Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Astrology - Horoscopes - Clairvoyant

Now we go on to Scorpio which also continues to the end of the year of the Pig.

Obligations are a problem here and especially those born close to Sagittarius.
Being born close to Libra will not only be a problem in obligations, there will be the difficulty in co-operation and compromise, and lack of energy and judgement. If you do not double your efforts there will be nothing for you until the year of the Rat arrives.
However, those born in late October or early November will feel less of the pains of those close to Sagittarius and Libra.

Investment opportunities, in favoured sectors, will be worth looking at. So follow ASF's excellent comments by the wiser posters.

As January arrives all those born to Scorpio will find their energy increasing and can look towards new projects, however, keep your options open.
As we approach the year of the Rat you will feel generally better in yourself, but beware of contradictions.
Gee, thanks, Noirua. Does the book tell you how clients can change their star sign? Could I get reborn and claim a new sign perhaps?
Couldn't you find any good stuff for Librans?

Hi, I headed into Deep Dark Space and obtained more information about those whose star sign is Libra. If you happen to be born in NZ and now live in Australia, you can expect just reward for your efforts as the year of the Rat begins. I see a pleasant surprise that will please you.
Hi, I headed into Deep Dark Space and obtained more information about those whose star sign is Libra. If you happen to be born in NZ and now live in Australia, you can expect just reward for your efforts as the year of the Rat begins. I see a pleasant surprise that will please you.

Wow, Noirua, thank you so much. A pleasant surprise would be wonderful.
I promise to share if it happens!

Anyone witnessing my lack of decision making powers in the pre-election threads would have had no trouble identifying me as a Libran!!!

How is your astrology study progressing?
It is time again to look at the stars and there looks to be difficult times ahead in 2008. Many a boulder, rock or mud slide, may catch out the unwary and these words apply also to general life, especially in Australia.

So it is definitely a year for the careful and not those who like high risk and that's in every quarter. Those who are not superstitous, 2020 is one, may find risks far higher if they do not follow this threads warnings, the predictions in 2008, carefully. Numerology is also an important factor, Julia isn't a convert, and may have increased her risk factor, if the numbers are ignored.

There will be pleasant surprises for some, not very many, as the year progresses. Safety first is the order of the day, everyday in 2008.
Numerology is also an important factor, Julia isn't a convert, and may have increased her risk factor, if the numbers are ignored.
Oh dear, Noirua. Now you have me worried. Could I just be agnostic about numerology, thus not incurring the wrath of the numerology gods????:)
Could I just be agnostic about numerology
The thing with numerology is that dates, alphabets etc are an arbitrary constructs with no natural underpinning. Include me in the agnostic camp.
I got this thingo at Christmas in a blue square box, its title reads The Pendulum Box , I was about to toss it in one of the many boxes of cheap chinese junk in the Garage when I decided to open it and investigate ....

After skimming through some pages and making sure no one is watching I start talking to this lump of brass hanging from a chain that promises to bridge the gap between the analytical and intuitive sides of my being.

The results went beyond surprising.

Becareful out there.

After skimming through some pages and making sure no one is watching I start talking to this lump of brass hanging from a chain that promises to bridge the gap between the analytical and intuitive sides of my being.

The results went beyond surprising.

Becareful out there. :eek:
Careful allright lol -
I think you're losing it m8 ;)

"where did this theory come from"
"I heard it out of my brass" :cool:
All the numerolgy predictions , astrology, etc . are all above me , I've never really thought much about it , the missus always refers to me as a true Capricorn , whatever that means .
But , back to numbers .......... I use the closest prime numbers to the actual price , or index position for my calculations and projections .

Mind you though , one product tooks 2 years to extract and I have another that I started in 2006 and it's still progressing . What I do find strange though , is that the macro numbers seem easier to reach conclusions on than the micro numbers , I always assumed it would be the otherway around .

If anything I would be interested in any numerical theory , just for a squizzy ;) , the stars , I don't know , I do think that dead stars are very interesting , that's one way to get a planet ...............
Before we start, here are number allocations by the Chaldean method:
A=1 G=3 M=4 S=3 Y=1
B=2 H=5 N=5 T=4 Z=7
C=3 I=1 O=7 U=6
D=4 J=1 P=8 V=6
E=5 K=2 Q=1 W=6
F=8 L=3 R=2 X=5
I got this thingo at Christmas in a blue square box, its title reads The Pendulum Box , I was about to toss it in one of the many boxes of cheap chinese junk in the Garage when I decided to open it and investigate ....

