Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Killing your own food

Killing is a sport ?:rolleyes:

the sport of kings apparently:

you suffer from 'fluffy bunny' syndrome burns... no doubt quite happy to kill a fly, spider, mouse, rat, snake or fish etc but to take the life of a 'cute' animal, even though it be a pest (rabbit/pig/fox/ feral cat etc), makes you squeamish and causes you to believe your in a 'morally superior position by opposing it. 'i find that hipocritical...

either way im not arguing with you anymore burns, i cant see any middle ground between us so i propose to agree to disagree... totally over the mud-slinging!
here is a common scenerio i saw many many times while growing up on my parents farm...

a crow lands on the back of a ewe (female sheep for the city-dwellers) giving birth... it waits for the emerging lambs' head to come out... then picks both of the poor lil buggers eyes out and eats them!:mad::mad::mad:

i challenge anyone (even gun-haters) who should witness this (very commonplace) act not to wish they had a rifle in their hands! (off the 'killing food' topic i know but i thought it relevant to the hunting theme)
here is a common scenerio i saw many many times while growing up on my parents farm...

a crow lands on the back of a ewe (female sheep for the city-dwellers) giving birth... it waits for the emerging lambs' head to come out... then picks both of the poor lil buggers eyes out and eats them!:mad::mad::mad:

i challenge anyone (even gun-haters) who should witness this (very commonplace) act not to wish they had a rifle in their hands! (off the 'killing food' topic i know but i thought it relevant to the hunting theme)

There's plenty of situations I'd use a gun, non of them involve killing for sport.
There's plenty of situations I'd use a gun, non of them involve killing for sport.

again... your personal choice! noone should judge or condemn you for holding that view... BUT... nor should you do the same to others who dont share your view...