Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Killing your own food

you see if you eat meat yet you dont agree with the killing of it then you are a person who contradicts

its called hypocrisy mate and there is so much of it in the 'anti' camp ive all but given up trying to explain our position to them,

while i respect their right to hold their personal position/views on the subject i totally reject their right to judge (& usually condemn) us, let alone their call for authoritarian interference to force us to comply with their views! :mad:
its called hypocrisy mate and there is so much of it in the 'anti' camp ive all but given up trying to explain our position to them,

while i respect their right to hold their personal position/views on the subject i totally reject their right to judge (& usually condemn) us, let alone their call for authoritarian interference to force us to comply with their views! :mad:

Thats the second time you've said people are trying to outlaw hunting, can't you read ?
No one has suggested that at all.

Every time someone calls you a red neck you go berserk:D you really should have your gun license revoked, people with bad temperaments ahouldn't be allowed to own guns.:p:
Please don't tell me to take a deep breath or anything else. I'm entitled to hold whatever view I do.
You, in the above paragraph, are completely misinterpreting what I have said. I have not objected to the industry which kills animals for food. People want to eat meat. Therefore we need such an industry.
I am not ignorant of the processes in abattoirs: my husband worked in one as a medical student.
I am, however, critical of any killing process which causes the animals unnecessary distress or pain,
something referred to later in this thread apparently as being "mushy", probably sentimentally stupid.
Too bad.

I told you to take a deep breath as you were the first reply to this thread and you said that tempers had flared already wth.
Your husband worked in an abattoir as a medical student, not as an abattoir worker. Try being there all day, 5/6 days a week, doing the same part in the chain (all day if your manager doesn't rotate) on a bs wage with some of the wildest people going round and then tell me you are not ignorant to the processes in abas. Lot of stuff goes on between the people that noone should have to suffer let alone the treatment of animals issues. I mean it's not an industry that stereotypically attracts the cream of the crop, so people who beat the hell out of each other and aren't the modest, self controlled, suit wearing type are expected to be nice to animals that are going to die :S? You want the least stress/pain on the animals then don't cart them in the first place.
But anyway, this whole thread is a face palm as once again theory does not transfer smoothly to reality, just as the idea of buy low sell high seems so great in theory.
Peace, I bow out.
Thats the second time you've said people are trying to outlaw hunting, can't you read ?
No one has suggested that at all.

Every time someone calls you a red neck you go berserk:D you really should have your gun license revoked, people with bad temperaments ahouldn't be allowed to own guns.:p:

i state my position calmly and rationally, and call people to task if they are posting insulting derogatory statements, the fact you choose to try to deliberately mis-interpret this and try to twist the emotional content of my posts in an effort to make it seem extremist shows that you choose smear attacks on the person posting rather than adress the content of the post (which i have caslled you out on several times before) and considering the insults and nasty comments you sling around you have no ground to be questioning anyone elses emotional state!

as for the outlawing of hunting, the anti's have been trying constantly for just that! they succeded in banning duck hunting now the rice farmers have to bait grain to protect their crops... the result: ducks die in agony over a long period and they rot away rather than being shot humanely and then being consumed by the hunter! WHAT A WASTE!!!

you openly attack hunting and the people who participate in the sport on this very thread, so while you dont OPENLY admit you want hunting banned its pretty obvious your position is in line with this train of thought,

either way you do not know me and have no right to make derogatory peronal comments to try to stereotype me inline with your own bigotted views!
I told you to take a deep breath as you were the first reply to this thread and you said that tempers had flared already with.
Your husband worked in an abattoir as a medical student, not as an abattoir worker. Try being there all day, 5/6 days a week, doing the same part in the chain (all day if your manager doesn't rotate) on a bs wage with some of the wildest people going round and then tell me you are not ignorant to the processes in abas. Lot of stuff goes on between the people that noone should have to suffer let alone the treatment of animals issues. I mean it's not an industry that stereotypically attracts the cream of the crop, so people who beat the hell out of each other and aren't the modest, self controlled, suit wearing type are expected to be nice to animals that are going to die :S?

LOL! Boofis, you should be tough enough by now to be a floor trader in Chicago!! :xyxthumbs
i state my position calmly and rationally, and call people to task if they are posting insulting derogatory statements, the fact you choose to try to deliberately mis-interpret this and try to twist the emotional content of my posts in an effort to make it seem extremist shows that you choose smear attacks on the person posting rather than adress the content of the post (which i have caslled you out on several times before) and considering the insults and nasty comments you sling around you have no ground to be questioning anyone elses emotional state!

as for the outlawing of hunting, the anti's have been trying constantly for just that! they succeded in banning duck hunting now the rice farmers have to bait grain to protect their crops... the result: ducks die in agony over a long period and they rot away rather than being shot humanely and then being consumed by the hunter! WHAT A WASTE!!!

you openly attack hunting and the people who participate in the sport on this very thread, so while you dont OPENLY admit you want hunting banned its pretty obvious your position is in line with this train of thought,

either way you do not know me and have no right to make derogatory peronal comments to try to stereotype me inline with your own bigotted views!

