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Astrology - Horoscopes - Clairvoyant

I don't dismiss this at all. I had an astonishing experience with a clairvoyant when I was in my 20's. I'd never met her before. She described the other members of my family, described the relationship I was currently in, predicted entirely accurately the next career change I'd have (something I'd not even considered at the time I saw her), described my future husband and said I would have two daughters. I rubbished this latter as I'd decided I didn't want children. However, the husband did happen and he already had two daughters from his previous marriage who became part of my life.

She even described the physical environments of the homes I'd lived in as a child.

She was a funny, quite elderly, very nondescript woman who simply took my watch and held it before beginning to talk.

If I had such an experience, I would try to find her to get one more, as what she said was close to mark.
Did this cross your mind too?
If I had such an experience, I would try to find her to get one more, as what she said was close to mark.
Did this cross your mind too?

Sometimes, you don't realise how true they are until many years later, by which time, you can't find them again. I also believe that some people have the power to read the future, as I can do a little bit of that myself sometimes (only for things that don't benefit myself, of course. Anyway, I went to a place about half a year ago. A few of the things said to me seem to be quite bizzare at that time, but they appear to be coming true.
If I had such an experience, I would try to find her to get one more, as what she said was close to mark.
Did this cross your mind too?

No, Happy, it didn't at all. I didn't take that much notice at the time.
I was living in Sydney and soon after seeing her I returned to live in NZ and that was when all she predicted began to happen. I wouldn't have any idea how to find her all these years later, and to be honest, the astonishing accuracy of her "reading" shook me up a bit. I don't think I'd like to hear any more predictions now that I'm a lot older!
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of doing a crash course in Astrology, horoscopes and clairvoyancy - a learning curve almost vertical. So, I will start off with horoscopes, as these are likely to get me into less trouble - starting tomorrow; Only short horoscopes.
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of doing a crash course in Astrology, horoscopes and clairvoyancy - a learning curve almost vertical. So, I will start off with horoscopes, as these are likely to get me into less trouble - starting tomorrow; Only short horoscopes.

Oh wow, can't wait for this! I'm Libra, Noirua. What's gonna happen?
Oh wow, can't wait for this! I'm Libra, Noirua. What's gonna happen?

Hi Julia et al, I can see you'r very excited, however, I won't be starting my quick course for another 10 hours. At the end of my 2 hour crash course - may be reduced to 1 hour - I expect to be an authority on the subject.

Even better news. I'm reading a book "How to become a clairvoyant in 6 easy lessons".

I was told it's best to exclude politics and religion. However, Jedi will be included.
Hi Julia et al, I can see you'r very excited, however, I won't be starting my quick course for another 10 hours. At the end of my 2 hour crash course - may be reduced to 1 hour - I expect to be an authority on the subject.

Even better news. I'm reading a book "How to become a clairvoyant in 6 easy lessons".

I was told it's best to exclude politics and religion. However, Jedi will be included.

Holding my breath, Noirua. My excitement has no bounds. You can take over where my old lady left off.
I am not sure if this can be thought, you have it or you don’t have it.
There is always possibility that you might not know about the gift and 6-hour course might bring it up, who knows.

I always wondered with chance to have winning lotto numbers predicted just for me.
They are universal and as with other fantastic quick profit opportunities, if somebody can predict the winning numbers, why do it for somebody else?
I am not sure if this can be thought, you have it or you don’t have it.
There is always possibility that you might not know about the gift and 6-hour course might bring it up, who knows.

I always wondered with chance to have winning lotto numbers predicted just for me.
They are universal and as with other fantastic quick profit opportunities, if somebody can predict the winning numbers, why do it for somebody else?

Hi, slight delay in starting the horoscopes as a few of my stocks need careful watching.
I did read an article about predicting Lotto numbers. Best way is to send everyone different numbers and eventually someone will win a big prize and hail you as the great predictor.

