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Astrology - Horoscopes - Clairvoyant

Re: Chinese Astrology


For those who are not familiar with Chinese astrology, this is the "Year of the Rat", and it begins on February 7, 2008.

In western culture, (synonymous with the "rat race"), it's surprising indeed that the appearance of this redoubtable rodent is so unwelcome, except perhaps on Halloween.

This light-hearted lens is dedicated to all things "rat" -- be it "rat cheese", "ratafia", or "ratatouille"!

The "Rat" is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac.

Legend has it that the Jade Emperor invited the animals for a party. The first 12 to arrive was the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and lastly, the Pig. All the animals were named after the 12-year cycle that governs Chinese life thereafter.

Various versions of the Rat's story are particularly revealing about his character.

One version has it that, towards the end of the journey, the animals had to cross a celestial river, and the Rat asked the Ox to ferry him across. When they arrived on the other side, the Rat jumped down off the Ox's head and that's how gained first spot in the order of the Chinese zodiac.

Those born in the "Year of the Rat" are clever, ambitious, creative, hard-working, fastidious, charming and sociable, but can be a bit stingy when it comes to sharing their wealth or possessions.

Rats are compatible with Dragons, Monkeys and Oxen, but should avoid Horses at all costs.

In the "Year of the Rat", we can expect 12 months of plentiful opportunities and prospects not to mention being relatively free of turbulence, (which is great to know especially if you're planning on making some long-term investments, starting new projects, or keeping the home fires burning brightly).

It's also a rather fine time to socialise and grab a sumptuous meal or two with friends and family!
Re: Chinese Astrology


For those who are not familiar with Chinese astrology, this is the "Year of the Rat", and it begins on February 7, 2008.

In western culture, (synonymous with the "rat race"), it's surprising indeed that the appearance of this redoubtable rodent is so unwelcome, except perhaps on Halloween.

This light-hearted lens is dedicated to all things "rat" -- be it "rat cheese", "ratafia", or "ratatouille"!

The "Rat" is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac.

Legend has it that the Jade Emperor invited the animals for a party. The first 12 to arrive was the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and lastly, the Pig. All the animals were named after the 12-year cycle that governs Chinese life thereafter.

Various versions of the Rat's story are particularly revealing about his character.

One version has it that, towards the end of the journey, the animals had to cross a celestial river, and the Rat asked the Ox to ferry him across. When they arrived on the other side, the Rat jumped down off the Ox's head and that's how gained first spot in the order of the Chinese zodiac.

Those born in the "Year of the Rat" are clever, ambitious, creative, hard-working, fastidious, charming and sociable, but can be a bit stingy when it comes to sharing their wealth or possessions.

Rats are compatible with Dragons, Monkeys and Oxen, but should avoid Horses at all costs.

In the "Year of the Rat", we can expect 12 months of plentiful opportunities and prospects not to mention being relatively free of turbulence, (which is great to know especially if you're planning on making some long-term investments, starting new projects, or keeping the home fires burning brightly).

It's also a rather fine time to socialise and grab a sumptuous meal or two with friends and family!

Dear Money Majix

Thanks a lot.
Please advise when the Chinese "Year of Monkey" starts. I would start buying zinc company shares then . I will not be call it YOM however as I will be banned to play cricket in the continent :D
The number 8 is very important in China as it points to prosperity and wealth. This year of the Monkey points to a particularly successful time for those born on the eighth of the month - good luck to you.
The number 8 is very important in China as it points to prosperity and wealth. This year of the Monkey points to a particularly successful time for those born on the eighth of the month - good luck to you.
THis year is the year of the rat
and last was year of the pig.

Incidentally, they almost always say that "people born in year of Rat will be attracted to people from year of Dragon or Horse etc - or Snake? :confused:"
Almost invariably it works out to be 6 or 7 years different ;) - so the implication is that your partner should be 6 years older ( or younger)

... although in Anna Nicole's case that might have been 66 years older etc ...


