Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


Sam from SMH has some pretty strong things to say about comments about, toward fat people.


Disclosure: Probably carrying 12kg that I need to get rid of to be honest

hum, can not help to think how easy it is to actually loose weight,
Got wrong blood test (too high cholesterol)-> stopped eating the extra chocolate bar/piece of cheese between meals, lost 5 kg in 6 month; yes I eat chocolate but half the size of an overweight colleague of mine, my plates are easily half sized as well.
Reality hurts but eat less and you will loose weight. I am afraid it is that easy ..but not PC to say anymore...'cause everyone is special and deserve a snack/chocolate bar..must be true,TV's ads tells me it is...
anyway, just to throw some oil on the fire
It's a pretty simple equation in my eyes. Calories in v calories out.
The rest is just excuses.
One of my ex's mothers was literally the size of a house. She used to blame her bi-polar disorder.
I thought this may be plausible, until I saw what she ate each day. In a word crap, not a carrot to be seen.
They bought her a treadmill, which she swore black and blue she would use. It made a mightly fine paperweight.

I have an aunty who is the same, she comes over for afternoon tea sometimes. The thing is she makes a big song and dance about just having 'a little piece of cake', you can set your watch by it. Unfortunately for her she doesn't just have 1 'little piece', she has 6 of them. You do the math.

Sometimes I put on a few extra, but i know exactly how to drop them. Put away the pop rocks chocolate and the doritos. The weight falls off. Lucky i have a physical job i guess, some people dont, but thats not an excuse to do physical movement at some stage of the day.

I guess the equation should be

Calories In x (Motivation + Willpower)
Calories Out x Excuses

If your equation works out to be less than 1, then you're probably overweight.

I will probably get pilloried for being a simpleton, sometimes the truth hurts.

I will probably get pilloried for being a simpleton, sometimes the truth hurts.

"Calories In" is mechanical motion of one arm!
"Motivation" is a mental thing ...
Not so simple afterall!
Consider yourself pilloried!! :frown:

P.S. Sunshine, exercise plus fruit and vegetables.
(fruitgrowers get an edge)

PPS I am holding (about 13 Kilos extra)! :)
Unfortunately people tend to blame weight gain on an underactive thyroid, instead of an overactive stomach.:eek:
I have also heard people say fat is inherited, I wonder how many pizza's were left to them.:confused:
"Calories In" is mechanical motion of one arm!
"Motivation" is a mental thing ...
Not so simple afterall!
Consider yourself pilloried!! :frown:

P.S. Sunshine, exercise plus fruit and vegetables.
(fruitgrowers get an edge)

PPS I am holding (about 13 Kilos extra)! :)

That mechanical motion of the arm is controlled by a mental process, the need, or
more likely 'want' of food. No mechanical process of the body happens without a mental trigger, whether concious or subconcious.

Too much fructose is no good for you either, its a great way to gain weight! :D
Sam from SMH has some pretty strong things to say about comments about, toward fat people.


Disclosure: Probably carrying 12kg that I need to get rid of to be honest

If theres gonna-be-a-pillorying may as well set myself for it too.

Restrict intake of carbohydrates to 20 grams a day (cut out rice, pasta, grains, potatoes, sugar & sweets, alcohol - stuff with lots of carbs).
Eat stuff that doesn't have/is low in carbs (meat, fish, eggs, salad greens, there are more) until you're not hungry. Avoid processed foods that are advertised as 'low carb', can experiment with these later.
Worked (and continues to work) for me.
If in doubt, do it for a month as an experiment. You will feel like **** after about 4-5 days (forewarned is forearmed). This will pass.
If you do this for a month and you haven't lost loads of excess fat, I'll eat my (low-carb) hat.


If theres gonna-be-a-pillorying may as well set myself for it too.

Restrict intake of carbohydrates to 20 grams a day (cut out rice, pasta, grains, potatoes, sugar & sweets, alcohol - stuff with lots of carbs).
Eat stuff that doesn't have/is low in carbs (meat, fish, eggs, salad greens, there are more) until you're not hungry. Avoid processed foods that are advertised as 'low carb', can experiment with these later.
Worked (and continues to work) for me.
If in doubt, do it for a month as an experiment. You will feel like **** after about 4-5 days (forewarned is forearmed). This will pass.
If you do this for a month and you haven't lost loads of excess fat, I'll eat my (low-carb) hat.