After skimming through some pages and making sure no one is watching I start talking to this lump of brass hanging from a chain that promises to bridge the gap between the analytical and intuitive sides of my being.

The results went beyond surprising.

Becareful out there.

NC, you just can't say that much and leave us hanging in suspense!
What did the lump of brass tell you? We won't laugh at you, well, not very much.
The thing with numerology is that dates, alphabets etc are an arbitrary constructs with no natural underpinning.

I'm no expert of maths or numerology or physics etc, but from what I understand the numbers and letters are just the expression of ideas... like different languages still convey the same idea.

It's not the number that's important but the idea that it represents.

Sort of like the fibonacci series, people have found certain proportions or formulas that work to define and describe ideas. Not unlike other important formulas such as E = mc2 and C = 2pir.
What Does January Mean In Numerology?

January (1) is a 1-month. And since the world number 2008 (2+0+0+8=1) is also a 1, it means you will feel it is time for change deep in your soul. Do not let someone else tell you what to do. Go with your gut instincts. It is time for you to take complete charge of your life. Each big decision you make and act on this month will set the stage for your New Year. You will start to feel stronger than ever. If in December, you felt you couldn't make any solid decisions, now is the time! The fog has lifted. You will find yourself thinking much more clearly. Make a list of what you want to do, and accomplish as much as humanly possible in this ambitious month and New Year of 1!

The Numerology Connection between the New Year 2008, and the Benazir Bhutto Assassination.

I have found a consistent Numerology pattern that seems to happen at the tail end of each year. Something major takes place that is a foreshadowing of the New Year to come. I believe this time it was the assassination of Benizir Bhutto. On December 27, 2007, the Pakistani candidate, for the PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party) Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated. She was the strongest contender to defeat the Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

When the assassination first happened, the press said Bhutto was shot in the neck and chest. The government immediately covered it up, and said she died due to hitting her head on part of the car's sunroof when the explosion went off from the suicide bomber. They then had workers come in and wash away all the blood and shrapnel where the whole incident took place. In other words, they washed away all the evidence. I saw this as a strong warning sign of what 2008 could bring. Why? Because 2008 is 2+0+0+8=10+1+0=1. A major trait of the1 vibration is about being fiercely competitive-doing whatever it takes to win.

This particular case was extreme (literally killing the competition) but I see it as a message to all of us, and that is that each of us should be entitled to our own opinion. And just because someone does not agree with you, does not make them your instant enemy.

As you know, the United States has entered into its own election year- in the actual month of January which is also a 1 vibration. So for this particular month, it is double 1 whammy!! : ) I am concerned that the competition of this Presidential election could get very ugly. The good news is that since there are positive and negative sides to each number, some of the candidates could choose to take the higher moral ground.

We now live in a society where you can run, but you cannot hide. When Bhutto was assassinated, people had their video cameras at the scene of the crime, and immediately posted their video footage online. So by the time the government decided to cover it up, it was too late. We had already seen the grainy pictures of the suspected assassin/suicide bomber. I believe that is how this year 2008 will play out. Every move a candidate makes, and every statement that is uttered will be played non stop via You Tube, the blogs, CNN, etc

There is a phrase I try to keep in mind, and that is, "you are only as sick as your secrets." So let's try to make this New Year 2008 a time where we express out true selves, and not give anyone the power to hurt us by revealing "our secrets". Don't let someone who is jealous or threatened by you try to do damage to you in this aggressive cycle of 1. Remember the other wonderful quote that I put in my book, "What people think of me is none of my business." Just focus on being your best self, and then you cannot go wrong in this New Year of 1.

When I looked up Bhutto's birth date (born 6/21/1953), I discovered that she was a 9 Life Path born on a 3 Day with a 9 Attitude. This woman was a humanitarian. She was working on bringing peace and happiness to the Pakistani people. Yet she was gunned down. It turns out that Gandhi (born 10/2/1869) also had the same Life Path number 9. He had a 3 Attitude number and was born on a 2 Day. They were very similar people, and they were both assassinated while trying to make the world a better place.

