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I got really drunk at a work Xmas party, will I be fired?

25 October 2011
I accidentally had too much to drink and got a little silly. I went in a shout with two heavy drinkers and got really drunk and started whinging like a little bitch.

I feel as though I should be ashamed of myself and either kill myself or quit but I don't feel any shame nor embarrassment for anything ever so that is not a possibility.

I don't know.

Do people get in trouble for this sort of thing ? I never thought about it as I never assumed I'd be the one who gets too drunk.
Re: I got really drunk at a work xmas party will I be fired ?

With any luck, the others might have been too drunk to remember! If not, I guess an apology might help. I'm sure it's not the first time this has happened.

I went with my husband to a work party last year and it was painful, to be honest. We don't drink a lot and as the evening went on, it became noiser and sillier to the point of being totally useless being there. We declined the invitation this year as there is simply no point unless you are a heavy drinker and get totally loud and stupid with them...:D

Good luck!
Re: I got really drunk at a work xmas party will I be fired ?

I accidentally had too much to drink and got a little silly. I went in a shout with two heavy drinkers and got really drunk and started whinging like a little bitch.

I feel as though I should be ashamed of myself and either kill myself or quit but I don't feel any shame nor embarrassment for anything ever so that is not a possibility.

I don't know.

Do people get in trouble for this sort of thing ? I never thought about it as I never assumed I'd be the one who gets too drunk.

"Accidentally had too much to drink" that's fantastic can I use it ?:D

Dont worry about it unless you grabbed someone you shouldn't somewhere you shouldn't have.

The worst that will happen is you get a warning of some kind, no one will remember ..........probably.:eek:
Re: I got really drunk at a work xmas party will I be fired ?

I accidentally had too much to drink and got a little silly. I went in a shout with two heavy drinkers and got really drunk and started whinging like a little bitch.

I feel as though I should be ashamed of myself and either kill myself or quit but I don't feel any shame nor embarrassment for anything ever so that is not a possibility.

I don't know.

Do people get in trouble for this sort of thing ? I never thought about it as I never assumed I'd be the one who gets too drunk.

Being a career drinker myself I wouldn't worry about it. Best way is to front up on Monday and just say to those that were there "Oh I got a bit p!ssed on Friday, how did you guys turn out"? You will either get, jeeez magoo you were blind or oh we were smashed too. If you get the later you have nothing to worry about, if you get the former then jokingly say "maybe we should do it again" then gauge the response, if negative just say sorry only joking and that you meant no offence. Personally, my attitude would be who cares.:eek:
Re: I got really drunk at a work xmas party will I be fired ?

I accidentally had too much to drink and got a little silly. I went in a shout with two heavy drinkers and got really drunk and started whinging like a little bitch.

I feel as though I should be ashamed of myself and either kill myself or quit but I don't feel any shame nor embarrassment for anything ever so that is not a possibility.

I don't know.

Do people get in trouble for this sort of thing ? I never thought about it as I never assumed I'd be the one who gets too drunk.

Sounds like quite some party!

If the organisers didn't put a lid on the amount of booze, chances are everybody got as soaked as you, and nobody will remember what you did in particular. Or did some HR chick take photos and put them up on facebook? If so, you could have a case against the company. Remember: in today's environment, it rarely matters how stupid you act; it's always someone else's fault!

The company had a duty of care; they can't sack you for their own failure to protect you from making an ass of yourself..
Re: I got really drunk at a work xmas party will I be fired ?

Depends on the company, the industry and who was there. If it was just a boozy team Xmas party, then nothing to worry about. If it was a divisional type thing with plenty of senior management bobbing around then probably not the best idea to get blind.
Yeah I guess as a 20 year veteran of Christmas parties I can I say I got pretty loaded at most of them. I can honestly say that I always remembered them and was never the one they remembered! That's the trick, pace yourself.

I think you'll be alright but talk to a mate that was there and find out before Monday.

Be a little cautious, some bosses use the christmas get together as a way of pumping the workers for info. Must admit in 40 years only met one, but he used it well.
Go to the christmas get together, with a positive agenda, focus on not paying out.:D
If it's an "official" company organised and paid for staff function taking place during paid working hours then don't take it for granted that you are allowed to drink at all. That is especially the case if the venue is anywhere on company property. Even more if you are required to be "on call" during the function or otherwise return to work afterward.

On the other hand, if it's after hours, attendance is voluntary, it's at the expense of staff and is off site then it's a very different situation. Do whatever you like as long as it doesn't involve sleeping with anyone you shouldn't have.

A lot comes down to the individual manager too. One place I worked, the general manager organised a staff function twice a year and everything was paid by the company, alcohol included. The next manager not only ended the functions but after a year or two banned alcohol consumption anywhere on company property, including after work. No prizes for guessing that the "unofficial" Christmas party was promptly moved to a local hotel after hours to get around the ban.:2twocents
I accidentally had too much to drink and got a little silly. I went in a shout with two heavy drinkers and got really drunk and started whinging like a little bitch.

Seeing that you are female I suppose there won't be any sexual harassment accusations.
What do you mean accidently?
They were your choices.

I dont know how old you are, but hopefully you have learnt from the experience, whatever the outcome.
I rarely go to work Xmas parties - excess drink makes a lot of people (more?) obnoxious!:D Seriously... I rarely go and have always made a point of not drinking to excess at work functions of any type. I don't have any sympathy for excess drinkers - doesn't matter of the booze is free, you don't have to drink it.

As for being fired - depends on what you did. Whilst there is a duty of care for the company, excess alcohol has not been a defence in those cases where people have lost their jobs.

Leave being drunk for your non-work friends social circle. If you don't have a non-work social circle, get one.
A good rule of thumb (which I wish I realised in my younger days) is to be no more plastered than the group as a whole and perhaps a little less.

Let someone else stand out.
....Do people get in trouble for this sort of thing ? I never thought about it as I never assumed I'd be the one who gets too drunk.
A very broad question, to which the answer depends.

In some industries it might be a positive stimulus to your career, like on the wharves or in advertising. But overall I wouldn't sweat it, some latitude is allowed at this time of the year.
Hmm...this is my last christmas party before I retire in Jan. Wonder how pissed i'll get. As my christmas parties are employees only, no spouses, and are over at 6:30pm sharp, I normally have her meet in town after and we use that as a good excuse to go to the casino and have a good night out.
A very broad question, to which the answer depends.

In some industries it might be a positive stimulus to your career, like on the wharves or in advertising. But overall I wouldn't sweat it, some latitude is allowed at this time of the year.

Advertising you'd be more worried about it being a "white" Christmas than getting too drunk.