Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Killing your own food


Mod: Call me Dendrobranchiata
23 May 2007
I think everyone should either hunt or kill an animal they eat at least once in their life, if you cant kill an animal then you probably shouldn't eat meat. I grew up in a rural area and shooting kangaroos or slaughtering your own sheep, chickens etc. It makes you appreciate where food comes from and learn respect for nature and animals.

The vast majority of hunters try for a clean kill, which of course isn't always posisble, but killing something you eat is still something most people wont understand until they have done it themselves.

**The first few posts have been copied across from the Gun Control thread

What do you think? Have you ever killed your own food? Gone fishing? etc
I think everyone should either hunt or kill an animal they eat at least once in their life, if you cant kill an animal then you probably shouldn't eat meat.
What extraordinary logic.:(

I grew up in a rural area and shooting kangaroos or slaughtering your own sheep, chickens etc. It makes you appreciate where food comes from and learn respect for nature and animals.
I think most of us understand that the leg of lamb comes from a young sheep being killed for food. Hardly need to butcher it ourselves to get that!
And how you can suggest killing animals demonstrates respect for them is absolutely beyond me.

Probably a discussion that is best not pursued. It's very emotive and will only cause tempers to flare more than they have already on this thread.
What extraordinary logic.:(

I dont see how it is any different to picking fruit or growing vegetables, both of which are good education. Admittedly it is not as easy to kill an animal (both emotionally and logistically), hence why i think everyone should do it at least once, not all the time.

Less than 200 years ago pretty much everyone had to do this at some stage in their life. Or if they didnt kill animals for food, they at least saw it being done (or gutted, cleaned it etc) and could appreciate where food comes from and what is involved.

You would be surprised how many people have never seen an animal being killed and dont actually think about where their food comes from. If more people did this then perhaps there would be more thought around sustainable farming, food wastage etc.

It actually warrants it's own thread so i have started another one now so we can keep this thread about gun control
Well there you go. If you can't see the difference between a sentient living creature and growing vegetables, any discussion is clearly pointless.
Hope you don't actually own any animals.

Good to know that you'll be entirely untroubled by the thousands of sheep miserably huddled in 45 degree heat in the Middle East because the sale contract fell over. Or by the fact that Pakistan has now bought them. Allah only knows the brutality that will be meted out to the poor miserable creatures.

It's imo ridiculous to suggest that the same logic that applied when people actually had to kill animals for their own survival should be relevant today.
Illogical and a poor attempt to justify killing for fun. Nothing is more repugnant to me.
Well there you go. If you can't see the difference between a sentient living creature and growing vegetables, any discussion is clearly pointless.
Hope you don't actually own any animals.

Good to know that you'll be entirely untroubled by the thousands of sheep miserably huddled in 45 degree heat in the Middle East because the sale contract fell over. Or by the fact that Pakistan has now bought them. Allah only knows the brutality that will be meted out to the poor miserable creatures.

It's imo ridiculous to suggest that the same logic that applied when people actually had to kill animals for their own survival should be relevant today.
Illogical and a poor attempt to justify killing for fun. Nothing is more repugnant to me.

I have owned animals all my life and they have all been extremely well looked after. In fact when i was younger, in addition to our 'normal' pets, we used to rear a lamb that had been abandoned by it's mother, and then kill it for meat when it was at the right age. Obviously if you know it is going to happen you do not form as close a bond with it, but otherwise it would probably just die in the field.

How do you know my thoughts on the live animal export trade? It is an entirely different arguement. Where have i said that you shouldn't kill animals humanely?

When did i state that killing is fun? Please stop implying things that you think i have said. It seems that you are being overly emotive instead of discussing somehting in a logical manner.
Heard this before and it has some merit I suppose.
However why would only this be different to anything else we eat?

Including eggs, bread, milk.
I know that milking is not as controversial as killing animal, but still food.

Met, especially young girls, that don’t eat meat just because of killing, but humans are omnivores, so meat is on the menu.

For me it would be difficult, as I don’t have set up and fridge large enough to ever have beef on a table.
Chicken and fish are great food, but not every day.
And how you can suggest killing animals demonstrates respect for them is absolutely beyond me.

