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ASF Poetry Thread

Getting in touch with your softer side Wayne? Surely the cricket isn't that bad? :)
Getting in touch with your softer side Wayne? Surely the cricket isn't that bad? :)

Some spirit has taken over my body, I've never written a poem in my life!

Couldn't it have been Yeats instead of some two bit ditty writer LOL:eek:
A judgmental judge-dude who chaired
well his maths were a little - impaired
no way could it be
E that equals M(x)C(x)C
could be written instead MC^2

Hey wayne, I've had a good day - exported a third container of manufactured product yesterday.... keep a few Aussies in a job. No-one's proposing a Luddite mentality btw.
Even made close to $10K on the market - it will go some of the way towards a vet's bill I've got coming up :2twocents
The was this bloke from the New Wales of the South
Who from a vet bill was a bit down in the mouth
I should hasten to add
That his mathematics are as bad
As a farmer who seeds his paddock in a drought
There was a bridge builder who lived not like a Lud
Who’s portfolio had crashed with a thud
When the cat hit the ground
The bounce did astound
Oh to realize, those shares were a dud.
A judgmental judge-dude who chaired
well his maths were a little - impaired
no way could it be
E that equals M(x)C(x)C
could be written instead MC^2
The bloke whose vet’s cash register did chime
Was obviously a bit short of time
The limerical jive
Who’s lines add up to five
He should realize the last line should rhyme
The Turtle, by Ogden Nash 1902 - 1971

The turtle lives 'twixt plated decks
Which practically conceal its sex.
I think it clever of the turtle
In such a fix to be so fertile.
I drive always very, very fast
as it's my great dread, to be last,
foot down, keep it down, so fast
no chance of ever being, the last.

Today again so fast, the die is cast
the bend goes on and on, wont pass,
twisting and turning, faster so fast
and then, last bend, but not the last.

... - by noirua
Here's a poem ...was carried by my father through the war.

... The poet? - a soldier, thinking of home, and his small son.
Just playing around with the lines - rejigging that poem - more regular rhythm and rhyming - apologies probably due to J.Alex Allan - but what the heck.

(PS I would claim it is not an insult to the original poet to rewrite his words. I sometimes do this with Shakespeare as well - forces you to really study what is being said - and to some minor extent (in this case) re-express it is in your own words.)

SON: To a Photograph from Home (with juggled lines)
(apologies to J. Alex Allan 2nd AIF)

1. Little friend of all the world, do you care or does it matter
that our household Gods are hurled, from their ancient plinths a-shatter,
Never by us puling men, To be pedestalled again?
men who now collude collisions, shattering with imprecision.
Boyblue, frank eyes, spilling laughter, how precise you tier those blocks -
Placing them, and raising after, - Till one sweeping, plump palm knocks
Everything to ruin!.…… say,…. Little fellow are you fey?
Was it allegory, jest, Irony the perfectest?
Small unbroken yearling colt, Innocent of bit and bridle,
Did you mean it for a jolt? Was it only impulse idle ?
Power of sight or plain derision ? Are you vexed, or have you vision?
Tis the gift you own mayhap, all unknowing, little chap?

2. Little friend of everyman, what I’ve written’s necromancy,
nor have I with other than, this, the retina of fancy,
sought you, seen you, fathered you, eighteen months! you’re nearly two!
small enchanting figmentationed joy of my imagination.
Now this picture of you, posed, like a tiny wrestler, ready,
hands hung loose and demiclosed, left foot flung and shoulders steady,
and that level look …It stays, seeking like a stag’s at gaze!
Fair head set on body’s stance, like a banner on a lance.
‘Twas a little babe I kissed, when I left. You could not love me,
then, so small, …… and I have missed, things which war has plundered of me,
sacrificed in one decision, ne’er to hear your soft elision,
sweet slurred consonants – steps begun - just hard fortune, little son!

