Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

And we are off - Aboriginal leaders say $1 billion 'not sorry enough'

To quote "ithatheekret"

"Where did the indigenous persons inclined to abuse young kiddies , pick up the habit ?
Where do the drugs and sniffing fuels , alcohol , etc., come from to push the isolated into such depravity ?

Who is it that sees such an advantage to do such things and how did they ever get so low on the human ladder ?

Out of sight out of mind and easy to abuse ."

Hmm, where do I start with this foolish comment???

1st. So, it was the white man who introduced sex crimes into black fella society, rofl, your an idiot, enough said : )
2nd. The white man did introduce all the good and the bad the world had to offer, but what does that have to do with the price of eggs??? We all have choices m8. I chose to belong to the greater society, but still enjoy both the good and the bad forms of entertainment to a degree.
3rd. "low on the human ladder", hello, they were using sticks to kill animals m8, didn't even have the wheel etc etc. I don't think of the indig as inferior, but you have to admit they are not the brightest sparks around, and before you quote great indig academics, they’d be mostly half cast, so are ineligible.
4th. We have educated them, housed them, given them every opportunity to mix with the greater society, better themselves and what do they choose to do with this greater knowledge...........jack ****. There are allways the exceptions, a minority.
Explain this to me, an indig woman walking along the street, squats, dumps her load, then carries on???? We say sorry and compensate, will it stop this from happening??? It's just so wrong m8, so wrong.
The 'sorry' debate means nothing and wuill do nothing to help the aborignal people.

Any "apology" by the government (and therefore admission of responsibility / liability) will do nothing for the aboriginal people and will bring us no closer to 'reconciliation'..

aside from the obvious issue of "sorry" = "pay out billions in compensation", an apology for wrongdoings by past governments will only further strenghthen the victimhood mentality held by many aboriginal people.

the aboriginal people need to be encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions, removal of the dependence on welfare is key and simply saying sorry and throwing more money at them will do zero.
I wish this site would stay in the stocks arena. When all you right wing, Liberal lovers get off capital gains, things get very nasty. Reading the politics thread was a laugh, however this thread is pathetic.
I wish this site would stay in the stocks arena. When all you right wing, Liberal lovers get off capital gains, things get very nasty. Reading the politics thread was a laugh, however this thread is pathetic.

Why even comment on this thread then. Just ignore it. It is in a seperate section to the Stock Market- "General Chat".
Regardless of whether it happened or not, sources that support the near extinction of Tasmanian Aboriginals, claim that the 5,000 Aboriginals in 1803, that were reduced to around 300 in 1833, died due to alcoholism and virulent diseases. It was therefore not a systematic, purposeful destruction of a people, aka, Genocide.

Yeah, because they were lied to about being put on an island away from their land, mixed with other groups of people they had not been in contact with. Not purposeful my a*se. Just like the Warsaw ghetto was not purposeful hey? Not like the Nazis in this instance indeed...
I wish this site would stay in the stocks arena. When all you right wing, Liberal lovers get off capital gains, things get very nasty. Reading the politics thread was a laugh, however this thread is pathetic.

care to elaborate on your views moxy or you have nothing but pointless dribble to contribute?
yeah fine give them whatever they ask for and in return yank all the other aboriginal only welfare and policies. then 20 years down the track when they are still rotting away we'll get pangs of guilt and start paying for them again, but at least we won't have to go through this crap again and we can lecture them to our hearts content. p.s. i'm not sorry.

I agree with this. I work in the Job Network and I can tell you Aboriginal's have to do very little to get their payments. They dont comply with rules that others have to, there is always another standard just for Aboriginals, and in general the ones I have dealt with are very rude, have chips on their shoulder etc etc.

I could go on and on about this, BUT I feel they are already duley compensated with their welfare payments. These payments already come out of the pockets of the taxpayers.
I agree with this. I work in the Job Network and I can tell you Aboriginal's have to do very little to get their payments. They dont comply with rules that others have to, there is always another standard just for Aboriginals, and in general the ones I have dealt with are very rude, have chips on their shoulder etc etc.

perfect demonstration of the victimhood mentality we have been encouraging through our own actions for many many years.
perfect demonstration of the victimhood mentality we have been encouraging through our own actions for many many years.

Well lets cut them off from welfare and see what happens. Welfare should be abolished anyway, does not work at all for intended purpose.
I've worked all my life to give my family a comfortable lifestyle (from a humble beginning), and never received or expected any handouts during my working life (now happily retired)

There were times when I've had to work away from home for extended periods - but I did it, because I was brought up to be responsible for my families welfare. I did what I had to do !!

Maybe our indiginous friends do not have the cultural background for them to fit into our society

They are mostly misfits, and that's a shame

Their leaders should show some leadership and encourage them to be responsible for their lives - giving handouts, in my opinion, is a total waste of money and will probably result in doing more harm than good !!

I wish they would get off their backsides and do something useful with their lives - like all the other contributers to our society

Its a cruel world, always has been and always will be - join the human race
Well lets cut them off from welfare and see what happens. Welfare should be abolished anyway, does not work at all for intended purpose.

i wholeheartedly agree.

welfare has its place for those who genuinely require assistance.

welfare for those who 'need' it simply due to their unwillingness to work and/or contribute to society is useless and does nothing to encourage self respect or responsibility.
Yeh, "general chat".

Maybe these sites would be more appropriate for this type of general chat.

and not an Australian site but plenty of like minded souls, league of the South. :D

Sigh, still no opinion from moxy. Chops, your comparison with the Nazi's is a bit outragous mate, as has been said by other members. I think it is also quite offensive to the ancestors of this great land, not to mention current day Aussies.
I think it is also quite offensive to the ancestors of this great land, not to mention current day Aussies.

