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America a Failed State and a Rogue State to the rest of the World

first trials started in China, anything is possible there

I'll take fictional stories with political motives for $200, thanks.
first trials started in China, anything is possible there

NO .... Gilead and its Magic bleach drug trials ... for CV19 were NOT initially in China
61 patients
22 were in the United States, 22 in Europe or Canada, and 9 in Japan

I did provide the link ....

The FAILED clinical phase 1 trial ... that had 60% with adverse reactions.

New England Journal Of Medicine article

As to China or other different people ... suggesting because they are Black or Brown or Yellow or Chinese that their work is not acceptable is racist, patronizing and condescending. USA has a massive issue with American exceptionalism and utter belief they are the best in the world. I try not to be that way. Inventions often come from the most unexpected places and regions.

Suggest you try it next time your overseas if that's your thing, rougher the neighborhood the better and then tell them they are inferior based upon color ?

Clinical stage one Human trail was ... not in China ...

Stage 2 was partially ,,, and dismissed because it did not suit the narrative. A failed drug is not what Mr Trump needed to make the market rally and get the peasants back to work. The stage 2 became stage 2/3 trial and with over 1,000 participants and China yes did run part of it ... the Magic drug FAILED there.

Pathetically failed and they reported massive drug reactions and NO effect ... no positive effect.
World Health was involved and so too many other world famous doctors then ... a few Gilead stooge scientists who were on their payroll ... or had been for many years. In fact the one who did not declare any interest .... conflicting interest ... had been involved with Gilead as a paid consultant and advisor for well over 20 years.

Usually in science one declares interests, this, well, seems to have slipped his mind. Strange everything about USA response to the CV19 is along these lines. Paid for consultants, pad for Gilead speakers ... paid for conferences by Gilead and they all are on the board supervising CV19. There are quite a few so will take a few goes to cover just some of the rubbish .... they are selling ...

Bleach ... but you scratch my back and I will let the patent on the drug you have that expires in 2021 that you sell for 100 times the outside USA ... be extended and make you 15 billion in sales instead of 150 million.

Sadly ... failed states and kleptocracy ruled by an oligarchy work this way.

USA pathetically is run this way in 2020 and has been for some time.

But race aside, I dont care if your your any race or gender .... just be competent and tell the truth.
I am not suggesting the Communist Chinese are doing so, nor is the USA. A pox on both of them !!

Not fans of either regime.
Oooh the video version ....

100 days of the Worlds leader !!

Hilarious ...

Sad ... and with 67,000 USA deaths as of 2nd May 2020 likely to hit 128,000 by end of June 2020 ... congratulations. Bravo !!

Strange when 100,000 died in Yemen in 2019 via USA policy it got virtually no media, I wonder if we shall hear anything about this CV19 in the next 6 weeks ?

A life is a life after all.

The model they use ... is still predicting ... right now
72,433 COVID-19 deaths
projected by August 4, 2020

Sadly the toll is 67,087 right now and running around reported deaths 2,000 a day so, its going to stop in 3 days ?

Failed state is hardly covering what the USA is doing.

If you look at what's going on in the world, our primitive economy, and our dependency on a certain pariah country, I think Australia is probably very much closer to becoming a failed state than America.
Don't believe the anti American media. It's not the world's most popular country because of propaganda or media bias. It's far, far from perfect, but there are plenty of valid reasons it's the country most in demand as a place to call home.
Simply untrue!
You appear to be guilty of believing American propaganda!
Well @kahuna1 you have certainly aroused the meek and emboldened the brave. It is a timely and worthy thread in these times. It interests me as I predicted a win for Trump in 2016 and I fear he may get in again this year.

The USA is certainly broken, and is as rogue as the average empire but nowhere near so as many others presently in the world.

This a popcorn thread so I'll go in to detail as the arguments unfold. suffice it to say that American Democrat liberal leaders are divorced from the blue collar and worker base and Trump and the rabid media control the topics which will decide the election and have the means to manipulate the truth and the message.

Okay here's an interesting thought experiment.

What makes a successful state? ie *not a failed state?
If you look at what's going on in the world, our primitive economy, and our dependency on a certain pariah country, I think Australia is probably very much closer to becoming a failed state than America.
I did post up a thread a long time ago, "why not sell W.A to China", as I said in reality they will probably end up owning it for a fraction of its worth.
Signing on to the Lima agreement in the 1970's, really has left us exposed to being bought out by an overseas Country, we have offshored all our manufacturing in the name of helping 3rd World Countries.
But in doing so, we have left ourselves very exposed, to becoming a 3rd World Country IMO.

The Lima Declaration is a UN-led initiative that seeks to “flatten” the world's production to redistribute wealth to give all nations a “fair share”. It is an international trade agreement similar to G.A.T.T, (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation_26.3.1975_0.PDF

I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but it seems that maintaining our lifestyle and welfare State, is going to become harder and harder IMO.
Especially when the media and miners, have so much influence over the plebs.
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Sigh ...

USA daily numbers ....

Trump has apologized for it all !!

