Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASF Poetry Thread

Spike Milligan on Highway (21.12.86)

A few more of Spike Milligan's poems :rolleyes:
A Silly Poem
Spike Milligan

Said Hamlet to Ophelia,
I'll draw a sketch of thee,
What kind of pencil shall I use?
2B or not 2B?
Spike Milligan

Things that go 'bump' in the night
Should not really give one a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
That lets in the fear,
That, and the absence of light!
Mirror, Mirror
Spike Milligan

A young spring-tender girl
combed her joyous hair
'You are very ugly' said the mirror.
on her lips hung
a smile of dove-secret loveliness,
for only that morning had not
the blind boy said,
'You are beautiful'?
Have A Nice Day
Spike Milligan

'Help, help, ' said a man. 'I'm drowning.'
'Hang on, ' said a man from the shore.
'Help, help, ' said the man. 'I'm not clowning.'
'Yes, I know, I heard you before.
Be patient dear man who is drowning,
You, see I've got a disease.
I'm waiting for a Doctor J. Browning.
So do be patient please.'
'How long, ' said the man who was drowning. 'Will it take for the Doc to arrive? '
'Not very long, ' said the man with the disease. 'Till then try staying alive.'
'Very well, ' said the man who was drowning. 'I'll try and stay afloat.
By reciting the poems of Browning
And other things he wrote.'
'Help, help, ' said the man with the disease, 'I suddenly feel quite ill.'
'Keep calm.' said the man who was drowning, ' Breathe deeply and lie quite still.'
'Oh dear, ' said the man with the awful disease. 'I think I'm going to die.'
'Farewell, ' said the man who was drowning.
Said the man with the disease, 'goodbye.'
So the man who was drowning, drownded
And the man with the disease past away.
But apart from that,
And a fire in my flat,
It's been a very nice day.
Kev Carmody was on ABC's conversation hour today ( just after the Sorry statement).

He made the point that the concept of oral history required that the story capture the imagination. And that his (mother's and) father's stories were rich in imagery.

Four of Kev Carmody's quotes "handed down" :-

The Earth is my cathedral.
Listen to the music of the Wind.
The rivers are like the arteries and veins through a living landscape

This one from his mum ..
Gentle as the moonlight on skin. :)

As Kevin Rudd resumed his chair – to loud applause and wild
So Brendan took the lectern to be bi-part-reconciled
His speech a wishy washy mess with contradictions piled
Of children raped and drowned no less, the rapist also child.

How split it left the rest of us, why spit on hope renewed?
how crass approaching festering puss, how irrelevant and rude
How apropos of nothing - like the mind from which it spewed
They turned their backs to your ugly mike - (you flip-flop-fool) - and booed

Till then twas such a grand event, as Aussie starts to heal
and Rudd and co were Heaven bent to set her back on keel
His speech was truly statesmanlike, he empathised in kind
But Brendan – search your dwarfish psyche – for a hint of humane to find.

Ahh heck it’s far too nice a day to worry about the misers
Today the sun discards old rays, and tomorrow brand new arises
To see a thousand tears or two, no precedent methinks :)
But Doctor Nelson , no thanks to you - and your bedside manner stinks. :eek:

Each dawn wipes the stars from the half dome
Each morn rises ripe and a-new
From lawns of our past maybe half grown
A dew lifts and bids us adieu
But ignoring old Father Time’s ticking
And wrinkles that crinkle and grow
We are newer today – if still kicking-
Than we were a few wrinkles ago.

With that ‘yo-yo’- ing sun,
And the past on the run
We are newer with each rising ‘yo’

If your craft’s built with honest day’s toiling
If the jagged rock's way off to lee
If that lighthouse still marks the sea’s boiling
And its beacon’s still easy to see
With your compass (and mobile) on ‘roaming’
With your sails set and all wrinkle-free
Put your heart in each wild waking moment
As you’re here-and-now-wake carves the sea.

And when ‘going about’
Let the world hear your shout
I’m Papillion, I’m ‘now’, and I’m free.

If your sheets are all trimmed and are set well
If all ropes bear an equal-ish strain
If you understand weather (or bet well)
For your share of both sunshine and rain
If your ‘now’ flies free with the sea-birds
And your bow joins the dolphins at play
You can live to the full on just three words

While your wake dances free
With its mate, ‘verb-to-be’
It’s all sleeping, the wake of yesterday.

