Wyatt: Nicely done presenting the RCG chart for comment (post #480). That was a very timely post (before today's news) and I'm thankful for your contribution.(*)
I did consider including a trade in RCG for the thread, but declined as it was more of a reversal setup rather than a trend continuation.
(*) We need a "cheque's in the mail" smilie.
Gee thanks Peter2, pity I wasn't on it, although I was earlier in the year, but the capital raise put a spanner in the works, just as it did to EML and NTC which ended up being losers 4 me. The latter 2 may get a 2nd chance if they behave. EML is respecting support @ $1.20 and NTC is similar @ $2.20 ish
I note that in your system, stocks experiencing a C/R are shown the door immediately. I may have to follow you on that one, which is unfortunate as I was eyeing VOC until the recent C/R. Great chart tho.