3. Little friend of all the earth, (plain to read that in your smiling),
In your world is naught but worth, maids and truemen for beguiling,
blissful hours that stretch ahead, places where your teddy lead.
Clouds and wind to wonder at, stairs to climb and dogs to pat.
I shall shoulder you and show you Hours of moonstone set in gold,
Hilltops, birdloud woods below you
- (you’ll not think of me as old?)
Lancing rain on leaves ... we’ll sup, Watching clucking flame go up,
Cakes to nibble, nuts to crack, Whittington and Beanstalk Jack.
Fortune wills, we’ll ride with kings; Crossboned pirates, beating keyward,
………….But in fortune’s reckonings, should the wheel swing false to me-ward,
kindly pass on this revision - tell him of this war-lost mission,
“He came not; but yet - ‘tis true, that these were things he meant to do!
Having some fun with Shakespeare eg Richard II ;)

W. Shakespeare's Richard II said:
I have been studying how I may compare
This prison where I live unto the world:
And for because the world is populous
And here is not a creature but myself,
I cannot do it; yet I'll hammer it out.

so What to make of this my lot in life?
it’s Difficult but here’s a crack – let’s see ….
I’m One of earthly millions here in strife
but In my mind - this prison - only me.

W. Shakespeare's Richard II said:
My brain I'll prove the female to my soul,
My soul the father; and these two beget
A generation of still-breeding thoughts,
And these same thoughts people this little world,
In humours like the people of this world,
For no thought is contented.

my Soul with chase my brain around my head
and When it catches up breeds naught but thoughts (naughty thoughts?)
lie, Screwed up drafts of things I almost said
lie, Discontented half endorsed reports.

Most people would say that they plan to construct what the reckon they’d most like to be
that there’s more in life than money and luck, that’s less mortal than you and me,
It’s ok to play with alluvial gold, and to buy some gilt edged dream
but there’s deeper gems to find I’ve been told, that you mine from a deeper seam.

there’s the golden rule that you learn at school, when a youthful five or six,
and on this you can build, as your diary is filled, with more moral mortar and bricks
there’s meaning and mission and maingame and more, and the health of the soul and the heart
and I’m guessing it’s mystical, unwritten law ...... but “constructive” must play a part. :2twocents
I don't know my left from my right
and my sight requires it be so bright,
the words in the book mean nothing
and if only I could, yes, just to write.

My fingers on my left hand are missing
and my foot is just skewed to the right,
if only my brain had something missing
I would know nothing and then I'd be alright.

I pray to not know - by noirua
One for the dads out there to contemplate ;)
(skip to the last line if you "get the ghist" with the rest) :2twocents

(PS apparently - as taught at tertiary psychology courses - babies smile as a self-defence mechanism - to "give us no option" but to love them :)

reason to smile

Reason I smile - Reason I Shine
by LadyLyric

My king, my provider, my everything
The air I breathe
The poetry I write
The song I sing

Unaware of how much I love him
Appreciate and admire
Give love,gifts,kisses, and hugs
For my sentiments to transpire

Fought the fight that many men loose
Direction and path he made smooth
Completed a task many don't choose
My soul inspiration
Happiness, joy, support you give
In charge
In control
Real authority
Solid and reliable
Trustworthy and dependable
Rare circumstance
Proved true by few
Rare circumstance
Proved true by you

Reason I subsist
Reason I be
My king, my provider, my everything

Tumultuous and chaotic times have gotten
Struggle and fight
No...I haven't forgotten
Achieve and attain vital things
Held together with love
Showered with love
All fears erased
with....a strong arms embrace
Tears shed and reason forgotten
Worries exterminated
Confusion extricated

Reason I subsist
Reason I be
My King, my provider, my everything

Teacher of genealogy
Example from your King
A rock held you down
With your own you've done the same thing
Smiled when it was hard to do
Sighed to yourself
Sunshine was all we ever saw
To give and give and give so much
Still looking to give more....
More love
More protection
More hugs
More affection
More than anyone has given me

Reason I subsist
Reason I be
My King, my provider, my EVERYTHING

Proud of who you are
Proud of all you do
Proud of my choices outcome
Proud cause I credit them to you
Example always good in my eyes
Although a slave to imperfection
The cornerstone of our strong tower
And perfect is its direction