Judging by the day she died, she did not die a victim. It was actually a personal day for her in Numerology (a 9-3-9 day). I believe her assassination is going to change Pakistan in a very positive way. I trust that the people who are mourning her right now will do whatever it takes to change the way their government operates.

She will not have died in vain. I think that we all have a Life purpose and Destiny. When it is achieved, we are done here, and move on to the next level of our spirituality. I sense that is what happened to Benazir Bhutto on 12/27/07. I have pulled a couple of quotes made by Bhutto and Gandhi that I think you will appreciate:

"The government I led gave ordinary people peace, security, dignity, and opportunity to progress."
Benazir Bhutto

"The next few months are critical to Pakistan's future direction as a democratic state committed to promoting peace, fighting terrorism and working for social justice."
Benazir Bhutto

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
Mohandas Gandhi

"I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill."
Mohandas Gandhi

Here's to a powerful New Year 2008. Stand up for yourself, and do what it takes to achieve your goals. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!! It is your turn. And always know, I am rooting for you!

Here's wishing a phenomenal New Year to each and every one of you! :)
Glynis McCants
What Does January Mean In Numerology?

January (1) is a 1-month. And since the world number 2008 (2+0+0+8=1) is also a 1, it means you will feel it is time for change deep in your soul. Do not let someone else tell you what to do. Go with your gut instincts. It is time for you to take complete charge of your life. Each big decision you make and act on this month will set the stage for your New Year. You will start to feel stronger than ever. If in December, you felt you couldn't make any solid decisions, now is the time! The fog has lifted. You will find yourself thinking much more clearly. Make a list of what you want to do, and accomplish as much as humanly possible in this ambitious month and New Year of 1!

The Numerology Connection between the New Year 2008, and the Benazir Bhutto Assassination.

I have found a consistent Numerology pattern that seems to happen at the tail end of each year. Something major takes place that is a foreshadowing of the New Year to come. I believe this time it was the assassination of Benizir Bhutto. On December 27, 2007, the Pakistani candidate, for the PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party) Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated. She was the strongest contender to defeat the Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

When the assassination first happened, the press said Bhutto was shot in the neck and chest. The government immediately covered it up, and said she died due to hitting her head on part of the car's sunroof when the explosion went off from the suicide bomber. They then had workers come in and wash away all the blood and shrapnel where the whole incident took place. In other words, they washed away all the evidence. I saw this as a strong warning sign of what 2008 could bring. Why? Because 2008 is 2+0+0+8=10+1+0=1. A major trait of the1 vibration is about being fiercely competitive-doing whatever it takes to win.

This particular case was extreme (literally killing the competition) but I see it as a message to all of us, and that is that each of us should be entitled to our own opinion. And just because someone does not agree with you, does not make them your instant enemy.

As you know, the United States has entered into its own election year- in the actual month of January which is also a 1 vibration. So for this particular month, it is double 1 whammy!! : ) I am concerned that the competition of this Presidential election could get very ugly. The good news is that since there are positive and negative sides to each number, some of the candidates could choose to take the higher moral ground.

We now live in a society where you can run, but you cannot hide. When Bhutto was assassinated, people had their video cameras at the scene of the crime, and immediately posted their video footage online. So by the time the government decided to cover it up, it was too late. We had already seen the grainy pictures of the suspected assassin/suicide bomber. I believe that is how this year 2008 will play out. Every move a candidate makes, and every statement that is uttered will be played non stop via You Tube, the blogs, CNN, etc

There is a phrase I try to keep in mind, and that is, "you are only as sick as your secrets." So let's try to make this New Year 2008 a time where we express out true selves, and not give anyone the power to hurt us by revealing "our secrets". Don't let someone who is jealous or threatened by you try to do damage to you in this aggressive cycle of 1. Remember the other wonderful quote that I put in my book, "What people think of me is none of my business." Just focus on being your best self, and then you cannot go wrong in this New Year of 1.

