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Queensland election Jan 31 2015

So how did you arrive at that comment?

I thought all the thugs were union leaders.

Well off the top of my head: making a completely unqualified person chief justice of Queensland in order to reward a "friendly" magistrate, introducing retrospective legislation to help out a LNP donor who'd engaged in illegal quarrying (that was real south american banana republic stuff).
Well off the top of my head: making a completely unqualified person chief justice of Queensland in order to reward a "friendly" magistrate, introducing retrospective legislation to help out a LNP donor who'd engaged in illegal quarrying (that was real south american banana republic stuff).

Do you have a link or is that, as you say, off the top of your head?

Is that what you call thuggery?

If you want to learn about thuggery, just go to the Royal Commission into union corruption...You might even learn something about Bill Shortens connection there or the CFMEU connection with the Labor party in Victoria.

Stand over tactics on building sights.......Now that is what I call thuggery.
So how did you arrive at that comment?

I thought all the thugs were union leaders.

Seriously have you ever even contemplated taking a wander to the other side of the road to see things from others' perspectives Noco?

qldfrog I couldn't agree with you more on your qualification:
And we have had no change in the over regulation/nanny state that Liberals are expected (by their voters) to reduce

In fact the nincompoop Attorney General managed to introduce more vocational licencing along with finger printing some of the trades!, the construction licencing spectrum increased under a changed authority name, the legal profession became a rubber stamp for numerous statutory invasions of personal freedoms ........

It's maddening have a choice of political parties that seem hell bent on making the population a public servant to the governors. It's almost as if the executive think they are running a corporation and we are all employees that need to raise our productivity for the good of the company.

I can't see Labor getting in unless they can convince the X and Y gens that the intrusion into their lives will cease and desist. I can see Palmer increasing it's vote from the baby boomers, ditto Independents.

We need a party that is fair dinkum in devolving the too many social and petty crime rules that seem to be misconstrued as law and order control mechanisms. Risk aversion is for worn out old fossils who sit in front of the radio complaining about poor quality of the presenter they love to hate .

Please Campbell/Annastacia ...... on behalf of we that have some independence of thought, independence of political shackles that bind, independence of servitude ...........let my people go!
Are you suggesting the stats he quotes are incorrect?
No. I am saying that he has cherry picked them from the overall stats to paint a rosier picture (ie. there was a greater reduction in certain types of crimes, but not in all).

Read the QPS annual report for 2013-14. The overall reduction of crime is 2.1% (after adjusting for population growth). This is in line with the historical long-term trend.

You said there had been a significant reduction in crime, and implied that this may have been due to the bikie laws, whereas the official QPS annual reports, show that it has been fairly flat, and definitely not above the trend-line, since 2011.
Read the QPS annual report for 2013-14. The overall reduction of crime is 2.1% (after adjusting for population growth). This is in line with the historical long-term trend.


The only media that will validate that is the ABC. The Courier Mail with it's Roger Ailes inspired propaganda bias will headline the massive declines in crimes due to a few hundred bikie thugs (now plying their vicious ways in traditional crime gangs) having their colours confiscated.

I am so glad I cancelled my subscription to the Courier Mail a few weeks back, a paper that proves the "no news is good news" cliché is a lie.
I am so glad I cancelled my subscription to the Courier Mail a few weeks back, a paper that proves the "no news is good news" cliché is a lie.
I'm surprised you'd ever have taken out a subscription to this piece of junk:eek:

I'm glad it will be a short campaign. Personally I won't take much notice because my attitude will be as it was for the Federal election, ie a choice of the least worst alternative.

Labor are recycling some of their old ministers, the Leader says. She says this is a huge advantage.
Not sure how when the government was so thoroughly tossed out.

Clive has no one left afaik. However, he says he is up and ready to go. Presumably he'll flood the media with advertising once again which some people will believe and will therefore vote for him.

The Greens will probably do OK. They are at least consistent in their message.

Leaves me as a small 'l' liberal nowhere to go but the LNP. No worthwhile independents in this area and the local LNP member is a decent bloke.

I expect I'll be far from alone in having such a lacklustre approach to the State election.
I'm glad it will be a short campaign. Personally I won't take much notice because my attitude will be as it was for the Federal election, ie a choice of the least worst alternative.


