Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

JBH - JB Hi-Fi

Perhaps they could change their name to 'Try Before You Buy'. Sell coffee and snacks.
I went in on Sunday to try win 8. Wish Android would do a PC OS. It's better than Apple and windows.
I'm looking for total integration on one platform - phone, PC, tablet, TV. None of em r quite there yet.
Perhaps that could be part of the service - I-Integrate,

Apple is ;)
Notting have you seriously use any of the Apple product?

you can get an iPhone, iPad, Macbook, iMac, Apple TV, iPod
every single of them works extremely well with one another ... seamless
integration with a few touch
Notting have you seriously use any of the Apple product?

You can get an iPhone, iPad, Macbook, iMac, Apple TV, iPod
every single of them works extremely well with one another ... seamless
integration with a few touch

OK for a manic rant -

Uuuum well .....
I have an IPhone which is an overpriced joy, I have an Ipad which I do not like nearly as much as my Asus Eeepad which at first seemed less sexy but time with both has taught me that Android spanks Apple software and even the physical feel of it has outshone the the Ipad over time. That surprised me!

I have a Mac Air which is not as nice to use as my Eeepad either, although it is most impressive when connected to my 27" AppleThunderbol display, although it really pissed me off that the display will only work to full capacity when the fricken Air's lid is down. Meaning I had to purchase a touchpand and keyboard to integrate fully and play proper.

I would like to kill people at Apple for making it hell to try to get voice recordings off my Iphone onto a real machine enslaved to Itunes. 'Die Jobs!', whooops.
(I spend hours in a vacant room recording myself giving imaginary speaches to parliament into the Iphone then try to get it to Itunes on a real machine stuffed!)

I hate fricken Itunes it is the most f@cked up peace of 'control over owner' crap ever overcomplicated name protocol time waisting computer hoging crap ever. Stick ya f@cking play lists up ya fking ars etc. It does not even integrate with it's own 'all Apple' products.
Songs on the Ipod (which I also have) and IPhone are equaly caged in when originating from me Iphone.
It's way too hurdly to hack around all the time along with all the other apps and so on on em.

Real life, hence, is on my beautiful Dells which I can destroy and restore in half an hour and do what ever I want, without Apple caging everything up and wiping you out if you synchronise from one to the other in the way it does not deem according to its **** hole protocol etc.

Despite the above, I did just get a quote on going all Apple, way too overpriced. Apple will also not run some super cool PC Aps that I use.
Won't let them get away with charging what they try to. and cannot stand being owned by those you have already paid out!
And those new Imacs with that miniscule hard drive space for a fortune is total stand up and urinate on it territory for me.

By the way the moment Apple started to be a follower rather than a leader when it came out with the 7" Ipad is the day it died, just after the glorious leader coincidentally. :rolleyes:

Apple had an inspired resurrection on the back of the Ipod (That teen music button really is where the market is, it seems, doesn't mean Beaver can creat a good song however) Apple cleverly morphed that Pod, into the Iphone, Ipad and are now tryng to intergrate the whole on the the cloud and real machines.

It was mistifying whatching all that media hype just imediatly calling smart phones, Iphones and so everyone seemed to lose sight of the fact that there were smart phones before Iphones and alternatives, Ya just had to have one to feel you were groovy! Dumbest thing the media ever did. All that lost advertising dollars they just gave to Apple, even the fricken news tells us when a new Apple crap pad is out. Are you fricken kidding me? How stupid are they? Apple couldn't lose? And all the tv channels went broke! How dumb.

My God look at that share price how the hell do they do it?

But lose? Apple will now!

JB? I don't know - Make grandmas house rock with a simple I-intergrated device!? That fixes all the above.
I'm too old for this crap like 4 billion others.
This is the first time I have heard an anti Apple rant.
Frankly, you make it sound believable!

