Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ABC is Political

I agree that those social policies are infiltrating society to a disturbing degree, but I can't really see Marxist economic policy coming along with it. Both sides of politics want to cut taxes rather than raising them and Labor these days (and in the past with Hawke and Keating) were keen to sell off government assets and to deregulate markets.

Some of us may think they went too far.
Actually I retract my statement regarding the march towards economic Marxism. I do not believe this is to goal. Rather it is economic Fascism, and we do see the intertwining of the above social issues with multinational companies. For example the insisting upon an ESG score, facilitated by the giant fund managers such as Vanguard and Blackrock.
Okay, my opinion:

Economically, in general, don't see extreme left practice in Australia. Though the ideology does exist in the Greens. Thankfully, they don't have the cards on the table.

In social policy we... and the West in general... Have gone a long way down that road:

Critical theory
Critical race theory
Gender ideology
Economic equity
Open borders/ cultural relativism
Replacement theory
Anti white propaganda
etc etc etc

In the establishment of the above, there is a strong movement to implement Marxist economic theory, via this back door.
the ALP just act out the greens policies