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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Another boat (35 passengers) ?

This one didn't make last week's operational update.
A possible explanation as to why this one didn't make last week's operational update.

Our navy personal should have also confiscated any currency from the crew.

These reports are coming from people who apparently throw their ID overboard in a seeming effort to get welfare. If Aussies did that, they would probably be charged with fraud.

Why would we believe a word these people say?
These reports are coming from people who apparently throw their ID overboard in a seeming effort to get welfare. If Aussies did that, they would probably be charged with fraud.

Why would we believe a word these people say?

Our Government believed it for six years. Or it fitted their agenda.
This is the stupid entitlement mentality the previous Government has left us with.

Some Australians need a reality check IMO. Why didn't these same refugees stay in Indonesia?

Why don't the Australians, who are so concerned about refugees living standards, worry about their own?
Maybe it is because we live by the, I'm ok stuff you mentality, well I think that will change.
Operation Sovereign Borders update Friday January 10:

No boat arrivals in the past week. Total voluntary returns to country of origin from Offshore Processing Centres since OSB commenced on 18 September is unchanged from last week at 133.

On the issue of turn backs, The Australian reports that up to 5 boats have either been turned or towed back towards Indonesia in the past month.

In relation to the conflicting signals on turnbacks from the Indonesian government and military, this is perhaps the critical part of Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko clarification today,

My bolds.

This week's OSB media briefing I would suggest has been cancelled to minimise the conflict of the above with Indonesian domestic politics. Under the circumstances, it's a good move by the government that has finally planted the foot over Indonesian crewed boats seeking to breach our sovereign territory.

Summary of arrivals since this government was elected:

08/09/2013 to 18/09/2013 (caretaker period prior to swearing in): 475 passengers on 7 boats.
Remainder of the week to Monday 23/09/2013: 31 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Monday 30/09/2013: 95 passengers on 3 boats.
Remainder of the week to Friday 04/10/2013: 79 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 11/10/2013: No boats.
Week to Friday 18/10/2013: 173 passengers on 3 boats.
Week to Friday 25/10/2013: 166 passengers on 2 boats.
Week to Friday 1/11/2013: No boats.
Week to Friday 8/11/2013: No boats.
Week to Friday 15/11/2013: 163 passengers on 3 boats.
Week to Friday 22/11/2013: 35 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 29/11/2013: 9 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 6/12/2013: 189 passengers on 4 boats.
Week to Friday 13/12/2013: 3 passengers on 1 boat.
Week to Friday 20/12/2013: 167 passengers on 2 boats.
Week to Friday 27/12/2013: No boats.
Week to Friday 03/01/2014: No boats.
Week to Friday 10/01/2014: No boats.

Totals since the commencement of Operation Sovereign Borders:

1110 passengers on 22 boats over 16 weeks.
The UNHCR claim we are breaking the rules on asylum seekers who fly to Malayasia, on to Indonesia and attempt to enter Australia without ID's.They are illegal immigrants.

I say to hell with the UNHCR...Give them a month notice and remove any agreement we may have had with them.

As qouted by John Howard, "we will decide who comes to Australia and the manner in which they come".
I say to hell with the UNHCR...
Perhaps the UNHCR should also consider the view of Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko. He would do the same thing.

If the UNHCR got off its ideological high horse, there might actually be less drownings at sea.
Perhaps the UNHCR should also consider the view of Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko. He would do the same thing.

If the UNHCR got off its ideological high horse, there might actually be less drownings at sea.

The UNHCF's high horse saves millions of lives world wide and improves millions of others most of those lives are politically powerless not an area of high activity for the religious / conservative politicians world wide.
The UNHCF's high horse saves millions of lives world wide and improves millions of others most of those lives are politically powerless not an area of high activity for the religious / conservative politicians world wide.
That's what the UNHCF should stick too and not encourage economic refugees to risk their lives country shopping via people smugglers.
Outstanding common sense piece by Greg Sheridan in the Australian today.

IF, you and many other lefties seem to miss the point. Why should Australia use up her charity dollars for people with thousands of dollars to spend and who may not even be refugees? We do not have unlimited funds to take in anyone who is not in need. Even Aussies are means tested - not anyone can rock up to Centrelink to get full payments potentially for life.

I would much rather see a more orderly intake of GENUINE refugees waiting in camps to come here AND taking better care of our own homeless. Both of these desperately need our help and the gate crashers with money surely should be made to enter the country through the proper channels.

So, please lay off the attempt at guilt. However, I actually don't understand why, as a leftie, you are not standing up for the most needy that I have mentioned above. Very odd.

Well spoken sails.

Any that ARE allowed in as refugees should be able to speak English, have a trade or profession of some sort and be more on bloody welfare thank you.
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