I'm a current day Aussie. But it is true, unless you are in a group of historians who are apologists, that what I said was actually the case. Even H.G. Wells cites it in War of The Worlds in 1898. So this was hardly a debating point, even in the 19th century. Refusal to accept horrifying mistakes done in the past is perhaps why we are stuck now in this issue.
I'm a current day Aussie. But it is true, unless you are in a group of historians who are apologists, that what I said was actually the case. Even H.G. Wells cites it in War of The Worlds in 1898. So this was hardly a debating point, even in the 19th century. Refusal to accept horrifying mistakes done in the past is perhaps why we are stuck now in this issue.

Haha, mate, the First Fleeters and European Settlers made Australia and made this great land what it is, and comparing them to Hitler and the Nazi's is an insult.
To quote "ithatheekret"

"Where did the indigenous persons inclined to abuse young kiddies , pick up the habit ?
Where do the drugs and sniffing fuels , alcohol , etc., come from to push the isolated into such depravity ?

Who is it that sees such an advantage to do such things and how did they ever get so low on the human ladder ?

Out of sight out of mind and easy to abuse ."

Hmm, where do I start with this foolish comment???

1st. So, it was the white man who introduced sex crimes into black fella society, rofl, your an idiot, enough said : )
2nd. The white man did introduce all the good and the bad the world had to offer, but what does that have to do with the price of eggs??? We all have choices m8. I chose to belong to the greater society, but still enjoy both the good and the bad forms of entertainment to a degree.
3rd. "low on the human ladder", hello, they were using sticks to kill animals m8, didn't even have the wheel etc etc. I don't think of the indig as inferior, but you have to admit they are not the brightest sparks around, and before you quote great indig academics, they’d be mostly half cast, so are ineligible.
4th. We have educated them, housed them, given them every opportunity to mix with the greater society, better themselves and what do they choose to do with this greater knowledge...........jack ****. There are allways the exceptions, a minority.
Explain this to me, an indig woman walking along the street, squats, dumps her load, then carries on???? We say sorry and compensate, will it stop this from happening??? It's just so wrong m8, so wrong.

Okay then I'm an idiot , just watch who it is they start prosecuting , your talking about the habits of an indigineous woman , fine okay, so she dumped on the side of the road . I don't see your point here . And of course only aboriginals do this ............

There's a lot going on that the masses are not aware of . I only wish I could report it to you or the press could get the real news to print , but like me they are gagged !

Before you rant back , I can't because I am under the instruction of the crown to remain silent , in the form of a suppression order .

But of course you would have to understand the sickness , the depraved are infested with first and the follow through in habits that are quite often taken up by victims .

Ask yourself why that happens ?

To many the answer is that it is simpler to label it idiopathic and hope it goes away .

Now they're the idiots .............
Haha, mate, the First Fleeters and European Settlers made Australia and made this great land what it is, and comparing them to Hitler and the Nazi's is an insult.

Yeah, you're right. There is no comparison. The Germans failed at wiping out a race of people. Comparing our success and their failure, is just not on.
There's a lot going on that the masses are not aware of . I only wish I could report it to you or the press could get the real news to print , but like me they are gagged !

Before you rant back , I can't because I am under the instruction of the crown to remain silent , in the form of a suppression order .

lol. now this is hilarious.

check your phone isnt tapped because you never know then "they" are listening!!!
Wow interesting thread

I spent 5 years or more living / working in northern WA getting to see various communities both town based / remote and pondered the Aboriginal issues at length and it tends to get in your face one way or another.

I worked with many part aboriginals who were seen as white by aboriginals and black by whites which was really interesting!

I came to the conclusion there is simply no answer, no solution, nada, zip, nothing what you see now will always be for generations.

Their situation is not unique, look at many of the indigenous races around the world and the problems invariably are the same.

Alcohol, sugar, drugs lost of culture, identity etc.

I make the note that none of the contributors to this thread have any idea or concept (including myself) as to what that all means or what it would be like if it was us.

Like I said I think there are no answers and no the Tasmanian method was not a solution……

Yeah, you're right. There is no comparison. The Germans failed at wiping out a race of people. Comparing our success and their failure, is just not on.

Well it seems you are hell bent on saying that the British early settlers were worse than the Nazi's.

It is estimated that Hitler and the Nazi's murded anywhere from between 15,000,000 - 30,000,000 men, women and children. He murdered the handicapped, the aged, the sick, homosexuals, not to mention Jews and Slavs.

1,000,000 children (under 18) were murdered by the Nazi's------and you are trying to compare this with British settlers clashing with Aborigines???? You have serious problems.

This is an extract from a Robert Payne biography of Hitler-

"Hitler told Himmler that it was not enough for the Jews simply to die; they must die in agony. What was the best way to prolong their agony? Himmler turned the problem over to his advisers, who concluded that a slow, agonizing death could be brought about by placing Jewish prisoners in freight cars in which the floors were coated with...quicklime...which produced excruciating burns. The advisers estimated that it would take four days for the prisoners to die, and for that whole time the freight cars could be left standing on some forgotten siding.... Finally it was decided that the freight cars should be used in addition to the extermination camps."

The british settlers were nothing like the Nazi's.

The Aussie governement took 100,000 children from their home in an attempt to, in their eyes, re-educate them. I accept that this was a awful error by the government, but put it in perspective, the Nazi's MURDERED 1,000,000 children.