There's another forum I regularly partake in (travel related) and they have a thread there with the title "Anyone else hate Apple" and it has 3,747 posts.:)

I have an iPhone and an iPad. I bought one got the other one for free. I use my iPhone because it's my phone, I'd be just as happy with a BBerry, infact I'll probably go back to one. Haven't used my iPad in months, it does nothing my IBM doesn't and the IBM has a keyboard. Like 90% of people, I use computers to surf the net and run basic apps. I don't need something that looks like, and costs like, Phillipe Starke designed it.
Notting have you seriously use any of the Apple product?

you can get an iPhone, iPad, Macbook, iMac, Apple TV, iPod
every single of them works extremely well with one another ... seamless
integration with a few touch

Seamlessly with each near complete ignorance of the rest of the world.

As is the Apple (jobs) way...did you guys read the book?
Seamlessly with each near complete ignorance of the rest of the world.

As is the Apple (jobs) way...did you guys read the book?

I have always said Apple are average products, amazingly marketed. Apple is a marketing company, not an IT company.

The fact that you can't just plug and play into any PC or USB etc means i will never buy one
I have always said Apple are average products, amazingly marketed. Apple is a marketing company, not an IT company.

The fact that you can't just plug and play into any PC or USB etc means i will never buy one

hahahaha... sooo not coming into this argument..

*walks away, hand in the air..
I have always said Apple are average products, amazingly marketed. Apple is a marketing company, not an IT company.

The fact that you can't just plug and play into any PC or USB etc means i will never buy one

I disagree, I think Apple are amazing products. They just do way more than the average person needs, but they buy them because, like you say, they are extremely well marketed. How else do you explain people queueing for days to buy a product whose supply is virtually unlimited.
I have both apple products (Iphone, Ipad etc) and also wife has the latest Samsung Galaxy, different lap top etc, so we are a fair mix.

One thing I can say without a doubt is your statement below is just plain wrong. Apple products actually do way less than the average person needs, they are actually designed so that any one with half intelligence can turn one on and use it straight away - they are designed for dummies. Which is fine, I dont have an issue with it, but if you want true techno stuff then you need to look elsewhere as apple doesnt have it - sorry but its true. The latest Galaxy 3 is far superior than any Iphone - miles in front. But apple users like to have little options and everything thought out for them, I use both so I should know.

They are just marketing gurus but people are starting to wake up since the last update.....

I disagree, I think Apple are amazing products. They just do way more than the average person needs, but they buy them because, like you say, they are extremely well marketed. How else do you explain people queueing for days to buy a product whose supply is virtually unlimited.
I have both apple products (Iphone, Ipad etc) and also wife has the latest Samsung Galaxy, different lap top etc, so we are a fair mix.

One thing I can say without a doubt is your statement below is just plain wrong. Apple products actually do way less than the average person needs, they are actually designed so that any one with half intelligence can turn one on and use it straight away - they are designed for dummies. Which is fine, I dont have an issue with it, but if you want true techno stuff then you need to look elsewhere as apple doesnt have it - sorry but its true. The latest Galaxy 3 is far superior than any Iphone - miles in front. But apple users like to have little options and everything thought out for them, I use both so I should know.

They are just marketing gurus but people are starting to wake up since the last update.....

Most people don't want techno stuff, they want something that is easy to use and looks "cool". Having everything made easy so the user doesn't have to think is, for many people, a fantastic product. We are after all talking about a phone, not a space ship. I have heaps of friends with iPhones who don't even know how to use apps, these aren't old fogies they're people in their 20s-30s. And they wouldn't even be aware that you can sync across devices. They have an iPhone for no other reason than everyone else does. What Apple has managed to do in a phone is incredible, as are Samsung etc. They have managed to convince people they need to pay for something that is far beyond what they actually need.

I use my phone to:

- Make calls
- Send texts
- Take photos
- Send emails

I got an iPhone because it came on contract so I paid nothing, when the contract expires I'll probably be going back to BBerry.
Most people don't want techno stuff, they want something that is easy to use and looks "cool".