I've bought another book on horoscopes and with the help of the internet there may no be a need for me to "have it" as you say. I will harness the great powers from around the world.
Hi, slight delay in starting the horoscopes as a few of my stocks need careful watching.
I did read an article about predicting Lotto numbers. Best way is to send everyone different numbers and eventually someone will win a big prize and hail you as the great predictor.

I've bought another book on horoscopes and with the help of the internet there may no be a need for me to "have it" as you say. I will harness the great powers from around the world.

OK, Noirua, the market has just about closed. Get on with your new career. I'm still consumed with anticipation!
Here are the lucky numbers for November and December 2007.
For instance, (applies to all signs in the zodiac) if you need another number and you are an Aries and closer to Taurus, take the first number of Taurus and add to yours if needed, and if you need yet another number, go to Pisces, then take the last number of Pisces.
Your four numbers given will vary. ( Use for all signs in the zodiac, aries is for information.)
If you were born an Aries on 21st March or 20th April, take 1 off your first number.
If born on 22nd to 24th March or 18th or 19th of April, add 3 to your second number.
If born on a date not included above, that is an odd number, add 1 to the third number.
If not born in Australasia, take 1 off the fourth number. If born at sea, add 1 to all your final numbers. If you don't know where you were born you'r out of the competition - hard luck.
Should you find, using your final allocated numbers, that a number is duplicated. Then you are out of the Astro-guide 'till 2008, hard luck.
If you end up with a zero, use your date of birth.
If a number is too high, take away the number that represents your birth month in the year, ie January = 1.
If you have two zeros, hard luck, you'r out 'till 2008.

Aries - 13, 19, 32, 46.
Taurus - 14, 15, 17, 33.
Gemini - 18, 23, 24, 39.
Cancer - 4, 6, 7, 48.
Leo - 5, 8, 9, 53.
Virgo - 25, 27, 36, 40.
Libra - 11, 16, 20, 31.
Scorpio - 21, 29, 38, 45.
Sagittarius - 22, 34, 41, 43.
Capricorn - 28, 35, 37, 44.
Aquarius - 3, 47, 49, 51.
Pisces - 12, 26, 30, 42.

If you win the lotto, send a donation to Joe Blow.
The time has come to let you know your future and the present horoscope continues until 7th February 2008, the year of the Pig, and as time approaches that date the era of the year of the Rat begins.

LIBRA born people will have problems with unwanted elements from the past and this will worsen as the year of the Pig draws to a close.
Lack of faith in objectives, especially financial, will limit freedom in the future.
Those born in the first 10 days of Libra may lack energy and powers of judgement, which further cloud their objectives and this will feel stronger the closer you are to Virgo.
Those born in the last 10 days of Libra will need to organise their plans, and seek co-operation and compromise on important issues. Otherwise, these will further cloud your objectives.
Those born in the middle days of Libra will have a more restful time and this may also cloud objectives and lead to missed opportunities.
Generally, those born to Libra will have to work hard for their objectives, visit the bulletin boards of ASF and seek out sensible advice regularly.
Once the year of the Rat arrives, those who succeeded in overcoming their problems, will face a more cheery dawn and a brighter future.
Gee, thanks, Noirua. Does the book tell you how clients can change their star sign? Could I get reborn and claim a new sign perhaps?
Couldn't you find any good stuff for Librans?
Gee, thanks, Noirua. Does the book tell you how clients can change their star sign? Could I get reborn and claim a new sign perhaps?
Couldn't you find any good stuff for Librans?

Julia, you need to switch to Numerology. You can't change your birthdate, but by changing your name, as in surname in marriage, or just your first name, it is claimed you change your destiny.
The time has come to let you know your future and the present horoscope continues until 7th February 2008, the year of the Pig, and as time approaches that date the era of the year of the Rat begins.