I am who I am because of you
Happiness abounding and sad times are few
I stand tall as his nubian "princess"
And respect the black man because of you
Stand with my head up high
No question why
Perfection one can't deny

My reason I subsist
My reason I be
My King, my provider, my EVERYTHING

My protector
My shield
The reason I shine
My Rock
My stronghold
The reason I smile
I love him
I need him
My D - A - D - D - Y
apparently - as taught at tertiary psychology courses - babies smile as a self-defence mechanism - to "give us no option" but to love them
PS which begs the question ...
I wonder why God invented cholic? lol

PS I'm sure mums also feature in a baby's world lol - I'll try to find a suitable poem - unless someone beats me to it :).

"Why do you smile?, please explain,
is it cholic or some other pain?
is it meant to alarm?
or maybe to calm?
or confidence you’re trying to feign?"

"You ask we what can be gained
well the party might get me ordained
and my dental work’s there
for the world to share
as long as my face don’t get sprained."

The reason is anyone’s guess
why they make their face such a mess,
if they’re looking for more
in the confidence score
I’m guessing their gestures score less.


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A reunion of schoolmates last year
was the best damned excuse for a beer
“my, you haven’t changed
but your head’s … rearranged ?
you’re bald, and I’m broke, and he’s queer.”

And the note said “let’s all get together
it's been years since we all met together
30 years since we schooled
Jack-assed and Tom-fooled
so let’s get our throats all wet together.”

The wealthiest ones stayed away
‘twas beneath them to come say g’day
but the rest of the tribe
laughed all night with the vibe -
which I reckon proves crime just don’t pay.

But sadly there also were some
whose life had turned downward and glum
I said “wish I could help
but my prop’s stuck in kelp”
and he laughed like a schoolmate chum.

Wherever our pathways have lead
whether castle bound comfort or shed
it was fun to discern
and to listen and learn
and to toast “better lively than dead”. :bier:
(Based on a true story ;) - only the name of the Browns has been changed to protect the innocent. They were really the Smiths. I believe Perkins was a Highland Terrier - they lived in Yorkshire UK - you have to imagine Yorkshire as you read this )


A couple, the Browns, whom I knew
had a dog with bad hips, knees, and flue
the pet’s name was Perkins
and most of its workin’s
were tied up with tungsten and glue

Old Perkins was quite a disaster
a turtle on dope could run faster
you would have to say
at the end of the day
he preferred the mistress to the master.

They lived like three blood-tied relations
with all of life’s little frustrations
To Perkin’s perception
the pecking order direction
meant the man had the lowliest station

The old man said "Let’s put him down
though its sad and it’s said with a frown"
but ;) ... all the dog’s problems
its slipped hips and wobblin’s
were shared by his wife Mrs Brown

“It’s only his hipjoint!” she snapped
“it’s just like my hip I had capped!”
“you’d put me down too!?
is that what you’d do?
no, you’ll jollywell have to adapt!”

She glared at him on those occasions
so Perkins had ten operations
and so did his wife
the love of his life
now he lives with all of his patients.

That’s the yarn of the couple who quabbled
about vet bills and why the dog wobbled
under threat he agreed
that the pet was indeed
too much like the wife to be nobbled. :eek:
Some explanation / discussion of limericks.. (if'n you're interested).
Duke William decided—for kicks—
That he’d give Harold’s army some licks
(Dunno why—maybe bored)
In the year of our Lord
Anno Domini 1066.

I still like the one...

There once was a fellow named Mike
who went for a ride on a bike
the bike hit some ruts
and knocked off his hat -
and what do you think of that. :eek:

As the racecar came over over the hill
it's motor was screaming quite shrill
but as it went past
the sound of its blast
was toned down to practically nil.

So too the jet fighter that sped
at "half c" or more overhead
a more subtle contrast
as it's flame flew by fast
but its colour would change blue to red. :2twocents