Each dawn wipes the stars from the half dome
Each morn rises ripe and a-new
From lawns of our past maybe half grown
A dew lifts and bids us adieu
But ignoring old Father Time’s ticking
And wrinkles that crinkle and grow
We are newer today – if still kicking-
Than we were a few wrinkles ago.

With that ‘yo-yo’- ing sun,
And the past on the run
We are newer with each rising ‘yo’

If your craft’s built with honest day’s toiling
If the jagged rock's way off to lee
If that lighthouse still marks the sea’s boiling
And its beacon’s still easy to see
With your compass (and mobile) on ‘roaming’
With your sails set and all wrinkle-free
Put your heart in each wild waking moment
As your here-and-now-wake carves the sea.

And when ‘going about’
Let the world hear your shout
I’m Papillon, I’m ‘now’, and I’m free.

If your sheets are all trimmed and are set well
If all ropes bear an equal-ish strain
If you understand weather (or bet well)
For your share of both sunshine and rain
If your ‘now’ flies free with the sea-birds
And your bow joins the dolphins at play
You can live to the full on just three words

While your wake dances free
With its mate, ‘verb-to-be’
It’s all sleeping, the wake of yesterday.
Prose (well written imo) :-..
Whether or not you agree with Dawkins on religion,
and whether or not you believe (as I do) that he knows what he's talking about on DNA / biology at least,
this is still an interesting comment about the past – and prediction about the future.

Like sandbluffs carved into fantastic shapes by the desert winds
like rocks shaped by ocean waves
camel DNA has been sculpted
by survival in ancient deserts
and even more ancient seas
to yield modern camels.

Camel DNA speaks –
if only we could understand the language –
of the changing worlds of camel ancestors.

If only we could understand the language
the DNA of tuna and starfish
would have “sea” written into the text.

The DNA of moles and earthworms
would spell “underground”.

I believe that by 2050 we shall be able to read the language. We shall feed the genome of any unknown animal into a computer which will reconstruct not only the form of the animal but the detailed world in which its ancestors (who were naturally selected to produce it) lived, including its predators and prey, parasites and hosts, nesting sites, and even hopes and fears.


The camel is a creature weird
the ship of the desert land
he’s high off the ground and he’s lowly geared
and his nostrils can block out the sand
He’ll follow or lead through the desert storm
those storms that are gritty and dry
and the camel train is their "modus norm"
cos it's trained in their DNA “pie”.

The camel is a creature strange
with clubs like Irish spades
his heart has forgotten the feel of the rains
long ago when he crawled from the ‘glades';
The diamond in his repertoire
is the hump upon his back
which permits him to walk to a sandier “far”
than the bones of dead mules by the track.

They say that camels have acquired those cards
self-selecting the aces of the pack
whether training the engine or the following guards
there’s little about “deserts” they lack.
They say they are like an oasis of thought
for another philosophical day
and they came by this way, "self-genome-taught" -
here's a toast to their DNA. :bier:

How are camels adapted to the desert environment?

Hump: Camels store fat in their humps. They can go for 5 - 7 days without eating or drinking. When they haven't eaten for a while, the hump shrinks in size and flops over to one side.

Bactrian camels (found in the Gobi Desert of China) have two humps. Dromedary camels (found in Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East) have one hump.

Eyes: A camel has two rows of thick long eyelashes to keep out blowing sand.

Eyelids: Camels have a translucent (light can go through) second lid that allows light to go through, but protects the eye in mild sand storms.

Stomach: Camels have three-part stomachs. After eating without much chewing, the food goes into the first stomach. Then, like with cows and other grazers, the "cud" is regurgitated (spit up), chewed, and goes into the second and then third parts of the stomach for complete digestion.

Feet: The feet of camels are large, flat, and round. This keeps them from sinking into the soft sand. Their feet have leathery pads and two toes on each foot that spread out when hitting the ground. The camel moves both feet on one side of its body, then both feet on the other, causing its body to rock back and forth while walking.

Nostrils: During a sandstorm the camel's nostrils can close down to keep out the sand.