LIBRA born people will have problems with unwanted elements from the past and this will worsen as the year of the Pig draws to a close.
Lack of faith in objectives, especially financial, will limit freedom in the future.
Those born in the first 10 days of Libra may lack energy and powers of judgement, which further cloud their objectives and this will feel stronger the closer you are to Virgo.
Those born in the last 10 days of Libra will need to organise their plans, and seek co-operation and compromise on important issues. Otherwise, these will further cloud your objectives.
Those born in the middle days of Libra will have a more restful time and this may also cloud objectives and lead to missed opportunities.
Generally, those born to Libra will have to work hard for their objectives, visit the bulletin boards of ASF and seek out sensible advice regularly.
Once the year of the Rat arrives, those who succeeded in overcoming their problems, will face a more cheery dawn and a brighter future.

Could you please advise which system did you use for this prediction.
Under Western Astrology it is based in solar system (Sun Sign) where as in Vedic (Indian) astrology system it is based in Lunar System (Moon sign). Horari System is different again.
Further the results are dependent on the exact time of birth, place and date.
There are some dispute on the time of birth. Some good astrolgers consider the time of concept is the right time to consider and others consider the time when the baby comes out of mother's womb. 9 out of 10 times the doctor / nurse only count the time when the baby cries and not when he or she comes into the world. Since the focus is more on the medical front often the exact time gets wrongly recorded by one or few minutes. It is not an issue but when there is a transition phase between two zodiacs then the time is crucial.

I am not an astrologer but well aware that with the help of computerised horoscope life become very simple and in general any Tom and Dick can predict something. THere is the danger lies and it could be disaster.
So I would be discounting whatever prophecy is made unless it is substantiated with more factual data.

Julia, you need to switch to Numerology. You can't change your birthdate, but by changing your name, as in surname in marriage, or just your first name, it is claimed you change your destiny.

Hi Whiskers,
Well, if Noirua gets into numerology as well as astrology, then that would be even more exciting, don't you think?

I'm beginning to wonder if I need to be clear that I regard both as total hocus pocus in terms of providing general predictions for any Star Sign at any given time. I've just been having a bit of fun and I'm sure Noirua knows that.

However, I can't deny that many of the characteristics commonly attributed to my Star Sign ring very true for me
Hi Whiskers,
Well, if Noirua gets into numerology as well as astrology, then that would be even more exciting, don't you think?

I'm beginning to wonder if I need to be clear that I regard both as total hocus pocus in terms of providing general predictions for any Star Sign at any given time. I've just been having a bit of fun and I'm sure Noirua knows that.

However, I can't deny that many of the characteristics commonly attributed to my Star Sign ring very true for me

Julia, a former employee of mine introduced me to numerology one day, when I spent a fair bit of time around the packing shed with a bunch of women talking about this and that as women do, and since I already believed in the cycles of the moon regarding plant metabalism and vitality, I just found extending the whole cycle's idea interesting.

Every now and then I refer to the data, more out of curosity in a broader curiosity about why different religions developed etc to try to understand all these ancient 'things'. It's a bit of a passion I have I guess with the psychology of human nature.

You are right, often there seems to be a lot of things come true.

Prophecy or coincidence... well I have since come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as coincidence, but prophecy, I don't know yet.
My view of this stuff is it is all someone elses opinion.From there a connection is drawn and a belief is established.
People may throw forward or project their intentions which can be `picked up` by the so called future seer.
My view of this stuff is it is all someone elses opinion.From there a connection is drawn and a belief is established.
People may throw forward or project their intentions which can be `picked up` by the so called future seer.

Yeah, I agree to a large extent Wysiwyg, especially when you see some of those healer preachers in action.

But as I have got older and more educated I have learnt to keep an open mind on everything (well almost), but be careful about what you steadfastly believe in.

My rational is that 'scientific' evidence can prove things exist, but we can't prove somethings don't exist just because we don't have any evidence yet.

For example, I have noticed many examples of clairvoyant's assisting police investigations that lend pretty heavy weight to the case that some people have or can acquire 'special' skills.