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Acronym thread

Being new to the forum this is a great idea for a thread which I was going to try to start. investopedia is a great tip too.
Being new to the forum this is a great idea for a thread which I was going to try to start. investopedia is a great tip too.

Yeh, investopedia is fantastic!

I would say this thread is officially dead though. Never really took off.
Sorry, did we all agree that "SPI" was Share Price Index??

Investopedia doesn't have it, and neither does wikipedia.

If it is, which index is it?
Not really an acronym, but when people refer to a speeding ticket do they mean a price query?
these acronyms are different from the one I learned from world of warcraft...
[I think i may have found the right section to post this in now..? forgive me if not, and please point me in the right direction]

I was just looking through the course of sales of TLS on Commsec and noticed some trades have the condition of 'XT' beside them.
I have searched for a glossary but could not find one. On the stock chat, someone gave me a link to some: h ttp : // prices. comsec. com. au/ ClientAccess/ InstrumentSearch/ Help/ MarketPricesHelp . aspx (Apologies for the disjointed link, i am not allowed to post one as my post count is too low.)
But it doesn't list the 'XT' condition.
I have attached a screenshot of part of the page.

If anyone can help, i'd be most appreciatinve.


  • Comsec - XT.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 125
[I think i may have found the right section to post this in now..? forgive me if not, and please point me in the right direction]

But it doesn't list the 'XT' condition.
I have attached a screenshot of part of the page.

I means 'Cross Trade'. which is when a broker does an off market transfer and then reports it to the ASX. Probably a fund moving shares between accounts or happens a lot around option expriy when an option is exercised.

And a few other things,

<Timmy ya bet me>
CFD - .....?
Contract For Difference

you bet on the direction of a share or index price.
Some bookies (called "Marketmakers") will give you 20:1 or even 33:1 "leverage".
You buy a contract for, say, BHP to rise from $45. You buy 1000 contracts at 33:1 and pay $1,500. Every cent BHP rises, you make $10; if it's risen to $45.50, you sell, get your $1500 back, plus $500 for the "difference".
But if BHP falls to $44, you've lost $1,000.
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