Not his thing ...

My favorite from the first 100 days was him scoring himself 10/10 with a mere 4,000 cases and last week ... as Deaths hit 58,000 and Vietnam War levels along with cases hit over 1.1 million he congratulated how well he has done. Is a million more than 4,000 ? Is it 250 times more ? Would you congratulate yourself unless you were insane or barely human ?

Is he even human ?

I must get me some of that syphilis or delusion or is it cocaine ?

Still the model they use and propaganda by estimates all deaths stop at 73,000 in the USA basically Wednesday next week has not been updated..

Expect reported deaths to drop for USA for tomorrow as its Sunday and well ... Pence in charge of the task force is chanting at his local church being an evangelical christian along with Dr Birch and Surgeon General with the lisp ...

I wonder what time on Wednesday all deaths stop in the USA ? Maybe they all drink bleach or try Gilead Drug Remdesivir which causes massive side effects ? Cant get upset other than the waste of life, since I actually cared about say Yemen or innocents hit via drone strikes ... not sure I should be more upset .. USA has shifted its target domestically to the poor and mainly non whites there ?

I suppose I am equally disgusted in these monsters recent disdain for humans who are running the USA.
It comes as no surprise for me. Trump only looks after his billionaire buddies and himself.

Even all the trillions pumped out is going towards the wealthy to protect and keep their assets propped up, and very little if at all going to the people really in need.

Thank God for all the charitable organisations to keep the people fed during this crisis...

We are lucky to be here down under.
It comes as no surprise for me. Trump only looks after his billionaire buddies and himself.
In all my life and all the Presidents I have seen come and go Trump has got to be the worst I have ever seen, ever. He has handled this COVID-19 situation so badly with everything he has done and said. This is a very short video made only 2 days ago, on the the right it shows the death rate, it is showing over 66,000 have died of this virus in the USA already.

Interesting watch. A different view of current world affairs, perspectives slightly different than the heavy pro-US/pro-war propaganda that is force fed to all of us on a daily basis. The US "perpetual war" strategy.

It wouldn't have mattered who has president there was no way they were going to be able to lock the place down for any extended time without them waving their guns and constitutional rights around.

Problem is you always here from the news the worst about the US. l don't think its over for the them, within 2 months of the first case they had a trial vaccine going, they will work it out.
Most nations locked down for 50-60 days ....

USA locked down for 23 in 19 states !!

As for vaccine .... Gilead's Drug does not work, this however is not stopping it being touted like the malaria one as a cure. I will be back with FAR more on this sham.

USA stepped up testing somewhat and got 12% of the cases positive.
So test 200,000 a day they found 24,000 NEW cases.

EU nations going back are and have been testing with 1% .... of the tests coming back positive.

Australia which is about to relax, has been getting less than 1 in a 1000 positives .... we tested 15,000 plus on average a day for the last week and got under 15 cases a day.

EU is 10 times better prepared than USA to relax and we, Australia are hoping for the impossible to maybe eradicate it. Unlikely due to transmission .... but still we can hope. Will make a vast difference to what emerges post lock-down.

Question would be ? A simple one or two .... a vaccine is hoped for, it is not guaranteed and how it works, how long it works for and well ... where it comes from is the other question. Gileads drug skipped all protocols clearly kills more people .... yet they are approving it. Control group abandoned and the quoted supposed experts ... are PAID Gilead consultants !!

ON testing and when your ready, if USA is getting 10 times more positives than EU nations and has locked down for half the time, do you think it will turn out well ?

How badly would be the question.

Or course the USA does not care since it hits mainly non white and poor stupid white people and the ones running the USA are elderly racist white males. Not something I admire. I note George W Junior Bush has emerged with a comment and the man who well ... managed to invade and kill millions looking for WMDS and Katrina went so well with New Orleans abandoned for 15 days post the storm.

Trump already beat that with Puerto Rico and the two cyclones with 3,000 dead and 2 million without electricity even 90 days latter.

I wonder if they were not Lilly white ?

Yes go back to work peasants .... ignore that the numbers are 10 times worse than anywhere else going back to work and your lock-down was half as long !!

Failed state ? Or Genocidal maniac ?

This is true.

But would you rather a leader who leads than one who follows? (Public pressure--popularity--self serving).
This is true.

But would you rather a leader who leads than one who follows? (Public pressure--popularity--self serving).

That is entirely the point of a good leader. They should listen and follow the needs of the people and act kindly & honourably. Save lives rather than take lives. See the other side rather than their own side. A concept that doesn't seem to exist in modern American (and western?) culture.

Lying, making unsubstantiated accusations, proselytising, warmongering, intimidation tactics, threatening nuclear war and leading the world into chaos is indeed leadership. A real evil selfish type of leadership that Trump & the American regime now epitomises.

America basically gets a get-out-jail free card for all their crimes in the last 150 years because they are powerful and in large control the flow of world news.
IMV there is whiff of the Ottoman Empire late 19th Century around the US. A seemingly very powerful force that steadily lost its influence . After WW1 it was toast

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