipped under the radar.

No must keep up with times....Labor is not in power again and may not be for some years to come.
BOATS???? or a BOAT with 8 people on was probably so small it slipped under the radar.

No must keep up with times....Labor is not in power again and may not be for some years to come.
Up to 1000 boat arrivals per week under the previous Labor administration. For some, that and more is what passes the test on the prevention index.

I'd like to see Indonesia's response if Labor was in office and publically announced the interception of each boat (as they did in office) and further advising of each turn back under their current policy platform.

Actually, I wouldn't. We all know that Labor has only adopted turn backs as a policy option for nothing more than political expediency. Richard Marles's comments from yesterday is proof of that. As for SHY's comments and the Greens in general, they still don't mind the accidents and tragedies along the way to their policy ideal.

na Phuc Dat, that's not me

It get funnier if you know the meaning of the words. Though it could be a fake since Bich is not a surname, it's often a first name...

Bich = Pure, Precious
Phuc = Blessed; Blessing; Luck
Dat = Achieved; Attained; Got.

So Bich Phuc Dat = Bich Got Blessed

Mine is of course Toilet. Add the Surname and they go together
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