Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASF Poetry Thread


PS. Rather than duplicate it, and the graphs you need to refer to, I'll just post this link.

Incidentally I forget to mention back there that the dip in temp in the 60's in the NASA Graph titled "Global Temperature" has been explained and accepted as due to a pollution - as against CO2 - the former since largely corrected, the latter,? largely uncorrected -
- or perhaps I should say it has been "incorrected" by Durkin's program?
HAven't checked to see if this has made it in here yet. Apologies if it has.


They are as follows. . .
Helium was up, feathers were down.
Paper was stationery.
Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading.
Knives were up sharply.
Cows steered into a bull market.
Pencils lost a few points.
Hiking equipment was trailing.
Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline.
Weights were up in heavy trading.
Light switches were off.
Mining equipment hit rock bottom.
Diapers remain unchanged.
Shipping lines stayed at an even keel.
The market for raisins dried up.
Caterpillar stock inched up a bit.
Sun peaked at midday.
Balloon prices were inflated.
And Scott Tissue touched a new bottom.
Yet more bovine inspiration ;)

(take 1)
I had an old employee, he was just the nicest fellow
We had a little factory, we made the best wheel barrow
He used to take home sawdust and he claimed to be sawdust dealing
But he left me rather poorer - it was barrows he was stealing.

(take 2)
I had an old employer, he was just the nicest fellow
We had a little factory, we made the best wheel barrow
I used to take home sawdust - it was ok and he said it -
but I kept the bludy barrow.....
.......... as my bill for "carbon credit" ;)
Already posted elsewhere, (and could be posted almost anywhere here - eg Is there a God? thread) - but very well done by this bloke imo. His website has "prose/poetry" and he has won prizes for same in Texas.
BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: Ernest Cline is an American screenwriter and spoken word artist. He was born in Ashland, Ohio in 1972.

In 1998, as the anticipation over the first new Star Wars film in fifteen years was building to a frenzy, Ernie wrote Fanboys, a movie about a group of friends who journey across the country to Skywalker Ranch to fulfill their dying friend's wish to see Episode I several months before the film's release. Nearly a decade in the making, Fanboys is now in post-production and is scheduled for release on January 13, 2008. You can read more about the making of the film on Ernie's Fanboys website.

For many years Ernie was a regular performer at the Austin Poetry Slam, and twice had the honor of being crowned that fair city's Slam Champion. In 2001, he released The Geek Wants Out, a CD of live spoken word recordings. His work has since been featured on NPR, VH1, FARK, BoingBoing, and CBC Radio One. Several of his slam monologues have also spawned popular Internet memes, including When I Was A Kid, the Dance Monkeys Dance film strip, and the colloquial use of Airwolf as an Adjective. You can purchase a copy of Ernie's CD and listen to several samples of his work here.

Ernie currently resides in Austin, Texas. You can contact him at

Orbiting the sun at about 93 million miles
is a little blue planet
and this planet is run
by a bunch of monkeys.

Now, the monkeys don’t think of
themselves as monkeys.
They don’t even think of themselves as animals
And they love to list all the things
that they think
separate them from the animals:
Opposable thumbs, self awareness . . .
They’ll use words like
Homo Erectus and Australopithecus.

You say Toe-mate-o,
I say Toe-motto.
They’re animals all right.
They’re monkeys.
Monkeys with high-speed digital fiber optic technology,
but monkeys nevertheless.

I mean, they’re clever.
You’ve got to give them that.
The Pyramids, skyscrapers, phantom jets,
the Great Wall of China.
That’s all some pretty impressive **** . . .
for a bunch of monkeys.

Monkeys whose brains have evolved
to such an unmanageable size
that it’s now pretty much impossible
for them stay happy for any length of time

In fact, they’re the only animals
that think they’re supposed to be happy.
All of the other animals can just be.

But it’s not that simple for the monkeys.

You see, the monkeys are cursed with consciousness
and so the monkeys are afraid.
So the monkeys worry.
The monkeys worry about everything,
but mostly about what all the other monkeys think.
Because the monkeys desperately want to fit in
with the other monkeys.

Which is hard to do,
because a lot of the monkeys seem to hate each other.
This what really separates them from the other animals.
These monkeys hate.
They hate monkeys that are different.
Monkeys from different places,
monkeys who are a different color-

You see, the monkeys feel alone.
All six billion of them.

Some of the monkeys pay another monkey
to listen to their problems.