Your twisted misinterpretation of everything is not worth a detailed response.
It's tiresome and just plain boring to try to argue a point with you as you repond to things that arent said and are paranoid about the "änti's" This is a non discussion and is over.
Your twisted misinterpretation of everything is not worth a detailed response.
It's tiresome and just plain boring to try to argue a point with you as you repond to things that arent said and are paranoid about the "änti's" This is a non discussion and is over.

thank god!
I told you to take a deep breath as you were the first reply to this thread and you said that tempers had flared already wth.
Your husband worked in an abattoir as a medical student, not as an abattoir worker. Try being there all day, 5/6 days a week, doing the same part in the chain (all day if your manager doesn't rotate) on a bs wage with some of the wildest people going round and then tell me you are not ignorant to the processes in abas. Lot of stuff goes on between the people that noone should have to suffer let alone the treatment of animals issues. I mean it's not an industry that stereotypically attracts the cream of the crop, so people who beat the hell out of each other and aren't the modest, self controlled, suit wearing type are expected to be nice to animals that are going to die :S? You want the least stress/pain on the animals then don't cart them in the first place.
But anyway, this whole thread is a face palm as once again theory does not transfer smoothly to reality, just as the idea of buy low sell high seems so great in theory.
Peace, I bow out.
Thank you for your comments, boofis. I appreciate the reality you describe. You're quite right: it's an environment entirely unfamiliar to me. Thank goodness.
All I can say is that I hope you and your co-workers treat the animals with whatever level of respect that is possible in such an environment.

You say "if you want the least stress/pain on the animals then don't cart them in the first place."
Given people want to eat meat, then obviously the animals have to be killed. Are we dreaming if we think they are stunned prior to any wielding of a knife.
(Please avoid going into any graphic detail, just comment on the stunning or otherwise.)
Are we dreaming if we think they are stunned prior to any wielding of a knife.
(Please avoid going into any graphic detail, just comment on the stunning or otherwise.)

Na, stunning's legit, though it does get used for not so appropriate purposes on them at times :\
I should clarify I'm in no way in support of the rubbishy stuff I'm speaking of, but I also don't have any good solutions and it's made even harder when most of society doesn't get access to all the facts.
Na, stunning's legit, though it does get used for not so appropriate purposes on them at times :\
I should clarify I'm in no way in support of the rubbishy stuff I'm speaking of, but I also don't have any good solutions and it's made even harder when most of society doesn't get access to all the facts.

I used to think a bolt to the head, like a nail gun killed them but I guess not.
Yeah, that's correct mate, depends where you go and what animals to a certain extent, some electric stun. Captive bolt is the stun portion of alot of places here.
I've killed animals to eat seeing as I grew up on a farm.
Just not worth the trouble now that food is relatively cheap.
Why not propose people milk cows by hand rather than kill something achieves a similar purpose IMO (Educating about food sources without the emotion)

Plenty of vegans out there who are entirely healthy without meat.
Thats highly debatible IMO
Yeah, that's correct mate, depends where you go and what animals to a certain extent, some electric stun. Captive bolt is the stun portion of alot of places here.

If thats done properly there's no pain it's just lights out.
Thanks for your comments boofis, and for keeping it short, not too much detail.
I can imagine its not a pleasant job, but as Julia said, I do hope they treat them with respect.
How do you know my thoughts on the live animal export trade? It is an entirely different arguement. Where have i said that you shouldn't kill animals humanely?

When did i state that killing is fun? Please stop implying things that you think i have said. It seems that you are being overly emotive instead of discussing somehting in a logical manner.

I'm still waiting on answers for the above Julia...
I have worked as a solo slaughterman for many years pigs sheep and cattle used to be a .22 cal for cattle more dangerous to people then cattle captive bolt was good there is no real easy way most in the industry are humane.

Where is SCM great topic for him
I'm still waiting on answers for the above Julia...
Well, prawn, I ask questions of others on this forum all the time and don't receive answers.
Imo an answer to someone's question is a courtesy, not a required fulfillment to a demand.

Still, to stem your petulance I'll say this:
I withdraw the comment making an assumption about your view of the stranded sheep on the basis that you have not actually offered an opinion about this.
However, given your view that taking the life of an animal is no different from growing/harvesting vegetables, it would seem reasonable to assume that your concern over a shipload of animals would be no different from your concern over a shipload of potatoes.

You accuse me of being 'emotive'. I suspect you mean 'emotional'.

This music is very emotive; I feel emotional when I hear it.

Emotions are such as anger and disgust: so, yes, I am emotional about the unnecessary and/or inappropriate killing of animals and the subjugation of animals for the amusement or sport of human beings.
as for the outlawing of hunting, the anti's have been trying constantly for just that! they succeded in banning duck hunting now the rice farmers have to bait grain to protect their crops... the result: ducks die in agony over a long period and they rot away rather than being shot humanely and then being consumed by the hunter! WHAT A WASTE!!!

you openly attack hunting and the people who participate in the sport on this very thread, so while you dont OPENLY admit you want hunting banned its pretty obvious your position is in line with this train of thought,

either way you do not know me and have no right to make derogatory peronal comments to try to stereotype me inline with your own bigotted views!

Hunting is not a sport its an ego boost. I've been out on enough trips to know hunters will shoot something and leave it to rot and thats a small part of a long list. There are a lot of bad hunters out there. And I known a range of hunters, from big game to pest management. I don't know how some of them have got their guns.
Hunting is not a sport its an ego boost.
a rediculous generalisation

I've been out on enough trips to know hunters will shoot something and leave it to rot and thats a small part of a long list.
the biggest reason for hunters leaving an animal to rot is externl interference, in the 'goods old days' when we shot a rabbit the pelt would be sold to a dealer (to be made into akubra hats etc) the carcase would either be consumed by the hunter or used as petfood if not fit for humn consumption... fox skins were sold to the fox-fur trade... the anti-fur movement destroyed this industry and so now (as they are pests) they are left to rot.

There are a lot of bad hunters out there. And I known a range of hunters, from big game to pest management. I don't know how some of them have got their guns
sounds like you should choose better companions for your 'trips', i dont deny there are 'bad hunters' out there, but they re the minority and despised by the majority as they give everyone a bad name nd lead to ppl such as you making statements like this

the majority of hunters i know are ethical, safety conscious and law abiding people who despise fools, rambo-wannabes and the 'kill anything that moves' type clowns who give the sport a bad image