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ABC is Political

I think Crabb is being a bit silly here. It's not that O'Brien was paid, it's how much of taxpayer funds did he get to do an interview?

I think ALL taxpayers have a right to ask questions as to how their money is being spent. Is it being spent wisely and does it benefit ALL Australians who pay for it. I think it is reasonable to ask. If there was no bias in the ABC then surely Crabb would not have written such a dramatic piece in an attempt to ridicule the millions of Aussies who are unhappy with the shows that have shown themselves to have clear labor/green bias.

There is much on the ABC that is good and non-political. It's just a shame that so much bias does come through in some of their broadcasts. And their selective news reporting such as not much on boat arrivals when labor was in office and now every boat arrivals.

Where is the corresponding table together with detailed notes to when labor was in office and let over 50,000 arrivals in?

I await with interest for such a detailed table showing the last 6 years since Rudd opened our borders - or even the last couple of years would do.

Read more detailed notes here:
The infiltration and control of the organisational culture by a Green-Left inner city elite is the problem.:

So true, Logique.

John Bridcut, an award winning British film maker and BBC critic, has ten criteria for a model public broadcaster.

Accuracy, Balance, Context, Distance, Even-handedness, Fairness, Objectivity, Open-mindedness, Rigour, Self-Awareness, Transparency and Truth.

See the recent Quadrant Online article on the ABC.

The ABC should look outside it's incestuous caravan, for guidance on what is valuable and not merely meretricious.

I note in the last couple of days the Leftist Green public service brigade from the ABC are back from their taxpayer funded Christmas and New Year break . They have have resumed where they left off , doing everything they can to undermine the Abbott government .
"GLOBAL WARMING" what the 38 scientist went to prove in Antartica...........Shame on the ABC for claiming these scientist were tourist.....What an embarrassment!!!!!!!!

And now Niagra Falls has frozen and what do the alarmist say........."GLOBAL WARMING" is causing the big freeze in North America....No word from the ABC to date.

And now we have a heat wave in Australia......Yes it must be "GLOBAL WARMING".

Maybe we will see the Thames River in London freeze again.....It has happened before and long before 'GLOBAL WARMING" was invented..
I am shocked no one reported this

Our trust in media: ABC still leads as commercial media struggle

Australia’s mainstream media have drifted still lower in public trust in the last six months, according to Essential Research’s biannual Trust in Media survey.

Oh dear

But even Liberal voters are far more trusting of the national broadcaster than of commercial media.

Carry on ranting folks...............

Wel,well,well what have we here?

Firstly the said poll was conducted back on the 22nd January it well out of date.

Secondly, Mr. Bernard Keane is a very biased Climate Change Alarmist to the fullest....his interview on Climate Changer propaganda was conducted by a Labor Party Left wing in one Craig know the one with the melodious voice singing on the lawn of Parliament House......nuff said...

Some 90% of the interview revolved around the criticism of Tony Abbott's direct action plan.

Keane is so pro Labor and is so much in favour of the Carbon Dioxide Tax......So I don't believe he has much credibilityat all.
One wonders at the utter stupidity of the ABC, it's board and executive.

If I were leading it, knowing that a Government has been elected capable of making changes to it's Leftwing Bias, would I have promoted a traitor like Snowden or published scurrilous slurs about the Australian Navy, without basis?

On the basis of the low brow ken of the Corporation alone, it deserves to be cut down by a severe funding review and privatisation of it's commercial assets.

Rubbish! You are just a Tony parrot.
What about the construction union stuff they found out about, that served Liberal purposes.
I want a strong ABC. If they want to sack the board and CEO , go for it, but don't cut it off from the knees because it competes with Murdoch.

Destroying the ABC will be a backward step for Australia. Someone has to give unbiased Australian view points and look after the country people.

I voted Lib but if they want to lose my vote, go for it. I am sure I am not the only one.

BTW, I've played Angry Birds. Thanks to Snowden I now know that the CIA has all the information in my phone. I don't understand why we have to all act like sheep. I thought we were free.

Thanks Knobby22

I once felt like you and was a defender of the ABC.

They are seriously, a far Left/Green Juvenile Undergraduate-type show.

They are as likely to destroy the ALP as the Coalition, and they have damn near achieved the former, divorcing Labor from it's Worker roots.

I would envisage the Coalition would endeavour to conserve the rural , regional and educational elements of the ABC, with a new focus on unbiased news reporting, which nobody in the ALP or Lib/Nats feel occurrs now.

As for Tony Abbott, I do support him, but do not parrot anyone, and disagree with him on important elements of policy, but being a member of a Party, respect the majority opinion within limits.

The ABC is a city based, trendy, insular, overpaid, classist and reeking pot of pustulating excrement, laughing at ordinary Australians and what Australians value.

There, you've made me say it.



I am sure the Coalition can achieve this aim without major funding cuts to the ABC.
We know Murdoch pressured the English PM, to defund the BBC, which didn't happen. It is important we don't give in to such pressures.
Why does the ABC hate our Navy? Indeed the question may be asked, especially by the sailors!

I understand that Malcolm Turnbull is the relevant Minister for Communications. But he's not communicating much on the subject of the ABC, not publicly anyway. No doubt behind the scenes, thrashing them with a wet lettuce.

I would of thought its fair to say that the Government in general is not communicating with anyone, lucky to see Tony once per week on the news, and couldn't tell you the last time i saw Malcolm on the telly, would of been around the time of the NBN policy know the policy that has had more back flips than the education policy.
So it's wrong for the ABC, or media in general, to talk about the things the Government or military have been up to that may no thave been in the national interest?

Was it the Greens Labor extremists in the ABC and Fairfax media that did more to show the corruption in the building industry than even the bastion of balanced reporting at News Limited.

Seriously, Tony sounds like he'd be happy to cosy up with Mao and have some Ministry of Truth adjuncts running things.

Media showing the dirty laundry is about the only thing that keeps the politico business elite from going too far.

Yes, and isn't it great.
Switching on the t.v and not seeing politicians blowing their feet off, or carrying on like auditioning soap opera stars is like a breath of fresh air.

When labor were in one of the goons would be on every night, explaing some stuff up or internal party squabble.

It is reasonable for these matters to be discussed, WHERE THERE IS EVIDENCE OR CORROBORATION, not as part of a continual wearing down in a pseudo- entertaining fashion of journalism, which refuses to fact check or support the Australian interest.

That joke of a report from ABC DJakarta could have as easily been a pissed Aussie tourist from Bali with a bloody Mexican hat on his head, as a reporter.

He just blindly believed a mob of balts and Indon Corrupt Police, instead of considering it may have been a put up to show our Navy in a bad light.

Perhaps on reflection a pissed Aussie in Bali with a Mexican hat, would not have been as stupid and idiotic, to make such a slur, without evidence.


The ABC regularly served up brick bats to Rudd and Gillard ridiculing them for their poor politics dont recall Abbott being upset then.

Just shows how fragile the conservatives are in this country or how determine they are to rule the media and perpetrate there own propaganda like how our relationship with Indonesia is its highest priority.
The ABC regularly served up brick bats to Rudd and Gillard ridiculing them for their poor politics

I think you're getting your programmes mixed up, that was the Bolt report.
Which by the way, was another crappy politically biased show.
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