I'm starting to think that State Govts are not much more than agencies of the Federal Govt spend anyway.
I'm starting to think that State Govts are not much more than agencies of the Federal Govt spend anyway.

That's what they should be, like English counties. No or little legislative capacity, they just distribute the funds supplied by the Federal government.

We are grossly over-governed having State governments for the population size we have.
The Greens will probably do OK. They are at least consistent in their message.

Whether anyone loves or hates the Greens, it does seem very clear that the two party model is broken and that we need alternatives.

I think that quite a bit of the Green vote is probably more an anti-Labor / Liberal vote rather than a vote for the Greens as such.

Let's face it, of the significant political parties the Greens are the only ones who seem in any way consistent in their message. They've been saying essentially the same thing since the early days before the party was formed as such, and they're still saying it now. To a significant extent they have been proven correct, ironically because Labor and Liberal acted to bring about the things the Greens were predicting (decline if manufacturing being a notable one). It's a strange form of politics when you predict an outcome, then your opponents do their best to ensure that it happens. Interesting to say the least. :2twocents
Do you have a link or is that, as you say, off the top of your head?

Is that what you call thuggery?

If you want to learn about thuggery, just go to the Royal Commission into union corruption...You might even learn something about Bill Shortens connection there or the CFMEU connection with the Labor party in Victoria.

Stand over tactics on building sights.......Now that is what I call thuggery.

Pity they don't have an ICAC in qld:

Queensland Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney caught government officials off guard when he ordered a last-minute law change that prevented the possible prosecution of a major LNP donor for what senior bureaucrats deemed illegal river quarrying.

Probably the dumbest SOB to ever sit as a Chief Justice in Australia:

A welcoming ceremony has been held for Queensland's new Chief Justice Tim Carmody, but no other Supreme Court judges attended.

Justice Carmody was sworn in at a private ceremony last month after his appointment was plagued by sustained criticism from the judiciary and legal fraternity.
That's what they should be, like English counties. No or little legislative capacity, they just distribute the funds supplied by the Federal government.

We are grossly over-governed having State governments for the population size we have.
Agree. Yet Clive Palmer is insisting that Qld needs an upper house!
Looks like the Qld police have taken to heart Newman's thug behavior. Cowards with badges.

The operator of a Twitter account parodying the Queensland premier, Campbell Newman, has been charged with public nuisance after he stood next to Liberal National party campaigners in Brisbane wearing an “I’m with stupid” T-shirt.

Iain Fogerty’s arrest, which took place at a Fortitude Valley intersection where LNP and Labor campaign teams had lined up in opposition, was blasted by Labor senator Claire Moore as “just ridiculous”.

Fogerty was released on watch-house bail and is due to appear in the Brisbane magistrates court on 4 February.
Sportsbet odds last Friday,

Last Friday: LNP 1.25, Labor 3.80.
Today: LNP 1.14, Labor 5.00.


Last Friday: ALP $1.45, LNP $2.50.
Today: ALP $1.70, LNP $2.05.
Looks like the Qld police have taken to heart Newman's thug behavior. Cowards with badges.

The operator of a Twitter account parodying the Queensland premier, Campbell Newman, has been charged with public nuisance after he stood next to Liberal National party campaigners in Brisbane wearing an “I’m with stupid” T-shirt.

Iain Fogerty’s arrest, which took place at a Fortitude Valley intersection where LNP and Labor campaign teams had lined up in opposition, was blasted by Labor senator Claire Moore as “just ridiculous”.

Fogerty was released on watch-house bail and is due to appear in the Brisbane magistrates court on 4 February.

Quick out of the blocks from some wag :D:

Quick out of the blocks from some wag :D:

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Three cop cars and a paddy wagon called in by the LNP to to cart off a bloke in a tee shirt expressing free speech, that's the Queensland I grew up knowing and loving.

Small wonder Ed Kuepper's not that far back in the twitter chain linking the moment 'I'm with Stupid' to 'I'm Spartacus'.

They need that Brisbane - Melbourne freight rail link more than ever....... the more ways out the better.