Julia take a deep breath and just hang on. I am a slaughterman (abattoir chain line and solo kill) and I could not agree more with Prawn, the amount of people that tell me I'm awful for the work I've done while chowing down on a chicken sandwich blows my mind.

I'm going to speculate that you have never been involved in the process of raising animals for food, whether it be commercial or private, in any way, shape, or form as the quote that I've highlighted of yours clearly indicates.

Also, going by what you have said re. livestock conditions in Pakistan, you are grossly uninformed about livestock conditions and handling worldwide, including this place we call home.

I will be very interested to see what other board members have to say on this issue. Always seems to be a contentious topic!
Dad was a butcher
Brother still is.

I used to go shooting all sorts of things when a kid.

One night chasing rabbits in a ute across a field on a hot summers night
3 of us gunning down rabbits as they ran everywhere until one poor bugger was left being shot at
by 3 of us.
I can still hear the screaming of terror from that poor rabbit.
I stopped everyone from shooting and from that day forward havent shot or been interested in terrifying another living creature.

If I had to to survive then Id do it.
You dont have to kill to eat meat these days so why would you ?

You can say that about just about anything from education through to exercise.

You dont have to kill it, but someone else does. I think people should do it to gain an idea of how food is raised and prepared. If more people did this then perhaps there would be more thought around sustainable farming, food wastage etc.

I'm not saying you should do it every day (or even year) but to gain a full understanding and respect for food production you should do it, or see it in the flesh (no pun intended) at least once in your life.
You can say that about just about anything from education through to exercise.

You dont have to kill it, but someone else does. I think people should do it to gain an idea of how food is raised and prepared. If more people did this then perhaps there would be more thought around sustainable farming, food wastage etc.

I'm not saying you should do it every day (or even year) but to gain a full understanding and respect for food production you should do it, or see it in the flesh (no pun intended) at least once in your life.

I thnk we've all seen it at one time or another but I dont agree that we SHOULD do it or see it, we dont go to farms to see wheat grow or a zillion other things either.
Julia take a deep breath and just hang on. I am a slaughterman (abattoir chain line and solo kill) and I could not agree more with Prawn, the amount of people that tell me I'm awful for the work I've done while chowing down on a chicken sandwich blows my mind.

I'm going to speculate that you have never been involved in the process of raising animals for food, whether it be commercial or private, in any way, shape, or form as the quote that I've highlighted of yours clearly indicates.

Also, going by what you have said re. livestock conditions in Pakistan, you are grossly uninformed about livestock conditions and handling worldwide, including this place we call home.

I will be very interested to see what other board members have to say on this issue. Always seems to be a contentious topic!

Your wasting your time mate as when someone is a closed book there is no point trying to help them understand.

I get it some people dont like killing (my wife doesnt like killing) but to say you dont need/have to is just plain ignorant.

Like i said before i cannot stand people imposing their personal views on others... if you dont like then dont do it simple.

I find greeny's/anti's are too busy worrying about other people and want to ban everything and actually find amusement in invading other peoples freedoms.

I shoot animals, i eat alot of them and i love to know where i got it from and i worked hard for it.... if you dont like it then dont look.

I find someone that eats meat but tells me killing animals (for a purpose) is wrong a total lost cause and a waste of time.

I hate seeing animals suffer, i preserve alot of native fauna by controlling ferals, i conserve my land the way men did many yrs ago.... yet its still wrong to a person thats sitting in a cafe of a CBD who has never killed an animal, knows nothing about the bush and the way the food chain works and yet is asking for a medium rare steak from an unknown animal.

Problem is no matter what you say its a dead end....
Dad was a butcher
Brother still is.

I used to go shooting all sorts of things when a kid.

One night chasing rabbits in a ute across a field on a hot summers night
3 of us gunning down rabbits as they ran everywhere until one poor bugger was left being shot at
by 3 of us.
I can still hear the screaming of terror from that poor rabbit.
I stopped everyone from shooting and from that day forward havent shot or been interested in terrifying another living creature.

If I had to to survive then Id do it.