When I looked up Bhutto's birth date (born 6/21/1953), I discovered that she was a 9 Life Path born on a 3 Day with a 9 Attitude. This woman was a humanitarian. She was working on bringing peace and happiness to the Pakistani people. Yet she was gunned down. It turns out that Gandhi (born 10/2/1869) also had the same Life Path number 9. He had a 3 Attitude number and was born on a 2 Day. They were very similar people, and they were both assassinated while trying to make the world a better place.

Judging by the day she died, she did not die a victim. It was actually a personal day for her in Numerology (a 9-3-9 day). I believe her assassination is going to change Pakistan in a very positive way. I trust that the people who are mourning her right now will do whatever it takes to change the way their government operates.

She will not have died in vain. I think that we all have a Life purpose and Destiny. When it is achieved, we are done here, and move on to the next level of our spirituality. I sense that is what happened to Benazir Bhutto on 12/27/07. I have pulled a couple of quotes made by Bhutto and Gandhi that I think you will appreciate:

"The government I led gave ordinary people peace, security, dignity, and opportunity to progress."
Benazir Bhutto

"The next few months are critical to Pakistan's future direction as a democratic state committed to promoting peace, fighting terrorism and working for social justice."
Benazir Bhutto

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
Mohandas Gandhi

"I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill."
Mohandas Gandhi

Here's to a powerful New Year 2008. Stand up for yourself, and do what it takes to achieve your goals. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!! It is your turn. And always know, I am rooting for you!

Here's wishing a phenomenal New Year to each and every one of you! :)
Glynis McCants

Dear Joe / Administrator/ Moderators

Can this thread be stopped ? No personal issue but numeralogy has no scientific or proven basis. Any post mortem sound interesting so as the failure analysis. However any preventative action is not here. What is the point to have such an unscientific , not STOCK related posting. If at all to be kept let us see some numeralogical forecsts for the ASX indices for next 7 days, gold price and Aussie Dollar.
If you can not see that PLEASE no voodoo or such black magical stuff should be here. There are many sites for this type of thread but should not be in ASF.

Dear Joe / Administrator/ Moderators

Can this thread be stopped ? No personal issue but numeralogy has no scientific or proven basis. Any post mortem sound interesting so as the failure analysis. However any preventative action is not here. What is the point to have such an unscientific , not STOCK related posting. If at all to be kept let us see some numeralogical forecsts for the ASX indices for next 7 days, gold price and Aussie Dollar.
If you can not see that PLEASE no voodoo or such black magical stuff should be here. There are many sites for this type of thread but should not be in ASF.


Look to the heading of this forum, it says "General Chat". Then go to the main page and see what it says under that heading. It says:
Talk about whatever you like in here!
We do have a code of conduct, but so long as no one breaks that code, folks can talk about whatever they like in this particular forum.

If we ban astrology etc, why not ban religion, politics, booze, baby's names, or whatever someone feels doesn't belong in a trading forum?

Just don't read it if for some reason you find it offensive... or don't visit the General Chat forum.

That's the easy solution.

Miner, I endorse Wayne's comments. There's no harm whatsoever in a bit of lightheardness and fun. If someone takes any of the topics in this thread seriously then that's up to them.
Personally, I've really enjoyed having a laugh with Noirua's astrological predictions for me. Perhaps I should even take it seriously!

Sure, most of us are members of ASF because we value the stockmarket connection and exchange of views. But we're all people as well and some balance is not a bad thing.

Lighten up a bit, perhaps, maybe even contribute to some of the General Chat threads. You might even make some cyber friends!

All the best
Hi Miner

You may not appreciate the use of astrology, voodoo etc re the stock market and money making acitivities but there are plenty of wealthy people that do.

And they thank their lucky stars or gods that they do.

In the light of this, you may like to reconsider your methods.


January, 2008

Planet Waves
Eric Francis

TWO THOUSAND EIGHT is a year of an unusual transition: Pluto will begin its move from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Pluto is one of those bottom-line planets. That is the energy you feel -- the energy of a threshold; it is Pluto changing signs. It sets the theme for the rest of what we experience, spreading out so wide that it colors the entire landscape of existence. With Pluto in Sagittarius between 1995 and 2007, we had many opportunities to focus our vision, and we may have done so with obsessive intensity. It may have been what some call a spiritual vision, of growth, enlightenment or a better world; or something you have perhaps decided was much less valuable.