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The Real Romance in the Stars
By Richard Dawkins
Article in The Independent December 1995 Also found on the Astrological Association of Great Britian Web site: Click here

Astrology is neither harmless nor fun, and we should see it as an enemy of truth, says Richard Dawkins, author of 'The Selfish Gene'. Why, he asks, do so many of us indulge in these pre-Copernican dabblings which are nothing short of wicked fraud?

We should take astrology seriously. No, I don't mean we should believe in it. I am talking about fighting it seriously instead of humouring it as a piece of harmless fun. Frivolous tolerance, probably the dominant stance towards astrology among educated people who don't actually believe in it, ran right through a recent article in the Independent on Sunday by Justine Picardie, "Spinning after Patric's Star". As the headline writer put it, "Astrology has never been so popular, or such big business. But when the late, great (sic) Patric Walker (Libra) died, it wasn't just his billion readers - or his income - that attracted his aspirant successors; it was his reputation as the Henry James of horoscope writers, as the man who'd made the trade respectable."

Hardly respectable, but surely something must be going on when even the Independent on Sunday can devote two pages plus a double picture spread to the question of who would inherit the mantle of a dead charlatan. Picardie's attitude to these well-heeled quacks ranges from affection (the Queen Mother's favourite astrologer is "roly poly") to something perilously near respect (Patric Walker is described without irony as "eminent") Respect might indeed be prompted by the wealth of these glitzy con-artists, which is lovingly dwelt upon (Chauffeurs whisk them in white stretch limos to fashionable restaurants where head waiters fawn over them).

The popular scientist David Belamy, who ought to know better and probably does, contributed to Patric Walker's astrology page in Radio Times, writing that he has the "Capricorn caution" over certain things, but mostly he puts his head down and charges like a real goat. Such shallow light-heartedness sets a mood in which questioning astrology's validity is made to seem pedantic Gradgrindery. To ask whether the astrologers themselves believe in it also comes over as a bit long-faced, on the killjoy side. On Picardie's evidence, some are foolish enough to believe anything (One of them met Patric Walker "just before Mercury went retrograde" and immediately recognised him "from a past life"). The roly-poly one sounds a bit more fly and may understand exactly what he's doing, but it is hard to penetrate his high-camp posturing. Mystic Meg by all accounts could be the best of the bunch, an old fashioned crystal-ball toter, showing up the pretensions of the others, which is presumably why they try to disown her.

The serious newspapers seem to be embarking on a self-conscious flirtation with astrology. Until recently they had nothing to do with such tabloid stuff. Then the Sunday Times succumbed and introduced its own astrology column, presumably with the excuse that it was just a bit of a giggle. The others haven't yet stooped so low, but some are acknowledging the pressure in more subtle ways. ... etc
Pluto move into Capricorn

Preliminary Pluto Ponderings

So, I know I haven't yet done an official write-up of Pluto's entry into Capricorn, which occurred
two and a half weeks ago now.

I guess I figured, hey, Pluto will basically be in Capricorn through 2024, giving me plenty of time to remark (and revisit and remark some more) on this epic transit.

And don't expect any 'definitive' explanation either: We will discover the many meanings of Pluto in Capricorn together, as they happen. After all, nobody alive has ever witnessed this planet/sign combo firsthand. Hell, Pluto was only discovered in 1930… and since then, it hasn't even completed one single orbit around the Sun. Despite what any astrological experts say, all of us are learning as we go because, without direct experience, it's all conjecture, eh?

I will begin by reporting this: The last time Pluto traveled through Capricorn was from 1762 to 1778… and if those dates ring any significant bells, folks, it's probably because they represent the Revolutionary period in US history. Near the start of this period, the British throne began imposing taxes ('without representation!') on the American colonies—not a terribly popular proposition, to hear history tell it, since it eventually led to a 'declaration of independence' and the birth of the country most recently dubbed the world's last remaining 'superpower'.