Some people just don't feel that empathy, mate of mine has a farm. was there once and their dog chased a rabbit into a dam, it couldbt get out as every time it went for the edge the dog would come around and black it, it eventually just sunk, my mate and his son laughed their heads off:frown:
Dad was a butcher
Brother still is.

I used to go shooting all sorts of things when a kid.

One night chasing rabbits in a ute across a field on a hot summers night
3 of us gunning down rabbits as they ran everywhere until one poor bugger was left being shot at
by 3 of us.
I can still hear the screaming of terror from that poor rabbit.
I stopped everyone from shooting and from that day forward havent shot or been interested in terrifying another living creature.

If I had to to survive then Id do it.

Just to clarify this Tech,

3 shooters is unsafe in my view (we only have 1 shooter at a time) and we shoot 1 animal a time and make sure the animal is killed as quickly and cleanly as possible. We take firearm safety serious, we dont drink when out and we dont fly across paddocks at speed and definately dont let animals suffer for our amusement (any real hunter knows thats just plain cruel and not acceptable) problem is as Tech mentioned you have some yahoo's that go out and blast everything, well there is a few bad apples in every arena.

problem is no matter how right we go about it, people like Mr Burns dont like it so because they "dont" like it, and so it should be banned...

not sure why im replying as much as this, as im usual not the 1 to get involved politically but i thought id offer a balanced argument and more so perhaps some education on the Topic at hand.
You can say that about just about anything from education through to exercise.

I think people should do it to gain an idea of how food is raised and prepared. If more people did this then perhaps there would be more thought around sustainable farming, food wastage etc.

I killed prawns! (well the yabbie sort). Yum
problem is no matter how right we go about it, people like Mr Burns dont like it so because they "dont" like it, and so it should be banned...

I didnt say anything about banning anything, get your facts straight.

I just support the present gun laws as I said in a different thread on a different subject.
Please lets avoid the personal attacks and focus on the topic. IE the merits and/or benefits of killing for food. Or reasons why you shouldn't kill your own food
I just support the present gun laws as I said in a different thread on a different subject.

We are talking about food now stay on topic! :)

Prawn advantages of killing your own food:

* Knowing where it came from (i.e upbringing, land it was hunted etc..)
* Understanding animals, meat and the whole food chain
* Showing your kids/family and help educating those who want to learn
* Sustainable harvesting/growing, death is a reality and the only true conservationist's are people that actually kill in order to save (dont believe me then talk to most native american indians and other tribal people)
* knowing how to handle yourself in the event of an unstable collapse in the economy/country
* great tasting food knowing you killed/cooked and fed the family!
* living green (the real green way)

im sure there are plenty more but those are a start :xyxthumbs
We are talking about food now stay on topic! :)

Prawn advantages of killing your own food:

* Knowing where it came from (i.e upbringing, land it was hunted etc..)
* Understanding animals, meat and the whole food chain
* Showing your kids/family and help educating those who want to learn
* Sustainable harvesting/growing, death is a reality and the only true conservationist's are people that actually kill in order to save (dont believe me then talk to most native american indians and other tribal people)
* knowing how to handle yourself in the event of an unstable collapse in the economy/country
* great tasting food knowing you killed/cooked and fed the family!
* living green (the real green way)

im sure there are plenty more but those are a start :xyxthumbs

See where your coming from and not against your view.
Have been around guns all my life, brought up on a farm, shot my first roo when i was about 12, felt like **** (turns out i really like animals), but a month down the track helping dad fence we stopped for smoko and had some jerky, was bloody delicious after a bit of hard work (as hard of work a 12 year old can do!), i asked him where we got it from, he told me it was kangaroo jerky. He made it from the one we shot. Amazing how you can go from being nearly sick from killing an animal to eating its meat and feeling nothing but full?

From my own experiences, i do a lot of fishing and for some reason never have the same connection between killing a fish and for instance a rabbit, even though the latter is in plague proportion in some areas. Anyway, im sort of rambling here but i think its a very prickly topic and people shouldn't be forced to do anything they don't want to but i think it would be beneficial to at least watch footage of an abattoir so they know that steaks come from cows and don't grow on trees :p: