Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Mike Sccombe from the Global Mail writes a wonderful woven piece

If I were to say, for example, that Deputy Leader of the Opposition Julie Bishop’s allegations against the Prime Minister over the AWU slush fund matter were mendacious, it could simply mean they were false.

But if I were to say Bishop herself were mendacious, it could mean one thing only: that I was calling her a liar.

So I won’t call Julie Bishop mendacious.

In fact, let’s skip all further reference to Bishop, notwithstanding the fact that again on Tuesday, she was allowed to waste every single Question Time opportunity in pursuit of that pointless issue of Julia Gillard and the AWU and things that happened two decades ago. And then she held a media conference, in which the press gallery smashed her up pretty bad.

Well, on Monday Climate Change Minister Greg Combet arranged for himself to be asked a friendly question about this.

In answering he noted that 150 days after the implementation of the carbon-pricing measure, unemployment was still low, business investment still strong, and interest rates still low.

Combet went on to repeat a statistic cited earlier by Trade Minister Craig Emerson, that polling now shows the carbon tax with a higher approval rating than Abbott.
I think Abbott's desperation running the smear campaign will enhance Gillards status and lower his own particularly after the smoking gun shot Bishop in the mouth.......I mean foot.

Certainly some of the most tasteless behaviour by an opposition that I have seen before.

Hang on a minute... labor's own McClelland was the first to raise this in parliament to the best of my knowledge!

Pull your head in, IF - some of this info seems to be coming from some within labor. Blewitt would hardly be a liberal voter either.

And, it is not smear tactics to ascertain if ANY PM is fit for the highest office of the land. If Abbott had the same number of documents floating around that put questions on his integrity, I think it highly likely you would be on your high moral horse calling for his resignation even as leader of the opposition.

And laborites smear Abbott for very much less as it is. It is the sociopathic way to accuse others of your own problems. If the cap fits, wear it.
I think Abbott's desperation running the smear campaign will enhance Gillards status and lower his own particularly after the smoking gun shot Bishop in the mouth.......I mean foot.

Certainly some of the most tasteless behaviour by an opposition that I have seen before.

Wouldn't you say it is only a mirror image of the smear campaign the government has been running on Abbott for about 6 months.
I must say, you seem to be selective on your definition of smear.
It's o.k for a Prime Minister to stand up and with no basis in fact, slag off at the opposition leader, because he is a male.
But then you call it smear, when a known scam and missappropriation of money that involves the Prime Minister is pursued.
I can see why Thomson sits back with a smirk on his face. He obviously knows how the general public like to be treated.
Like someone once said, you get the government you deserve. :xyxthumbs

By the way, were you a union organiser in your working life?
If ever a picture invited karma it's this one of the Gillard smirk.

Abbott fails to produce evidence and make a case what a true coward

What a grubby lot the Liberals are

Abbott baulks as Gillard throws gauntlet

As Parliament sat for the final time this year, Ms Gillard ignored calls for her resignation and pre-empted another barrage of opposition questions over the slush fund saga by suspending question time and daring Mr Abbott to back his claim she had been ''in breach of the law''.

During a 15-minute speech, the Opposition Leader could not,

Read more:
It's very hard to produce evedence, when people are witholding it to cover their ar$es, hence the call for an enquiry.
It will be interesting when the Libs get in and call a Royal Commission into unions.LOL

I would expect some thing so Work Non Choices MKII could be bought in.
Barrie Cassidy, makes a good point on the "Drum" (thanks MrBurns) he draws similarities to a failed accustion against the Clintons. He then concludes that the outcome will be neutral or a backlash against Abbott.
I wonder why he didn't ponder the outcome if proof is forthcoming, maybe then he could draw similarities to the Nixon accusations.
At this point the outcome is not definative, funny he should play his hand, isn't he a reporter? Shouldn't he report?
I read a lovely quote today in relation to Gillard and the fund she helped set up. "She may have done nothing wrong, but she certainly did nothing right".
"She may have done nothing wrong, but she certainly did nothing right".

Even on that score, opinions will be divided - probably along party lines.

The unholy alliance of Bishop and Abbott has definitely succeeded in no more than slinging mud, hoping that some of it might stick. And going by the large number of hateful comments, it has distracted enough people from more important issues: May she indeed have done something right? And if not, what positive suggestions do her critics offer that could improve perceived or real shortcomings?

Mistakes have arguably been made by governments of every persuasion. Any politician, let alone lawyer, who claims never to have lied, is doing so at the very instant. Get over it, folks!
Even on that score, opinions will be divided - probably along party lines.

The unholy alliance of Bishop and Abbott has definitely succeeded in no more than slinging mud, hoping that some of it might stick. And going by the large number of hateful comments, it has distracted enough people from more important issues: May she indeed have done something right? And if not, what positive suggestions do her critics offer that could improve perceived or real shortcomings?

Mistakes have arguably been made by governments of every persuasion. Any politician, let alone lawyer, who claims never to have lied, is doing so at the very instant. Get over it, folks!

What more important issue, than endemic corruption in a major political party, if it is proven correct.
I would think the unions and Labor party will go into "hyperdrive", as Abbott has said there will be an enquiry.
Actually I think I heard the sound of Bum$ slamming shut at my place, the wife said it was just a sonic boom.LOL
There will be a fund drive soon, around the rank and file, to pay for a MASSIVE repeat MASSIVE advertising campaign.
The last thing anyone wants is a Royal Commission into unions.:eek:
To me Michelle Grattan's article is pretty reasonable and even handed.
She has, imo, appropriately criticised both sides:
This being said, Gillard should have dealt with the issue of the letter before Thursday's reports forced her to do so. If she could not remember sending it (and she says she has no copy of the Slater & Gordon transcript that contains the reference) she should have said so. It's obvious Gillard was guilty of poor legal practice in her dealings in the AWU affair. She failed to open a file; she did not consult others in Slater & Gordon; it was screamingly bad to be giving professional advice to someone with whom she had a personal relationship. She was mixing with dubious characters. She cut corners.
Even in this spray by Michelle, she says "The sharp end of the battle is Gillards time at Slater and Gordon".
Talk about missing the plot, the sharp end of the battle is union corruption and the possible affiliation to the government, funny she should miss that.:1zhelp:
Problems will continue to occur on this front as they are deep rooted and I think the Coalition will be quiet happy with a slow burn of the PM.

That being said, Julie Bishop's contact with Ralph Blewitt was a poor move and it backfired on her in more ways than one. If documentation was what she was after, she could have found out whether Ralph Blewitt had anything useful from Michael Smith.

The voting public are still stuck with a choice between a party in office that's not fit to govern and an opposition that's not ready to govern.