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Ageing population

@Garpal Gumnut geez, what a tough question to ask.
I think the one big factor is in our "genes" but even then, it just down to the luck of the draw.

I've known health nuts that have died way too early from, apparently, avoidable diseases. Their cigarette smoking, drunkard, non-health nut mates, never leaving the pub until after last drinks have out lived them.

@Gringotts Bank
Too right. AI will see leaps and bounds in the next five years let alone the next ten and, watch for Biotronics...
yeah !but who is going to pay for it , hardly anyone is generating income to be taxed

imagine Amazon with almost no consumers ( the same with Fed-EX , the airlines , etc etc )

you don't have much of an economy without humans

You can chose to exit this world anytime you want to. And no, the medical profession and others, don't like that method either.
Never you believe that. My robot cleaner has gone gaga. Forgets it's running low on batteries, gets stuck all over the place and then yells out for help with banished to the store room
You can chose to exit this world anytime you want to. And no, the medical profession and others, don't like that method either.
On top of that @Belli , it is not a surprise if one does it oneself to oneself and seems a bit unatural in peacetime.

Also there are a whole team of paramedics (ambos), police, emergency doctors, nurses, psychiatric people and social workers waiting to claim you and prevent it from happening.

A joker I know decided to go out in style on Hamilton Is. complete with pharaonic accompaniments, a lady from an establishment in Mackay, best bubbly, other stuff etc. and ended up on a helicopter being evacuated when he mentioned it to her.

I am only interested in going suddenly without warning.

I am only interested in going suddenly without warning.
My preference too. Being of a certain age (and not yet uncertain), I can't understand when a mate, as recently happened, was on the bike, had the cardiac episode and was dead before he hit the ground. ...all the platitudes of "Too early" and such like. Way to go, I say.

But stroke isn't nice, in my experience. Messy.

Keeping on subject: Now, for baby boomers, the original label was Post-war Baby Boomers . A major demographic shift is underway as we shuffle off. Kind of glad it has been relatively peaceful.
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Never you believe that. My robot cleaner has gone gaga. Forgets it's running low on batteries, gets stuck all over the place and then yells out for help with banished to the store room
you should have put a bizarre costume on it , and christen it Lady , and bring it out for entertainment value , when friends turn up ( post a few Tik-Tok videos and see if you get a speedy replacement

How to stay in optimum health into latter years is a big question. If you're getting on in years and you have the means, I'd say draw up a bucket list and begin. The idea being that body will retain good health if the mind is happy. Norman Cousins style.
I am only interested in going suddenly without warning.


Seems very spooky to go to sleep planning out what you'll do tomorrow (just mundane stuff) like usual then never wake up and never know it etc. (scratch that if you are very confident of some existence after death). But I guess however you slice it, mortality kind of sucks.
I have found the things that age me the most are:
The body wearing out and money running out.
Fortunately I'm getting to an age, where the former is overtaking the later, which actually is good, because it is reducing my stress levels. Lol
I like the idea of waking up dead, then I dont have to worry about it.
spread the assets all over the place , so all the hangers-on have to search and fight over 'their share ' ( and be laughing all through the funeral )

PS , i hope it says DOCK ME ! in a clear voice .....
It called out "cuddle me' or so the cheeky old accountant said when I asked

lol, Have you got one of those vaccuum ones?
Yes, more trouble than its worth. We suspected it triggered the security alarm once after hours when it went about its job. And many a time, I've heard it tangled itself up because someone had left some cords lying around
spread the assets all over the place , so all the hangers-on have to search and fight over 'their share ' ( and be laughing all through the funeral )
Ive already moved the house to a disabled daughter, so she doesnt have to worry.
Whats left when we go, they can fight over.
Actually they are good kids and all have varying levels of wealth, from comfortable, down to on welfare and renting, but Im confident they will work it out.
They always did and still do get on well, despite their various status on the wealth ladder.
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