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Value Collector and bellenuit: I am in awe of your capacity to continue to offer reasoned responses in this thread.
there will of course be a reply that offers an interpretation of this passage that will somehow conveniently exonerate god from this slaughter.
Well... Well... Well.. Belenuit. Good to see you up to a bit of ol fashion bible study.
Like I said. Any death relating to war isn't murder. So you rule a few verses out there.
God is a God of justice. So if you sin, like a few examples there, then people get put to death / cursed. That's the way things were back then. Mbey you consider the death penalty murder. I don't. I consider it the strongest form of justice.
You also need to understand that once people left god or weren't seeking god that was punishable by death. In fact, seeking other Gods was considered by God to be very evil. Most of the times the result was death.
Soooooooo. Keep digging belenuit. See if you can track down some verses involving death in the bible, and I mean where no sin had been committed.
..and here it is....impressive.... if only in the degree and scope of heartless and hypocritical stupidity
Value Collector and bellenuit: I am in awe of your capacity to continue to offer reasoned responses in this thread.![]()
I have probably read more or the bible, studied more of the bible and understand more of the bible than you or Pav. That is why I am an atheist. I can see what it is saying about the God of Abraham, not some make believe story that you want to placate yourself with of someone all loving and all forgiving. What a pathetic apologist and total hypocrite. How pathetic and blind you are. Were the children slaughtered by Saul sinners too? And the new born infants? And did you notice God condoning slavery? And worse still condoning the rape of children. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. And you, Tink and Pav says the Bible is the source of absolute morality rather than subjective morality. That is your God talking and if absolute, then it doesn't change. CBC, you don't have the honesty or integrity to admit what you are reading is a God calling for the genocide of innocents. It is there in black and white and you are the one that said a literal interpretation of the Bible is the correct interpretation. You are the typical Lying for Jesus mob.
I'm not sure what to make of this one!!
Is Isaac a thinker?
Does heaven exist?
If so will Isaac Newton make the cut?
Why not, let's hear once again how scientists are actually religious worshipers and somehow comparable to the hoards of gullible sheep who flock to churches every Sunday to hear pontifications from the pulpit. It's yet another taste of the linguistic magic you try to perform here to drag down science and scientists to the level those who put faith in the inerrancy of iron-age scrolls and declare invisible, morally bankrupt beings as factual reality and their magic books as the sole source of moral authority in society.Must I repeat Myself?!!
Religion is more than just fallible, it's a dangerous mythology that gives millions a false confidence and surety that they know something for certain that they don't (amply demonstrated in these threads). If religion is knowledge then it's best described as insight into a brand of superstition, largely useless "knowledge".Secondly, I make no claim to the infallibility of any religion, and whilst I prefer some religions over others (science happens to be right up there amongst my favourites), I endeavour to make optimal use of all available knowledge irrespective of origin.
A highly debatable statement that seems to imply mysticism (of the spiritual kind) should somehow be credited with the birth of modern science. Yet we know from history that religion has been a significant impediment to the advancement of science and still is to this day.Thirdly, the foundations of our modern chemistry, mathematics and physics were pioneered by mystics engaged in the investigation of purportedly "supernatural"* concepts.
True, the moronic drivel coming from this religious slave is a testament to how mind numbing and obnoxious a captive to religious myth can be. Just a total embarrassment to those who can intelligently argue the case for religion. Perhaps cbc is just a troll but the continued pathetic attempts to mount a coherent and factual argument suggests otherwise.If I had atheist leanings I'd be nothing short of extremely grateful for cbc's contributions to this and other religious threads.
Here is another stupid unsubstantiated claim.
You've read and studied more of the bible than me?
Bullcrap! Blatantly untrue.
I read my bible every day.
I have studied bible college.
I have studied various interpretations, the history, archeology.
But hey don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
That post alone shows the stupid assumptions you make in your arguments.
Did you forget to feed your puppy?
They usually die if you don't feed them.
(Poor neglected innocent little puppy!)
No one remains an atheist beyond this life
Imaginary dogs don't eat food
God did being judgement on the people in the Old Testament.
A people who were given numerous opportunity to repent but didn't. A ridiculously long opportunity to repent but didn't. After prophets, miraculous signs etc.
God is just in administering his judgement.
Any God who leaves unrepentant sins unpunished is a monster.
God gave the opportunity to repent. It didn't happen.
Obviously it would eventually have severe consequences for them and their descendants.
Any God who leaves unrepentant sins unpunished is a monster
God is just in administering his judgement.
Any God who leaves unrepentant sins unpunished is a monster.
Not according to the muslims I've spoken to! The last one that I discussed theism with explained the difference in religions as different people standing in a circle around the base of a mountain. Each person needed to travel a slightly different path to reach the pinnacle. All were aspiring to the same point!!Not if the Muslims are right, he worshipped a false god called Jesus. Isaac will be in the fire with me.
But you have to give some slack to Isaac, he lived hundreds of years before a lot of discoveries that would have filled the gaps in understanding he filled with god.
As amazing as he was, he had a lot of crazy ideas, we only accept his ideas that can be proven, just because you are extraordinary some fields does not make you an authority in all fields.
No one remains a theist either.
Did you shake his hand and invite him to stay for dinner as well? Perhaps, since this apparition heard your voice and responded you should have seized the opportunity to ask him about which sky God inhabits the afterlife so you could declare to one and all here that a God is real based on this experience. Oh well, lost opportunity.Last century, a deceased friend of mine visited me a couple of times. On the second occasion I became concerned because he was behaving as though he were still alive!
I cautiously broached the subject with him by gently enquiring if he realised that he had died. Thankfully he received the question with a good humoured nod and grin and then continued recounting his recent visit to his brother in Canada.
Take a few more meds and you may yet see him again.That was the last time I saw him. A very good man plucked from this earth years before his time. Sometimes things just happen!
Everyday by the thousands, it's called hallucination - usually drug or fever induced. And you're right, it's definitely proof of nothing but your telling of this story is quite revealing with respect to your defense of religious superstition here.I do not claim that apparitions of this nature are proof of an afterlife, but I am certainly not alone in having such experiences.
Certainly was! However, as I am generally content with my perspective on divinity it didn't even occur to me at the time to seek validation.Did you shake his hand and invite him to stay for dinner as well? Perhaps, since this apparition heard your voice and responded you should have seized the opportunity to ask him about which sky God inhabits the afterlife so you could declare to one and all here that a God is real based on this experience. Oh well, lost opportunity.
I sincerely doubt it. It's been over 20 years since that last visit! I've moved residence 6 times since then!Take a few more meds and you may yet see him again.
Everyday by the thousands, it's called hallucination - usually drug or fever induced. And you're right, it's definitely proof of nothing but your telling of this story is quite revealing with respect to your defense of religious superstition here.
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