Because the monkeys want answers
and the monkeys don’t want to die.
So the monkeys make up gods
and then they worship them.
Then the monkeys argue
over whose made-up god is better.
Then the monkeys get really p1ssed off
and this is usually when the monkeys decide
that it’s a good time to start killing each other.

So the monkeys wage war.
The monkeys make hydrogen bombs.
The monkeys have got their whole f*cking planet
wired up to explode.
The monkeys just can’t help it.

Some of the monkeys play to a sold out crowd . . .
of other monkeys.

The monkeys make trophies
and then they give them to each other.
Like it means something.

Some of the monkeys think
that they have it all worked out.
Some of the monkeys read Nietzsche
The monkeys argue about Nietzsche
without given any consideration to the fact
that Nietzsche
was just another f*cking monkey.

The monkeys make plans.
The monkeys fall in love.
The monkeys f*ck
and then they make more monkeys.

The monkeys make music
and then the monkeys DANCE
Dance, monkeys, dance.

The monkeys make a hell of a lot of noise.
Exhibit A
Monkey making noise.
And when he’s done,
five other randomly selected monkeys
will rate this monkey’s noises
on a scale from one to ten.
At the end of the night,
they add all the numbers up
to see which monkey made the best noises.

As you can see . . .
these are some f*cked up monkeys.

These monkeys are at once the ugliest
and most beautiful creatures on the planet.

And the monkeys don’t want to be monkeys.
They want to be something else.
But they're not.


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I saw some little monkeys climbing up a tree
they came tumbling down again, stung by a bee,
not put off they went up again, fast as can be
on their way down again, forgot to have a pee.

Out there are some elephants, I'm looking cannot see
give me those binoculars, good heavens, can't believe,
charging in this direction, flattenning all afore 'em
I'll die for these elephants and thoroughly adore them.
Learning a new language as an adult is very rewarding at times. You get to enjoy your little discovery and feel like a child again when you understand the meaning of new word you like. Of course not many words can do that but "ADORE" is at the top of my list :)

I adore thee

John G. Nelson

I adore thy incredible smile, pretty as love itself
I compose thou a song, tune dripping from above
I fear not any casualty, my heart seal deep in love
I rest so pleased, well content, my lass I deeply love
I joy well here, in thy ardent arms, I feel no cold

I retrace the flowery days, most wondrous sphere
I gather sweet violet, this my choice and my cheer
I glitter, the light that shines, comes from thy orbs
I wish more then my heart holds, but well absorb
I beseech thou, stay with me, may thy love proceed
.I'll die for these elephants and thoroughly adore them.

... we domesticate them and they come when we summon
and run as if drawn to some musk
and nothing to fear and so much in common
(when they sort out the carers from 'husk')
now man must defy those odds in the sky
in some twilight endanged dusk
and add in some light for to help in their plight
while there's still an uncarved tusk.

philanthropist daring, on bullets go sparing
give up global warming and try global sharing
drop victory "v' from a "carving" makes "caring"
while there's still an uncarved tusk. :(


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YOUR GOD HATES FAGS, MY GOD COULD CARE LESS (unless you mean cigarettes ;))

you Say that your God “hates all fags” and all gays, on account of the partners they seek
you Say they should roll over now in their ways, and cease all this turning of cheek
my God thinks the future (this probably won’t suit ya) belongs to the honest and meek
my God finds irrelevant what you are saying, and she finds the word ‘hate’ a bit bleak.

you Say that your God will permit you to lynch em, as long as you’re wearing a cape
but First you’re entitled to tie up and winch em, and burn homes and pillage and rape
my God!, that’s absurder that “thou shalt use murder!” and “don’t let those heathens escape!”,
my God thinks that murder’s a fraction uncouth – unless you’re a Barbary ape.

mayBe you can picture Fred Nile praps rethinking when he fails the queer ‘Fathers’ to quell
perHaps when he sees his Titanic is sinking as his message gets harder to sell
Can’t you imagine Fred Nile as St Peter, and guarding “The Gates” with George Pell
“Hear ye, hear ye, now gays can come in, just their arses must go to hell!”.

my God thinks ‘forgiveness’ and ‘don’t cast first stones’ are up there “locked in” as top ten
mother Nature cares less for erogenous zones, cos she’s given up sex with men
your God sent some virus (you catch in church choirs) to kill a few queers now and then
my God thinks the planet a place to protect, and to emphasise love ... – amen.
.....Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and pastures blue out to be sterilized" . - Adolf Hitler :eek:


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Mother Earth And Father Time Are Angry

Mother Earth and Father Time are walking hand in hand.
They're visiting their children and checking on their land.

