Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Federal election Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vote now...the Coalition or Labor?

  • Labor - Rudd

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • The Coalition - Abbott

    Votes: 40 83.3%

  • Total voters
I must admit I am getting tired of the constant negativity towards the Coalition ideas and policies by Gillard, Swan and Emerson.

They need to, if they want to be re-elected, to be more positive about the economy and the future of Australia.

Constant negativity from the ALP will be recognised by the electorate for what it is.


Ha ha ha ha ha :p: (OMG reverse psychology???)
I must admit I am getting tired of the constant negativity towards the Coalition ideas and policies by Gillard, Swan and Emerson.

They need to, if they want to be re-elected, to be more positive about the economy and the future of Australia.

Constant negativity from the ALP will be recognised by the electorate for what it is.


Ha ha ha ha ha :p: (OMG reverse psychology???)


I think this is excellent as well.

I felt like jumping up and down when some moron said that people should not move up to a place "where they did not want to live" and that people down south should not be subsidising tax incentives for people up north... Well WAKE UP MORON, people up north have been subsidising your lifestyle for years.


Well medoco, as manufacturing in the south dries up.
They would probably prefer to sit on their ar$se on welfare, than move north for employment.
But they don't see that as the north subsidising the south.
I must admit I am getting tired of the constant negativity towards the Coalition ideas and policies by Gillard, Swan and Emerson.

They need to, if they want to be re-elected, to be more positive about the economy and the future of Australia.

Constant negativity from the ALP will be recognised by the electorate for what it is.


Correct gg they tried to paint Abbott as negative but it's really them, I think the public are well and truly aware by now, looking forward to further polls to indicate public disgust with this rabble.
Correct gg they tried to paint Abbott as negative but it's really them, I think the public are well and truly aware by now, looking forward to further polls to indicate public disgust with this rabble.

Yes. Who's negative now?

Relentless positivity. ABC Radio National yesterday:

FRAN Kelly: Well it's been a long-held dream of many to open up Northern Australia to more jobs and investment . . . (Assistant Treasurer) David Bradbury has told Sky News the plan is just wacky.

Bradbury: You're gonna have gold-plated footpaths in Karratha while people are stuck in traffic gridlock in places in Sydney.

More relentless positivity. Penny Wong, ABC News Radio yesterday:

I THINK the person who should be embarrassed today is Tony Abbott with his plans to make Australians move north and to open up more foreign labour places in the north and to gold-plate infrastructure in the north of Australia while not being able to promise infrastructure in our major cities . . . it sounds frankly like something Barnaby Joyce would have dreamed up.

The positivity just keeps coming. Christine Milne on Radio National Breakfast yesterday:

WELL this is a recycled plan from Joh Bjelke-Petersen, it's Gina Rinehart's favourite, it so really is madness, but it's Tony Abbott doing what Gina Rinehart wants . . . it's the old frontiersman-type idea and it doesn't fit with the 21st century where the Australian economy needs to transition from a dig it up, cut it down, ship it away economy, to one that is (a) more sophisticated, better educated, more innovative, low-carbon economy.
I think she is trying to force the coalition to roll out policy early, then get treasury to try and fault it.
She knows Abbott would have held off as long as possible, to stop the government just ripping off policy.
If the coalition refuse to announce any policy Gillard and Dumbo will criticise them as having no plan.
It will be interesting, my guess is Abbott will say he will release a costed policy platform 8 weeks before the election.
Then Gillard will look her nasty best, trying to get him to crack, we might see another couple of sexist rants from Gillard yet.:D
Although Tim's stuff up, has probably put paid to that.:xyxthumbs

That posting was late January, when Gillard announced the election, you know just before Thomson was arrested.
Well true to form here they go. lol
If we can see the plan everyone can, just shows how hopelesly out of touch this government is.
The opposition, should ask for current and expected costs, relating to asylum seekers and expected arrivals over the next 6 months.
Yes also I see the voting is 90% Libs, but we are right wing

What is that old saying "non are so blind, as those who don't want to see"
With all the troubles within Labor, could Julia Gillard jump to the polls in May as a way out of Labor's present leadership crisis ?

Her September strategy has thus far not been entirely successful.

And a question for the mods,

If she does jump the gun early, would a new election thread be OK, or would the preference be to change the election date on this one ?
With all the troubles within Labor, could Julia Gillard jump to the polls in May as a way out of Labor's present leadership crisis ?

Her September strategy has thus far not been entirely successful.

They must be close to calling it, the situation at present is grinding parliament to a stand still.
Obviously from what Crean is saying there is a loss of confidence in Swan as well as Gillard.

The three independents backing a vote of no confidence, shows they are ready to jump ship.
Even if she wins it will need to be by a comfortable margin or nothing will change.
What a mess.:xyxthumbs
The three independents backing a vote of no confidence, shows they are ready to jump ship.
Jump ship from Gillard to Rudd? Or jump ship to the Libs?
The latter will absolutely not happen imo.
They are stuck in a position entirely of their own making. They put her in there and now have to wear all the consequences.
Jump ship from Gillard to Rudd? Or jump ship to the Libs?
The latter will absolutely not happen imo.
They are stuck in a position entirely of their own making. They put her in there and now have to wear all the consequences.

I should have said try and distance themselves, rather than jump ship.

They really have no options left, the die is cast, they will go the way of Gillard.
I tend to think Wilkie and Oakeshott may try to realign their allegiances, or at least look like the are independents.
Currently they look like Gillards lap dogs and I'm sure most of the electorate see them the same way. IMO
Tony Windsor late today declared he would stand behind the Gillard Government even though he voted for Tony Abbott's suspension motion as part of an Opposition no-confidence push on Julia Gillard as PM today.
Of course he did. There is nothing on this earth that Labor could do that would switch Windsor's affections to the Coalition, so deep is his hatred.
It will only need a couple of the old Rudd supporters to resign from Parliament altogether and the proverbial will hit the fan long before 14th September and IMHO it could well happen. What have they got to lose? Most of them will sit back on a nice fat pension.
Yes I don't think Windsor has any relevance anymore, my guess is he phones the newspapers for an interview or comment.
IMO someone who is way past his use by date, fortunately I think he will be hammered come September.:xyxthumbs
My tip is Kevvie will call it by the end of next weekend.

All this running on the spot is going to look as futile as it is if it goes on for much longer.