Eating and Drinking: A camel can go 5-7 days with little or no food and water, and can lose a quarter of its body weight. Today camels are fed dates, grass and grains such as wheat and oats, but a camel traveling across a desert where food is scarce can easily survive on thorny scrub bushes, or whatever it can find - bones, seeds, dried leaves, even bits of leather.

A large animal can drink as much as 21 gallons of water in ten minutes. This amount would kill all other mammals, but the camel can store water in its bloodstream.

Strong backs and legs: Camels have long, thin legs with powerful muscles. They can carry heavy loads over long distances. A strong camel can carry as much as 990 lbs., but a usual and more comfortable load weight is 330 lbs. Camels usually work as beasts of burden for only six to eight months of the year and rest the remainder of the time and recuperate (regain their strength).

Speed: Walking speed is 3 miles per hour (m.p.h.). A camel caravan would normally travel 25 miles a day. A racing camel can reach 12 m.p.h. at a gallop for short distances. This speed was used by Arab warriors in attacking an enemy.

Weight: A fully-grown camel can weigh up to 1540 lbs.

History: Scientists believe that ancestors of the modern camel lived in North America at least 40 million years ago. It wandered across the Alaskan 'land bridge' to Asia and eventually to Africa. In Asia, two groups separated to become the dromedary and the Bactrian camel. Camels are related to the llama and alpaca of North America.

Mouth: A camel has 34 sharp teeth which help it eat thorny bushes and tough material. Camels can also use their teeth as a dangerous weapon in a fight.

Life span: The normal life span of a camel is 40 years. Camels don't usually do heavy work beyond 25 years of age. A camel is mature after 5 years of age.
As I was walking the dog just now, I was wondering to myself what one could possibly say about God (pretty much any God) that hasn't been said before. And likewise the near impossibility of finding God without any "tuition" along the way. :2twocents


Most will happily claim
to have found some "god"
"unique to ourselves"
we say with a nod; -
I ponder how much
"he" relies on a word
we've been taught - or have read
or just... hearsay we've heard ?

There's a test they apply to new presidents
in the land of the red white and blue
"would you buy a car from this guy or this gal
when they've "got such a great deal for you""

This 'bomb' will (let's hope) outlast 4 years
of bumps as the future's unfurled,
and the only thing triggered are votes - and/or tears
(from Hollywood to Disney World) ;)

I was thinking of writin'
a book to enlighten
"The Economy - How It All Works"
and how to foretell
when to buy or to sell
and millions of guaranteed lurks;

but I've had second thoughts
since some recent reports
that in truth the damned market's a mystery
so I've rewritten screeds
and the title now reads
"A Brief Economic History" :eek:

We fly in from some cliffface, and we learn to smile and goo
we work out toes and ears and eyes, and the why and when and who
and then the days just blur past, and we’re suddenly 92
and then that flaming cliffedge looms - and we return to saying goo. :eek:
Were at Grand Nephews minding them for a few days and they were enjoying honey, spontaneously I said "honey makes you funny" then from my childhood it clicked and blurted:

"There was a little bunny
eating bread and honey
while sitting on the dunney
waiting for his mummy
to wipe his little bummy"

The laughter was amazing and I was made to repeat.

Very un-hygenic, but something not thought about in the early fifties.
explod lol
bit of a worry when your long term memory starts creeping up to the surface. :eek:

My mum is mid 90's
suddenly comes out with song lyrics from the 20's and 30's etc ;) example :-

"Whattya know, she smiled at me in my dreams last night
My dreams are getting better all the time,
to think that we were strangers just a couple of nights ago
we didn't even know how to say hello
and now we can't stop saying it. " etc

plus as for her jokes, lol. - moral of the story - beware what you memorise m8 :).

I saw a small green frog yesterday
hiding in some potplants
‘rare and so kissable’
hugging the green glazed enamel
wet from some recent rain.
it’s been at least a year.

still – deadly still
perhaps knowing that to be seen by man
meant some ugly termination.
perhaps hoping against hope that
he had been born to a planet
without that mad beast for company.

And last night I dreamt that mankind
descended on me in droves
insisting I kill it.
loud angry voices in my sleeping ear.
“squash it!”
this little prince from a bygone healthy world.

