My first instinct when seeing this survey was to vote yes without giving it much thought. I now have to admit to changing my vote from yes to no. It's not as simple as the yes campaigners make out. This really is a matter that should have been dealt with by the parliament that's why it's there, but because of the conservatives and the lack of backbone in MT we have this $122 million dollar joke. If it is so necessary to have public input why don't we have plebiscites on emigration, asylum seekers, euthanasia, spending billions of dollars on submarines and a host of other more significant issues. With this survey we are being asked to vote on something without seeing the small print. It's a bit like being asked if you'd like a loan to buy a house, car or whatever and after you sign on the dotted line you'll then be told the terms and conditions. If this had to go to the public the proposed legislation should have been available for consideration before conducting the plebiscite/postal survey.