and we do agree that these pathetic bastards are the judges...
The role of the legal society in destroying our culture is kept quiet but when you see the impact of a litigation society, the cost and red tape triggerred by the blame culture.
From your rates increase as your council pay money to anyone slipping on uneven pavements, to your surgeon, professionals or company insurance premiums (that you have to pay down the chain), the quiet interested decisions of these so called respectable judges (your honour..we should cry) are undermining our society.
They will probably release the murderous bogan (no money to be made there) but try to attack the corner pub or the spirit company drapped in grand principles.
I have the upmost disrespect for the legal system here, I am sure there are a few exceptions and I have read about some in the past, so kudos to these individuals who fought for real principle of right and wrong, but overall, a very rotten and antique system.Better avoid having to deal with it, especially as a victim...