Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ABC is Political

No use getting boiled up. Truth is just a victim of politics.
As George Orwell said a long time ago:

“Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful ……”

“In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”

How very true.

But the naive including some ASF members believe the crap put out by the ABC, SBS, GETUP, MEDIA WATCH, QandA. Insiders, the good old Guardian communist newspaper and Fairfax.

The Green/Labor left wing socialist party have influence over all of them.

Control the media outlets and you control the people.
No use getting boiled up. Truth is just a victim of politics.
As George Orwell said a long time ago:

“Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful ……”

“In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”

I'm sure neither side of politics has a monopoly on truth, but Noco's assumptions of lax processing by govt bureaucrats in Gillard/Rudd eras is just that = an assumption unless there are substantive facts, and no one is going to find facts in media like QLD's Courier Mail.
How very true.

But the naive including some ASF members believe the crap put out by the ABC, SBS, GETUP, MEDIA WATCH, QandA. Insiders, the good old Guardian communist newspaper and Fairfax.

The Green/Labor left wing socialist party have influence over all of them.

Control the media outlets and you control the people.

Are you saying all those are liars because they are meritocracies rather than the LNP's plutocratic benefactor Mr Murdoch ?
Are you saying all those are liars because they are meritocracies rather than the LNP's plutocratic benefactor Mr Murdoch ?

I am saying it is those organizations I mentioned, who exaggerate and stretch the truth to discredit the Liberal Party and praise the Green/Labor coalition where possible.....If you are trying to tell me they are not biased towards the Labor Party, then you are in denial.
From what I see about the situation where Triggs stated the Green/Labor removed the kids faster from detention than the Liberal Party was because the detention centers were full to overflowing and the Green/Labor coalition processed them without thorough check and released them into the community to make room for new arrivals....It makes me boil when I see how get things so distorted from the truth.

There is real problem Noco whenever you use an Andrew Bolt story as a reference for a story.

Andrew has no ethics. He repeatedly, distorts, deceives, dissembles. (In my view) no one in their right mind would accept Andrews version of reality unless there is external evidence.
There is real problem Noco whenever you use an Andrew Bolt story as a reference for a story.

Andrew has no ethics. He repeatedly, distorts, deceives, dissembles. (In my view) no one in their right mind would accept Andrews version of reality unless there is external evidence.
You might want to take another look.

In taking aim, you're trying to shoot the wrong messenger.
I am saying it is those organizations I mentioned, who exaggerate and stretch the truth to discredit the Liberal Party and praise the Green/Labor coalition where possible.....If you are trying to tell me they are not biased towards the Labor Party, then you are in denial.

My cynical agrees in part with you Noco. The other parts says that the twisting of facts and the lying is not just from Lab sympathisers, but also from the other side too.

You must admit you tend to substantiate your arguments with carefully selected articles that agree with your politics, but offer no offset argument. It's not just you, it's everyone who does it.

It's the people in govt who need to be scrutinised, not necessarily the opposition; that is why the criticisms of Abbott and coy, they are the board of directors who are supposed to be running the show, not behaving like they are in opposition.

The ministry seems to always be banging on about Labor and deficits, but the fiscal policies are continuously being changed to suit prevailing conditions, otherwise we would be operating on a Menzies budget from the 50's or earlier.

The mainstream media is always looking to be sensational and there isn't much purchase in pursuing the Labor party when the decision makers are LNP.
There is real problem Noco whenever you use an Andrew Bolt story as a reference for a story.

Andrew has no ethics. He repeatedly, distorts, deceives, dissembles. (In my view) no one in their right mind would accept Andrews version of reality unless there is external evidence.

And of course the ABC and all their associated programs don't distort the truth.

I know who would sooner trust with the truth and it ain't the ABC mate.
Are you saying all those are liars because they are meritocracies rather than the LNP's plutocratic benefactor Mr Murdoch ?

I am saying it is those organizations I mentioned, who exaggerate and stretch the truth to discredit the Liberal Party and praise the Green/Labor coalition where possible.....

