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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

As the hopes of the Fairfax press fade, they've gotten a little ahead of themselves.

Commission slams transfer at sea as clear rights breach

Date July 4, 2014 37 reading now

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Sarah Whyte, David Wroe, Jason Koutsoukis

Unless I've missed a day, it's only July 3.

Keheliya Rambukwella, Sri Lanka's Media and Information Minister, said a transfer at sea would take place. ''They will be accepted and received by the [Sri Lankan] navy and the normal procedures will take place from there onward,'' he said.

My bolds.
I would have thought the Catholic Bishops have enough problems to sort out in their own dioceses wthout sticking their noses into border protection.
The Fairfax press just can't come to terms with the success that been this government's border prnaval patrols.otection policies.

Given that 57 of the people from the fishing trawler had already fled from Sri Lanka to India, Ben Saul says Australia should, at the very least, send them back to India, not to the country of their alleged persecution.

They will have no problem going back to India is they don't like Sri Lanka. These smartarses think that by embarking from India they will avoid Sri Lankan naval patrols. Well they have done their dough.
Rumpy said, off topic, on another thread;

I am afraid you are wrong Rumpy. What appeals to me and anyone else with any common sense, is that it is much cheaper to intercept illegals at sea and send them back to where they came from, than to let them land here and then send them to Manus or Nauru and house them indefinately.

And don't worry too much about the Tamils. If they don't like Sri Lanka they can always go to India where all their mates are.
I put you on the right thread.

It does not matter who they are or where they come from, they are still jumping the que.

We have a right to send them back and suggest that they go through the correct channels of the UNHCR in a legal and orderly manner....FULL STOP....The government has a quota of immigrants and it should be adhered to....if they want to try the back door and get rejected, then it is their head.

Noco I know your knowledge of international law is less than zero and if you want to argue Australia should just say %$$% international law that's one argument but let's not pretend what they are doing isn't illegal under international law. You ever think one of the reasons for the all the secrecy is the Government is terrified of ending up in Court and having to try to argue why this is legal?

How can you be less than zero?......Did you ever go to school and study maths?......Or perhaps you are too young to go to school...your brain has to be developed before they will let you in.....normally 5 or 6 years of age.

You certainly know how to cherry pick.

The refugees are after the benefits of the Australian social security system. They won't get those on Nauru or Manus, so they won't bother coming in the first place. We don't house people on Manus or Nauru indefinitely. If they are found to be genuine refugees they get released and our responsibility for them is ended.
I urge you all to come and play in the serendipitous and plushly appointed gaming rooms of my newest Crown Casino, here on the lapping shores of the Indian Oceans most peaceful and well administered ex-colonial Island outposts. As any 'correct thinking' government will attest.
Mummy's $500k donation to the the Party now in Government in the lead up to the last election has put a gleaming polish on the steaming bulbous heap, that other Sovereign Incompetent Governments, lets not mention these garrulous self severing self promoting political minnows Canadian and UK, ahh pifflers, refer to as Sri Lanka's human rights record.
For those feeling extra 'lucky', as a courtesy Crown will pick you up in a white van from the airport or any where else .....

J.P aka 'goo horra'

p.s 'kunda-bear gol'
The refugees are after the benefits of the Australian social security system.

Ah. Now we get to the nub of it. Who do you think has to right to decide who gets the benefits of Australia's social security system? The Tamils, the people smugglers or us?
Watching the facts on the ABC insiders this morning David Marr spells out the legal obligations regarding the Tamil boat, if they boarded and removed them outside of our territorial waters then that would be serious.

If any of those Tamils get bumped off by the Sri Lanka's death squads that they have been handed over to then what is it that Australia stands for?

The secrecy that is in place by Abbott is an absolute abhorrence only bad things come from such government practices repeated lies and secrecy what a combination.

And it is driving you lefties insane not knowing what is happening to allow you to get your propaganda machine operating through the ABC...tough luck sunshine.
Ah. Now we get to the nub of it. Who do you think has to right to decide who gets the benefits of Australia's social security system? The Tamils, the people smugglers or us?

Talk about selective reading. I repeat, the refugees don't get access to our social security system on Manus or Nauru.

You should be happy with that, instead your attitude seems to be that the worse we treat these people the better we are as a society. Why not just shoot the bastards eh ? Would that make you happy ?
Talk about selective reading. I repeat, the refugees don't get access to our social security system on Manus or Nauru.
Immigration detention was overwhelmed under the policies of Labor and there's still a significant social security legacy as a consequence of that.
Talk about selective reading.

Selective reading? you said;

The refugees are after the benefits of the Australian social security system.

and I agree with that. It's called sugar on the table.

You should be happy with that, instead your attitude seems to be that the worse we treat these people the better we are as a society. Why not just shoot the bastards eh ? Would that make you happy ?

There's no need to throw a hissy-fit.

Hardly cherry picking. Just noting that you have zero idea about Australia's treaty obligations and think Australia can do anything it wants with regards to asylum seekers.
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