Guess there is no hope for JB then.

They have an iPhone for no other reason than everyone else does. They have managed to convince people they need to pay for something that is far beyond what they actually need.

And less hope for the human race.
Why not? I don't mean techno as in technology, I mean they don't want to have to think, it should just work.

Just aluding back to my original inference that they need to creat a new service or something that you can't just sell on the net. If overpriced simple to use all synced things can be packed up and sold off the net, then 'JB you've got nothing to sell?' Still if apple is supposed to be all that, there shops are rediculously busy compaired to all the othes along the walk.
Why not? I don't mean techno as in technology, I mean they don't want to have to think, it should just work.
In 1980 people who had computers at home had them in order to tinker, play games and other wise "compute".

Most people who have computers in 2012, and that is now most people, have zero interest in how it works. They just want to send emails, surf the internet or whatever without knowing anything technical.

So I'd agree with the Apple "keep it simple" concept but for one point. History has shown that those who seek to lock consumers into a proprietary format end up losing. Remember Beta Vs VHS? That was essentially the same. Anyone remember 3" (as distinct from 3.5") disks? Or any of those other "locked in" things that tech companies (especially Sony with their numerous attempts) have tried and failed?

Long term, Apple will be using the same software etc as their rivals. The only question being whether they let rivals go the Apple way, or whether they wait for rivals to take their business and Apple ends up using Android, Windows or whatever. A bit like how Sony ended up manufacturing VHS machines once the war was over....
I'm a bit late to the Apple/Android/Windows battle, but here is my :2twocents worth.

My wife has an iPad (new version) which she loves and is never without. She is a stay-at-home mother, so she doesn't need it for work or anything like that. Mostly used for browsing and email, and it does the job perfectly well. We also have it loaded with some educational apps for the children to play with when they earn the right to use the iPad.

My wife also has a Nokia Windows phone, recently purchased. A big upgrade on the HTC she used to use, which threw in the towel less than 18 months after we purchased it (and my wife isn't a big mobile phone user).

I have an iPhone through work, which is good, although I note that its 3G, even on Telstra, is probably less than I hoped for.

I purchased an ASUS Nexus 7 by Google when Dick Smith was heavily discounting it in anticipation of the new generation of Nexus 7s a few weeks ago. I find it much better than an iPad and the iPad mini which Apple released doesn't have enough features, IMO, to justify the higher price tag compared to the Nexus 7.

I'm also interested to see how Microsoft perform with the Surface and, especially the Surface Pro, which is the first real attempt of marrying the laptop with a tablet computer (I believe you have MS Office fully integrated into the tablet).

Back on the thread topic, I've been to JBH a few times to see if they had some electronics. I purchased my wife's Nokia Windows phone from JBH and found the sales staff to be reasonably helpful, though I had done all my research online before going into the store, so it was pretty much just a visit to consummate the transaction. The next time was to purchase my Nexus 7, as but the JBH store I visited had sold out, I wanted it straightaway, so I went to Dick Smith to buy it there instead.

IMO, without looking too closely at the fundamentals, I think JBH's future earnings growth is limited to opening new stores in new residential developments and the like. I don't see much growth out of existing stores beyond the rate of CPI.
I agree
they are like a more modern version of Harvey Norman - won't make opportunity from the changed market, just happy to whinge about tight customers. Don't know whether the staff have dropped in usefulness, but it seems that way. I have not spoken to a person who was excited with the service and knowledge they offer. Having said that, they have the advantage of at least being stuck in the naughties, HVN is stuck in the 90's!

Among their many problems is that their customers know when they are being taken for a ride, and that stops the "feel good" experience of going there with friends for a look and a browse.
I would still short HVN before JBH, but wouldn't hesitate taking the axe to both really!

(For that matter, AXE is looking attractive with all that cash.)
JB announced that they will go into white goods and appliances.

Market says "think harder"!

-6% :bad:

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