I guess this will sound like the exaggerations
of some dope high on dope -
perhaps some lunatic -
but it’s true,
and perhaps all mankind
are only lunatics pretending to be sane.
explod lol
bit of a worry when your long term memory starts creeping up to the surface. :eek:

My mum is mid 90's
suddenly comes out with song lyrics from the 20's and 30's etc ;) example :-

"Whattya know, she smiled at me in my dreams last night
My dreams are getting better all the time,
to think that we were strangers just a couple of nights ago
we didn't even know how to say hello
and now we can't stop saying it. " etc

plus as for her jokes, lol. - moral of the story - beware what you memorise m8 :).

Thanks for the warning 2020 but old Farther Time will have his way. The other week excitedly relating to No.1, a story on silver, and started heading to the bathroom with dinner plates.

Sorry off topic

Teddy bear sat in a chair
with ham and jam plumb and pear
this is queer said teddy bear
the more I eat the less is there

Mate at school wrote this in his anthology book every year from grade 1 to grade 4 because he hated writing but loved doing the drawing. Only five in our grade and things went up a gear in grade five, the senior teacher
...and started heading to the bathroom with dinner plates.
lol - like the mate's father in law - puts the dishes in that ... white round porcelain dishwasher thingo;)

PS also :topic Tips for oldies making love...

Put bifocals on. Double check that you're with the right partner.
Set alarm on your clock for 2 minutes... in case you doze off in the middle.
Set the mood with lighting. Turn 'em ALL OFF !
Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember what to scream out at the end
Take your false teeth out - leaves more room for your partner's tongue :eek:

Found this poem - not sure I agree lol. but at least it's back on thread... :)

OVER THE HILL (by anon)

We're over the hill but don't feel sad
This side of the hill ain't all that bad.
So give us "five" and then a smile
To us who have been here for awhile.
But we ask you make a pledge today
That you'll be careful what you say.
We have to spread "Over the Hill" fear
Or we'll have those young folks over here.
Found this poem - not sure I agree lol. but at least it's back on thread... :)


We're over the hill but don't feel sad
This side of the hill ain't all that bad.
So give us "five" and then a smile
To us who have been here for awhile.
But we ask you make a pledge today
That you'll be careful what you say.
We have to spread "Over the Hill" fear
Or we'll have those young folks over here.
We are over the hill and feeling so sad
those of us here are old, but not bad,
so give us a smile and we'll get five
years that is, before we're due to die.

We ask you to make a pledge today
as soon we are surely on our way,
it does no matter what thee do'th say
no chance they'll come'th here to stay.
Some Coed quotes ...

- You wonder how you could be over the hill when you don't even remember being on top of it.

- When a sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door nearest you.

- Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out off your face.

- Happy hour is a nap.

- The twinkle in your eye is only the reflection of the sun on your bifocals.

- Let's face it, traveling just isn't as much fun when all the historical sites are younger than you are.

- Every time you suck in your gut, your ankles swell.

- Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.

- Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.

- Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service.

- You're sitting on a park bench, and a Boy Scout comes up and helps you cross your legs.

- You light the candles on your birthday cake, and a group of campers form a circle and start singing "Kumbaya."

- Someone compliments you on your layered look.... and you're wearing a bikini.

- It takes a couple of tries to get over a speed bump.

- You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there.

- You don't remember when your wild oats turned to prunes and all bran.

- You finally got your head together, now your body is falling apart.

- You don't remember being absent minded.

- Getting lucky means you find your car in the parking lot. :2twocents
Very Good 2020, and its been the worse summer in Melbourne for 50 years and the tourists have stayed away. What for the oldies during the winter down there?

I lost my car in a parking lot as I didn't realise there were East and West car parks. I was about to report it stolen, then the penny dropped, as they used to say.
noi, lol - been there done that as well.


Time is like a canyon flow
into which we all are cast
going with the undertow
reaches slow and rapids fast

Useless to resist I know
watching future turn to past.
eddys dancing to and fro
thousands in the current vast.

Who is there for us to thank
for our turn at “think or thwim”
who out there holds “top dog” rank
granting life as if on “whim”

Start and finish in a blank
in the meantime time is “bonne”
till that day when on some bank
we are dumped, and time moves on. :2twocents