They view the worlds destruction everywhere they turn.
They fear their precious children are never going to learn.

''This earth should be their playground with joys beyond belief
yet, all these children seem to know is senseless pain and grief.''

''How do we teach our children to care for such a place?
They may not get the message till we slap them in their face.''

The children are oblivious to even basic rules.
That's why so many people grow up looking like such fools ;)

Mary Nagy

ps: I don't understand the need to separate the two. At times it feels that there is nothing more cruel than mother nature!

In regard to the gay thingy, my understanding is that GOD doesn't hate gays, its just that he's not fond of the actual act :D :D personally the only thing that comes to mind is the hygiene/pain side of things, but none of my business really!
Mother Earth And Father Time Are Angry
ps: I don't understand the need to separate the two. At times it feels that there is nothing more cruel than mother nature!

In regard to the gay thingy, my understanding is that GOD doesn't hate gays, its just that he's not fond of the actual act
lol - great poem ng -

I used to be accused of being a dreamer when I was a kid - I wrote this as a schoolkid in response to people yelling at me to meet deadlines above all else ;):-

"some say the ticks and tocks of Father Time
should be our thoughts our worries and our fears
but surely within hearing is enough
why carry watches fastened to our ears?!"

A mixture of day dreamer and bolshevism in my attitude in those days ;)

as for gay's not getting to heaven - lol - whatever - but you'd have to be a stupid bigot to throw the bible at em. As if god gives a rats about such things ;). (imo lol)
lol - great poem ng -

I used to be accused of being a dreamer when I was a kid - I wrote this as a schoolkid in response to people yelling at me to meet deadlines above all else

"some say the ticks and tocks of Father Time
should be our thoughts our worries and our fears
but surely within hearing is enough
why carry watches fastened to our ears?!"

A mixture of day dreamer and bolshevism in my attitude in those days

as for gay's not getting to heaven - lol - whatever - but you'd have to be a stupid bigot to throw the bible at em. As if god gives a rats about such things (imo lol)

Speaking of bigots:

Everybody do the 'Bigot'

Independence cha-cha-cha!
Dance to the rhythm of revolution!
Democracy? Oh, lalala
we've stalled a bit since its evolution
and the simple chords of freedom are drowning
in the screaming mouths spilling rivers of red.
And belief in progress is out of fashion
but my faith in humanity's a fervent passion
and yet now i see my only religion
blown up my men with less good sense
than the anarchic prick of a randy pigeon
or the U.S Secretary of Defence.

Independence? Naw, naw naw.
Weep to the beat of the prejudiced horde
and jerk to this global disco discord.

ps: 2020, you're poetry is becoming more difficult to understand, take it easy mate :cautious:

pps: A dreamer and bolshevism is better than a bigot, liar, hypocrite, bully (by that I mean group of bigots) ....etc..etc IMveryHO.

I think that we all have committed one or more of these sins ;) There aren't enough bibles in this world to throw :mad: so don't let it worry you too much ;)

ppps: I think HYPOCRISY is the lightest sin of all of'em. Again according to Macquarie dictionary: 1. the act of pretending to have a character or beliefs, principles, et... that one does NOT possess. 2. pretence of virtue or piety, false goodness.

pppps: JOE, This 5 smilies per post is a pain in the @rse :D
Speaking of bigots:
I think HYPOCRISY is the lightest sin of all of'em.
guess hypocrisy is why I made reference to the church
a) being such homophobes on the one hand, and, on the other,
b) having to defend so many gay priests who have preyed (prayed?) on kids over the years ;):2twocents

(also c - pretending that god could give a damn on such matters , and that they determined whether a person got to heaven or not)

The church's "inconsistencies" on this is why Sinead O'Connor "sacrificed her career to put child abuse on the international agenda ...."

Sinead O'Connor on pope incident, bob dylan concert

Here's the original of that song by Sinead O'Connor (War) - the last few seconds is what it's about (and also the words "child abuse" (instead of racism) that she has written into the song) :(

Sinead O'Connor - War

PS ng, that poem was obviously triggered by that placard that reads "God Hates Fags" - if that makes sense to you then .. good luck to you . ;)


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Speaking of child abuse :mad: you reminded me of this beautiful poem of yours 2020. You come across as a gentle soul that cares about children, it must be the BUDAH in you that brings all that love :cautious:


It was many years ago now, when a small young boy was killed
I read about the matter - why was such young blood be-spilled
a man had worked long overtime to pay his bills that day
and he microslept that part of his untimely homeward way.

