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ASF Poetry Thread

For imagine my shame when asked what I meant
And I had to confess that I'd been, gone and went
And forgotten the news I was bringing to Ghent,
So, I sprang to a taxi and shouted 'To Aix!'
And eventually sent a telegram
.. telegrams, anagrams and all , lol. - (well I enjoyed it anyways) ;)
Clamp the Mighty Limpet
Pam Ayres

I am Clamp the Mighty Limpet
I am solid, I am stuck
I am welded to the rockface
with my superhuman suck
I live along the waterline
and in the dreary caves
I am Clamp the Mighty Limpet
I am Ruler of the Waves!

what care I for (stupid) shingle
for the dragging of the tide,
with my unrelenting sucker
and my granite underside?
There is one reward for those who come
and try to prise at me
and that's to watch their fingernails
as they go floating out to sea.

Dont upset ME, I'm a limpet !
Though it's plankton I devour
Be very , very careful!
I can move an inch an hour ! ;)
and don't you poke or prod me
for I warn you if you do
You stand there for a fortnight
and I might get stuck on you !
lol - Ruler of the Waves indeed :)

he who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere,
there's less liberty and equality, in the slope of the roads we walk,
but at least there can be fraternity, (maybe hope) in the way we talk.

do me make a point when we meet on the street to vocally fraternize?
or as most of us do, just look at our shoe, or simply avert our eyes?
when a young boy is backward, and standing at bat, do we lolly-pop-bat-rinize?
in the end my friend, HE’s the one who must judge ;)
did we play ? –
or just patronise?
as I was driving to work , I heard them ask "and should we in hindsight have vaccinated our horses - as they do in Europe?"

answer " maybe, the minister is looking into that right now" :eek:

So I scribble this down at the red lights I hit over the next few km ;)


So the minister thinks of injections
so the horse flue can somehow be halted
but .. :eek: it's DURING increasing infections :confused:
and our borders already pole-vaulted

can he turn back the clock? change direction?
and our IQ once more is assaulted -
hope you'll pardon a cynic inflection
but the horse and it's flue, sire, have bolted.

what we need is preemptive perception
and the bums of the bureaucrats jolted. (volted?)

Dancing partner of the night sky, as we cartwheel through the dark
with a red face on your bright side, rising ruby from the park
like a slowly rising rocket, in a gently arcing arc
on some Newton logic sprocket, (or that dyslexic fool , Kent Clarke?).
........ or some weird electric socket powered by herald angels - Hark .

Dancing partner solve my riddle, are you looking for a fight
praps you’re sick of second fiddle, in the shadow of earth’s light
You are sick perhaps and jealous, of the earthly life below
It’s ok, ma’m, you can tell us, why this iridescent glow?
.........we are earthly gals and fellas, you can tell us – if you know?

Dancing partner of the night sky, as we cartwheel through the night
are the werewolves invited, to declare war with their bite
are you Jesus? are you Mary? are you Bhuddha? are you beast?
or a red rose quite contrary? or some nightwar in the east?
..........or a symbol that God's happy ? (with pink champagne toast at least !?)

Dancing partner bright as garnet, as we tumble through the dark
are you sainthood reincarnate, or perhaps a Joan of Arc?
she was burned upon a woodpile, are you sure that you’re not she?
praps you’ve lived a saintly good life, now you burn your last decree?
.........praps you've waited for this moment to yell "BLESS ME" !! - and be free. ?

reincarnate Hiawatha? reincarnate blushing bride?
reincarnate star of Nazareth? now hemlocked in your side?
reincarnate souls of wartime? who have strove to contact home?
welcome back, - whoever - , stranger, rise and radiate – and roam !!
.........welcome back, - whoever - , stranger, I caress you – with this poem.

PS Personally , I'm getting some pink champagne in tomorrow to share with the missus - and the moon ;) - should be an evening to remember. (sorry - think I've been reading too much Pam Ayres)


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Hey thats a nice poem....Thanks for that.. Listening to a song by Frank Sinatra out of curiousity (Sweet Tough Guys) that was posted on here
( music you tube I think the thread is called LOL)and coinciding the two (purely by accident) variables ie- poetry and song was complimenting and peaceful :)
Hey thats a nice poem....Thanks for that.. Listening to a song by Frank Sinatra out of curiousity (Sweet Tough Guys) that was posted on here
( music you tube I think the thread is called LOL)and coinciding the two (purely by accident) variables ie- poetry and song was complimenting and peaceful :)

hey natasha,
anyone who doesn't believe in lunar eclipses will find out tomorrow !!
either the moon or the scientists will have red faces ;)

how do you know when the moon will be full?
by the tidal range? or the mood of the bull?
praps you go by day to a golden beach
and you see how far the seaweed can reach?

or you watch out at night for a golden sky? :)
watch the late returning gulls fly by?
it gets full like clockwork - like uncle ned !
(but there's no-where to blog when the moon will be red) :eek:
cripes !! - how do you guess when the moon will be red !!?

the "Town Flyer"'s read each morning at dawn
the town crier's red when he has to read pr0n ! -
but who ever heard of red moons in the sky !?
cept - a man on the booze? with a bloodshot eye?

