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15 ways poor people think differently

Ps the seminars and his materials in general are all about methods of changing beliefs.

I believe that changing beliefs is the key.
Ps the seminars and his materials in general are all about methods of changing beliefs.

I believe that changing beliefs is the key.

Good, me too.

Then one can say "changing beliefs is key" <<<<---- isn't that also a belief? Yes, but it serves me, whereas other more negative beliefs might not serve me.

It's amazing that we are all capable of thinking our beliefs are somehow real. Beliefs are just like different pieces of clothing we can try on for size, but with no inherent reality or truth. Try one on, see how it changes your results. Try another piece on.... and so on. In one sense, beliefs are very, very flimsy and un-real, and yet at the same time they are extremely powerful. One day I'm a radical, the next day I'm a conservative. Whatever suits me.
Agree about it being about beliefs, changing them is the difficult part. Most ingrained beliefs were instilled into us at a very early age, usually by our parents who are very influential in our programming. I had always been frustrated why my wife never had any money, despite the opportunities she had to do quite well. After psyco analysing her one day :), it turns out her parents always argued about money before their divorce. There was also a specific incident where her dad threw a bunch of coins on the floor at her. Anyway, the point is she equates money with unhapiness on a subconcious level and this deeply ingrained belief is almost impossible to shift.

I think the best idea is to hang around people you want to be like. Then you can see what they believe and how they think.
Agree about it being about beliefs, changing them is the difficult part. Most ingrained beliefs were instilled into us at a very early age, usually by our parents who are very influential in our programming. I had always been frustrated why my wife never had any money, despite the opportunities she had to do quite well. After psyco analysing her one day :), it turns out her parents always argued about money before their divorce. There was also a specific incident where her dad threw a bunch of coins on the floor at her. Anyway, the point is she equates money with unhapiness on a subconcious level and this deeply ingrained belief is almost impossible to shift.

I think the best idea is to hang around people you want to be like. Then you can see what they believe and how they think.

That's an excellent example with your wife. The wealth issues need to be re-associated with something pleasant. And maybe the divorce needs to be re-associated with thoughts of "self-worth despite the divorce". The other potentially harmful belief might be "if I desire money, howmanyru will want to divorce me". As a suggestion, try not to think of such associations as "deeply embedded and hard to shift". Instead they are "very easily shifted". Then maybe have a look at some of Paul McKennas videos on re-associating memories. He does a lot of that style of work. If you weren't after my unsolicited suggestions, please disregard this post.
It isn't THAT EASY. It's a lot of work.

And success does not lie in a set of DVD's or CD's. They just spin out commonsense platitudes dressed up as insightful knowledge that will "empower" whoever buys their product.

From what I've seen from his infomercials, the "success" stories are people who lost a few kilos after attending one of his seminars or achieved some minor career achievement; "after going to Tony's seminar I landed the Jones contract". Hardly life changing stuff. And if they're putting that in the infomercials then I would infer that they're the best success stories they could find.

There's nothing wrong with being motivated by some guy on late night TV but let's keep what he does in perspective.
I agree. I'm not making him into more than he is. He is just another person teaching these principles but I do like his method. I dunno, when the principles are packaged/presented in different ways it can just click for some who resonate with the way it's done.

I've found that there are very few core principles to living a 'successful' life and through reading and more importantly personal experience this is evidenced. There are no secrets that weren't known thousands of years ago in terms of philosophy. Truths don't change. Different teachers will come along and teach them in different ways but its up to the individual to discern what is truth.

We can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
I think the best idea is to hang around people you want to be like. Then you can see what they believe and how they think.

How they think may be an interesting observation but how are you going to translate that into producing unique ideas in your own head THEN actually shift your head into some sort of emotional/financial/entrepreneurial intelligence?

Most just haven't got the "brains" and then after that even fewer have got the balls to to the work.

"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth. " Mike Tyson
How they think may be an interesting observation but how are you going to translate that into producing unique ideas in your own head THEN actually shift your head into some sort of emotional/financial/entrepreneurial intelligence?

Most just haven't got the "brains" and then after that even fewer have got the balls to to the work.
This makes more sense to me than all the assurances that "everyone can be rich".
Much has to do with genetic makeup and early conditioning.

To suggest that some of the dopey layabouts that whine about how hard their life is can read a set of principles and suddenly become motivated to learn how to think, plan and act is optimistic in the extreme, imo.
This makes more sense to me than all the assurances that "everyone can be rich".
Much has to do with genetic makeup and early conditioning.

To suggest that some of the dopey layabouts that whine about how hard their life is can read a set of principles and suddenly become motivated to learn how to think, plan and act is optimistic in the extreme, imo.


I just get the feeling there's a misconception that hard work and saving makes you rich.

I just get the feeling there's a misconception that hard work and saving makes you rich.

But it gives the average person the best chance.

P.S. Best chance doesn't necessarily mean a good chance.

I just get the feeling there's a misconception that hard work and saving makes you rich.

If one's on a grand earner, hard work and saving will actually make one rich.

If my memory serves me correctly, I recall reading that there are only two ways out of poverty, a high IQ and good luck.
If one's on a grand earner, hard work and saving will actually make one rich.

Of course, but then it's not the hard work that's paid off it's the fact you have the requisite intelligence to command an above average salary. That part of the equation is usually overlooked.
Ps the seminars and his materials in general are all about methods of changing beliefs.

I believe that changing beliefs is the key.

The Spanish got the Incas to change their beliefs, and it did the latter bugger all good.

All these Seminars are to make money for the Organisers not for the "marks", the mugs. Some folk even feed the marks oxygen during the presentation as well as canapes and ordinary bubbly.

The Spanish got the Incas to change their beliefs, and it did the latter bugger all good.

All these Seminars are to make money for the Organisers not for the "marks", the mugs. Some folk even feed the marks oxygen during the presentation as well as canapes and ordinary bubbly.


lol..... good one