The little boy was with his sister, both were infant kids
the footbridge wasn’t finished, and the road was full of skids
each one of them spelt danger, but this day the driver slept,
and he hit this little stranger, and his mother since has wept.

There’s more to this sad story, just to make it extra cruel
for I think from distant memory, she has barely started school
and the car involved was heading for his darling little sis
and he pushed her in a way that meant the danger was all his.

Sure he died that day a hero, sure they think about him oft
Sure he’s found a path to heaven, sure he looks down from aloft
Sure there’s none of us immortal, and the one’s behind will weep
Sure his little life is bounded by an honoured heroes sleep.

I'm sure you're an excellent buhdist, but I would say Christianity is NOT your area of expertise ;) As I recall saying before the church is not God and God doesn't hate poeple, he hates sin. People hate people!

ps: if you dont like God's defintion of sin then dont believe in him. Its that simple. I mean smelling **** on your way out is not a biggy really! like you said who gives a rat's **** :D
if you dont like God's defintion of sin then dont believe in him. Its that simple.
ng - the poem you just posted was based on a true story (sad one)

as for the poem on religion - well, I think when I saw that lady with the placard saying "God Hates Fags" - I thought to myself

...I thought God / JC told us not to hate, lol :confused:
............. As I implied MY God (and I suspect also Jesus, lol - may be wrong) hates/strongly dislikes the word "hate" :2twocents

PS arguments on literal interpretation of , and/or selective quoting from Bibles and Korans etc usually happen elsewhere , suffice to say, most of us seem to have agreed to disagree -

heck anyone is free to post poems here - poetic licence helps - but not sure how poetic licence stacks up against parliamentary privelege though, lol. ;)
ng - the poem you just posted was based on a true story (sad one) .......yeh I know and that's what makes it sad I guess :mad:

............. As I implied MY god hates the word "hate" :2twocents...........does your god have a view on "implied" hate? what about implied harm? is that a sin according to buddha?

as for the poem on religion - well, I think when I saw that lady with the placard saying "God Hates Fags" - I thought to myself..............

...I thought God told us not to hate, lol :confused: ......when I saw a buddist demonstrate hate/harm once I thought to myself.........

.....I thought buddha hates the word hate

ps: I think its best for buddists to stick to talking about buddha and leave God alone!

pps: I love how you respond to my posts before I hit the submit button
I mean couldn't you wait?

pppppppppppppssssssssssssssss: hey does hating hate imply love just like disagreeingy to disagree imply agreeing, if yes then buddha is just as messed up as the rest of us!! LOL....................................
ps: I think its best for buddists to stick to talking about buddha and leave God alone!

pps: I love how you respond to my posts before I hit the submit button :D
I mean couldn't you at least wait?

pppppppppppppssssssssssssssss: hey does hating hate imply love just like disagreeingy to disagree imply agrreeingy, if yes then buddha is just as messed up as the rest of us!! LOL....................................
I'm neither Buddhist nor Christian - (although I like JC's ideas on forgiveness, and I like Buddhist ideas on tolerance) won't go into it further here - pretty much all been said - :)

I guess like you I can write poems here about just about anything - let's call it poetic licence -

I guess best to stay away from unsubstantiated hatred (implied - or for that matter in-black-white-and-on-ply ;))
but then again, some poems are like verbal cartoons as well :2twocents, satire , all that sorta stuff.

PS In my mind, I would reason that there is a difference between hating the concept of hate , and jumping to the next level of loving :2twocents
I mean you can hate hate and be ambivalent about love can you not ?

PPS In the same way, the Middle East might start to move ahead if people stopped hating each other , yes? - (when we learn to love our children more than we hate our enemies" as Golda said)

... but no-one is going to pretend - and no one is going to expect - that opposite sides (currently shooting at each other) will love each other in the near fuure : 2twocents


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just a small question 2020 what does the woman with the elephant nose represent and what religion does it belong to? do some people worship elephants?

many thanks

and also c)....... what does ambivalent mean? :D

and also also d)....... the middle east is in a mess because it has oil in it and people in the west cant seem to get enough of their riches ;) I'm sure if the west leaves them alone or better still help them after the fu@k ups they caused love will start flowing soon after: RESPECT my friend, respect :2twocents

E your exciting and F.................:D

....G you look good to me.....LOL....:D