There is real problem Noco whenever you use an Andrew Bolt story as a reference for a story.

Andrew has no ethics. He repeatedly, distorts, deceives, dissembles. (In my view) no one in their right mind would accept Andrews version of reality unless there is external evidence.

……… the twisting of facts and the lying is not just from Lab sympathisers, but also from the other side too.

The mainstream media is always looking to be sensational and there isn't much purchase in pursuing the Labor party when the decision makers are LNP.

I know who would sooner trust with the truth and it ain't the ABC mate.

Interesting discussion.
So does anyone have any suggestions as to where we can find the truth on anything?
We are bombarded everyday with information from so many sources. How can any individual be sure he/she is not being fooled by what is said or published? - whether it be mainstream newspapers/TV, statements by politicians, ABC etc….
Interesting discussion.
So does anyone have any suggestions as to where we can find the truth on anything?
We are bombarded everyday with information from so many sources. How can any individual be sure he/she is not being fooled by what is said or published? - whether it be mainstream newspapers/TV, statements by politicians, ABC etc….

Just believe in half of what your hear and a quarter of what you read and you will be some where the mark.

It is all about persuasion in getting you to believe one side of a story or the other.

The left wing socialist media outlets will go out of their way to control your mind and your destiny.
Just believe in half of what your hear and a quarter of what you read and you will be some where the mark.

It is all about persuasion in getting you to believe one side of a story or the other.

The left wing socialist media outlets will go out of their way to control your mind and your destiny.

Noco, from now on I will not believe more than 25% of anything that you post:D

Btw, what do the right wing conservative media outlets go out of their way to do? :confused:
Noco, from now on I will not believe more than 25% of anything that you post:D

Btw, what do the right wing conservative media outlets go out of their way to do? :confused:

Read the center line of my post and that should answer your question.

It is all about persuasion in getting you to believe one side of a story or the other.
Read the center line of my post and that should answer your question.

It is all about persuasion in getting you to believe one side of a story or the other.

I did read the centre line of your post but unlike the first and the last I couldn't think of anything flippant in response.
12-hour shifts can be advantageous but it depends on the overall circumstances.

For example, if there's no overall increase in hours, nine 8-hour shifts per fortnight can become six 12-hour shifts over that same fortnight.
12-hour shifts can be advantageous but it depends on the overall circumstances.

For example, if there's no overall increase in hours, nine 8-hour shifts per fortnight can become six 12-hour shifts over that same fortnight.

Haven't seen many six days on, eight days off, doc. Or 3 days on four days off:eek:

Two weeks on one week off, at twelve hours per shift, is more the norm

Or four weeks on one week off.

But like I said I didn't see all the do gooders jumping up and down about

Two weeks on one week off = 14 shifts at 12 hours is 168 hours / 3 weeks works out to a 56 hour week. But you do travel in your own time.

Four on one off works out to about a 60 hour week.
Ummm Isn`t it the ABC that are reporting it?

Yes they are giving it a cursory mention, but it has been a real issue for years, just doesn't pull a headline.
Unlike politics, which is front page news every day, whether it is important or not.
The following video illustrates the context in which TA framed his "lifestyle choices" comment,

The ABC though is keen to maintain the rage as an issue of race.

Today's edition of The World today,

BRENDAN TREMBATH: There's more fallout from the Prime Minister Tony Abbott's comment that Indigenous Australians living in remote communities as "lifestyle choices" and can't expect to be subsidised by taxpayers.
The following video illustrates the context in which TA framed his "lifestyle choices" comment,

The ABC though is keen to maintain the rage as an issue of race.

Today's edition of The World today,

Isn't this typical of the ABC to make something out of nothing in their endless effort to destroy Abbott at every opportunity...The ABC Labor propaganda machine is in full swing.

I have never heard them criticize the Andrews Victorian Government and asking the question, if Shorten and Gillard gave their blessings to the East West link, why doesn't Andrews honor the previous governments commitment.

This proves the ABC is politically biased towards the Labor Party...The government should sack the that fellow Scott who is on $800,000 PA.