More at ...
mm said:
Pluto's entry into Capricorn, which occurred two and a half weeks ago now.

.... And don't expect any 'definitive' explanation either: We will discover the many meanings of Pluto in Capricorn together, as they happen. After all, nobody alive has ever witnessed this planet/sign combo firsthand. Hell, Pluto was only discovered in 1930

Well this website suggests that, in Greek mythology, it has something to do with rain and cleansing of sins and stuff.... :eek: (I'd say that's obviously the Sorry Statement - and the recent rains ;)
Bordering constellations: Aquarius
Piscis Austrinus
This constellation is sometimes identified as Amalthea, the goat that suckled the infant Zeus after his mother Rhea saved him from being devoured by his father Cronos in Greek mythology. The goat's broken horn was transformed into the cornucopia or horn of plenty. Some ancient sources claim that this derives from the sun "taking nourishment" while in the constellation, in preparation for its climb back northward.

However, the constellation is often depicted as a sea-goat, a goat with a fish's tail. One myth that deals with this says that when the goat-god Pan was attacked by the monster Typhon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above the water remained a goat, but those under the water transformed into a fish.

... The Greeks regarded the constellation area with an alternative interpretation, namely the Augean Stable – a stable full uncleanliness – representing the concept of sin accumulated during the year.

The constellation of Aquarius, who was said to have poured out a river, then represent the yearly cleaning rains, associating to one of The Twelve Labours of Hercules.

The constellation (Capricornus) is located in an area of sky called the Sea or Water, consisting of many watery constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, and Eridanus.

mm said:
The last time Pluto traveled through Capricorn was from 1762 to 1778… and if those dates ring any significant bells, folks, it's probably because ...
.. That's when Cook arrived ;)

PS Thank the stars I'm not superstitious. :2twocents
With 2009 approaching very fast indeed and near everyone looking into the gaping chasm of the world economies. I can say, "fear thee not", as I'm just working on all your futures for the year ahead.
With 2009 approaching very fast indeed and near everyone looking into the gaping chasm of the world economies. I can say, "fear thee not", as I'm just working on all your futures for the year ahead.

First glance into my crystal ball doesn't look all that bad for Australia in 2009. Interest rates look set to seriously tumble to 2% as Rudd & Co bite the bullet (I know they don't set rates but influence is what it is all about.)
Strange how everything looks so clear as I look into the crystal ball. All the financial problems seem to be clearing as each month goes by. Happy faces among investors, but cannot quite see why as yet.
A notice pinned up in November 09, "What was that all about", it says.
More later - noi
Looking further into my crystal ball and I can see even further good news as the Rudd and Swan bandwagon starts to roll.
YES! Tax give aways galore , YES, $2000 for every family in Australia, on average that is, spenders to the fore.
Looking through the mists of time, in my crystal ball, I can see interest rates in December falling from 5.25% to 4%.
Just looking at an online horoscope 3.10pm WST (as I am extremely bored due to rainy weather) it advised me that my house is looking a bit drab. The painter started at 11.00 am his morning .......... Coincidence?? :confused:
Just looking at an online horoscope 3.10pm WST (as I am extremely bored due to rainy weather) it advised me that my house is looking a bit drab. The painter started at 11.00 am his morning .......... Coincidence?? :confused:

your house is obviously bugged and under surviellence.

wear a tinhat immediatley
Yeah ..... I thought it was a bit strange as well ?? Might have to do an electronic "sweep" when I get home. :p:

Can't wait for it to tell me that I have won Lotto when I have not checked my ticket yet ??!!?!?!!
Not a great believer but saw one Fortune teller when I was going through a divorce. she told me i would marry a woman with black hair and the police would come to see me about 2 different matters one I assumed as DVO the other was an old accident with my sons driving.
Turned out she was right.
Should have asked a few more questions like are my share in Eron safe, is Telstra a good buy, where did I put my winning lotto ticket from 5 yrs ago, is will B. S Bernake tell the truth, should I put more money with B. Made off.