I'm planning to work out the ways of God
I'm Galileo, and I am good!!
with an ironed page, and my iron will,
but I'm guessing t'will take me at least one quill. ;)
hey natasha,
anyone who doesn't believe in lunar eclipses will find out tomorrow !!
either the moon or the scientists will have red faces ;)

Hey 20
i totally forgot about the lunar,
it seems to have eclipsed my mind
But now you gave my mind a jolt
And for this i give payment in kind

Tonight the night the moon he sleeps
and then again awakens
all of this done in a wink of an eye
or you could say miliseconds (not quite but ya know):rolleyes:

So dont forget tonight
to look to the Heavens
Not sure of the time
Probly round Half seven :confused:

Not Quite Haileys comet
Or Fireworks I might add
But all the same it is an event
That you can say that you've Had:rolleyes:

By B.B
gday BB and wys,
gday one toks lol

I include wys, since you first alerted us to the elipse way back ;)

Thanks for your thread on tomatoes lunar
I thought it was later , but turns out it's sooner
you posted that when? cripes a full month ago
quick ! stock up the fridge! and get set for the show!

I'm thinkin I might get red-faced with the moon
and drink to red lights - join the dog in a tune
and toast the tomato with fridge full in tow
might throw out the vegies, give champagne a go.

might get me a shanghai, some catapult large
an upended kangaroo?, on the garage?
and catapult tomatoes, to orbit on high
you just watch tonight !! - I'll get a bulls eye!!
(by the end of the week several moons in the sky?)

(what a load of bs lol - ava good one)
enter the fray headstrong
momentum bordered on full
endeavour to thrive on circumstance
to extreme the ego explodes

glint of an eye in an unmatched crowd
a rowdy one finds a home
listen, learn and compliment
encourage a sweet, sweet sound

moments that pass change to turn of a leaf
unearthing, devouring whats known
the fever is growing, increasing tenfold
with the walls closing in we go..


I made the change
I took my chances
there's more to go

I made the break
I found the answers
There's more in store... for me

Have you seen a road
that extends for miles?
yes you've been there
I see it in your eyes.

I know what you have seen
I want to see the same
come a little closer me


Tommy broke the news today
the banks forclosed. Assesors on the way
the wife broke down and she was heard to say
what are we fighting for?

We're caught in the crossfire of a government war
why do we bother they've no say any more
our children are puppets for political schemes
swept under the carpet of politiical dreams
power of people is completely outlawed
we're caught in the crossfire of a government war


I actually don't truly believe this anymore, but the 20 year old that I once was did..

just got home with the booze ( perfect timing ;))

:alcohol:we were toasting the moon kinda mellow,
we were having a wee little drink
some yellow champagne while ish yellow (hic)
shom pink champagne while ish pink
"FOr sheesh a jolly goofellow" (hic)
ooops - forgotten how to think ..."
in a mishture of laughing and bellow
I jush ordered the missus a mink !:jerry
2020 Thats so funny lol......Interesting thread.

Cant see a thing here...Alot of cloud cover ....:banghead:
Got till 9:30pm....

last night I was dreaming I passed a hearse
i thought I'm in trouble! but gee whiz he's worse!
i dodged down a side track, and slammed in reverse
made a brief “do or die” pact , committed to verse.

I’m keeping my back well ahead of that dude,
with my backpack intact and a “front pedal mood”
and sidestep big buses and falling pianos
as I “climb every mountain” between life’s “viennas” .

I’m keeping my back well ahead of that dude,
with the wind in my face and a fatalist mood
as I search for that fountain, philosopher’s food
with the best to embrace ;)
and the worst to exclude . :2twocents

I'm thinking of making a time machine
and of recreating a world that’s green
I would set back the clock – Fourteen ninety two (1492)
on an Aztec rock, with a dazzling view
..... but- I'd know what I know, and not what they knew ;)

maybe live with a mild mannered Montezuma
and worship the wind and the solar and lunar
but praps I could point from majestic heights
and show them foreboding malevolent sights
……. and warn them of men who spread bull and bullfights

for in Fourteen hindred and ninety two (1492)
Columbus set forth on his sea of blue
they would soon discover the sword and the flue
that would cost them their lives and their gold art too
…... so much for their motto of “strong and true”

for Columbus bought swords and a hypocrite cross
for a close up lesson on who’s the boss
now :eek: the gold that he stole lines some “pure Vatican”
please Pope check your soul and don’t “do that again”
……. please Pope give it back and don’t “do that again”

for they had a culture and hearts of gold
praps a trifle indulgent if truth be told
but they welcomed the man, with the poker face
who presented credentials of “master race”
………who would con them with tricks and with farcical grace.

now watch he declared as the moon arose
I alone dictate where yon full moon goes
and he shouted a curse “make the moon disappear”
and the locals grinned for it stayed right there
…….. but a short time later it lost its glare.

and the man with the poker face went on
will you do as I ask"? - should I blot out the sun?
and the natives shivered with shock and awe
for the moon was gone, and their fear was raw
……… and they buckled to conman Columbus’s law.

then the moon reappeared as he said it would
and Columbus made sure that they understood
"you see with what power I set the rules
now bow to me heathens!! (you ignorant fools)"
…….. “(on behalf of the Pope all this gold makes me drool)”

:2twocents how great would it be, how much better off
if Noah was missing when Ark set off ,
how much kinder the Lord would have been, methinks
if instead of the new world, Columbus sinks
and to hell with all conmen,

........ but I'll happily bow to Newtonian "pinks" ;)


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there are those who preach from pulpits what can only lead to aids
while the cemetries are full pits , like the craziest crusades
like the matador in bull pits , where the bull must die in pain
or like sheep deprived of woolclip, just before some freezing rain.

they can’t hear the people crying, with their nose pressed in a book
show them, Jesus!! - people dying, and which Bible page to look,
tell them those who seek confession as an answer for their sin
cannot use the same excuse next week, it’s out there in the bin.

tell them you were first and foremost just a teacher who was kind
and the world deserves some moral law (and you were such a find)
tell them should they find some pages in that book (you never signed)
that suggested people die in pain, then TEAR IT FROM ITS BIND!! :(