:2twocents know the saying there's myriad of things....well, there's a pilloriad of things wrong with that "diet".....

first, you need carbs eaten at the time you dont eat meats/proteins (stops bloating by enzymes not competing with acids - steaks and beer cause bloats)

secondly the crap feeling you get is the body accommodating the loss of re-level itself the body takes the muscle value and literally eats the protein into instant energy availablity via glucos conversion whcih youve starved it from with withdrawal of carbs that normally provide the energy......this is the reason you look fitter but are actually worse off because youve lost muscle and not fat, losing weight means muscle weight which is heavier that fat

here's my healthy standard: keep fat intake below 30g / day (my body needs/uses somewhere around 55-60 g / day even if i'm asleep) so obviously, depleting fat that goes to fat must mean i'm burning fat without even beginning any workout......

also understand how the body opens fat cells when under heavy work outs that are non-aerobic, in other words, you'll get better results walking for a hard mile first thing in the morning than sprinting the same distance at night.......first thing, carb sugers/glucose are low, so youre body opens fat cells to convert the energy but can only do this if the blood oxygen level is correct.....hard marching style will work as effectively if not better than running......

things that resemble the Atkins method or similar "diet" is dangerous in the way it causes blood to be in an over-acidity or over-akaline state.....these things can lead to allow cancers to find ideal working conditions.....

carbs are over stated as a reason for fat gain.......there is a huge diff between raw foods cooked and non-cooked and how they allow carbs to become avail......but, still, you have to eat a truck load of carbs to get fat......they have to be cooked or processed carbs to be diff to raw me a person whom eats raw foods as a regular way of eating, that is fat, and i'll eat my balanced dietary hat (HP sauce and some cayanne pepper please)

as i like to say; it's the fat that makes you fat, well, duh!
on the exercise front, when i had put on an extra couple of inches during a heavy bbq summer i found riding late at night for 12-15k's 3 days a week was a good stretch and it's melbourne so one has to go a long way to find a gradient to work on :D ......but the main idea was to not eat 4 hours before the ride to get best results.......after i worked my way to 30k's just two days a week regularly i found that i could do that with less effort and improve times without adding any energy to my intake......the key is to not intake any foods 4 hours prior especially no sugars.......


aside from water everything you put in your body has energy
Not another diet thread!!! We alread thave two threads on Weight Loss and two threads on obesity and sundry others on health.

I think Brad intended this thread to be about our attitudes to obesity.
Not another diet thread!!! We alread thave two threads on Weight Loss and two threads on obesity and sundry others on health.

I think Brad intended this thread to be about our attitudes to obesity.

Yikes! I withdraw my remarks :D
Some people do have legitimate medical problems which make it very hard for them to avoid weight gain. That's not the majority, but some people do have such issues and it would be wrong to discriminate against them and say that losing weight is easy etc.

But one observation that will probably touch a few nerves... How many people have a negative attitude toward those who are overweight? The answer seems to be "quite a few".

Now how many of those same people binge drink? That's a very easily avoidable cause of all sorts of health problems and yet many people, including those who moan about those who are overweight etc, choose to do it.

Most people could maintain a healthy weight with sufficient motivation that is true. All people could avoid excess alcohol with sufficient motivation.

I'm not obese and I'm not against alcohol. But I do see a degree of hypocrisy in these debates.:2twocents
Some people do have legitimate medical problems which make it very hard for them to avoid weight gain. That's not the majority, but some people do have such issues and it would be wrong to discriminate against them and say that losing weight is easy etc.

But one observation that will probably touch a few nerves... How many people have a negative attitude toward those who are overweight? The answer seems to be "quite a few".

Now how many of those same people binge drink? That's a very easily avoidable cause of all sorts of health problems and yet many people, including those who moan about those who are overweight etc, choose to do it.

Most people could maintain a healthy weight with sufficient motivation that is true. All people could avoid excess alcohol with sufficient motivation.

I'm not obese and I'm not against alcohol. But I do see a degree of hypocrisy in these debates.:2twocents
The above post seems quite out of character for you, Smurf. I can't see any reason to suppose people who are critical of obesity would binge drink.

Imo it would be the opposite. Someone who takes care to maximise their health by keeping their weight in a healthy range would surely be unlikely to rack up all those extra calories by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

It seems to me that being fat will soon be the new normal. Once an obese person stood out, but now a slim, fit person is more unusual, at least where I live.

I was in a group of 12 people yesterday and only three of us were not grossly overweight.

The more widespread obesity becomes surely it will follow that there is less impetus for such people to make the effort to lose weight because they'll look around and reassure themselves that there's nothing unusual about their weight.

I get pretty disgusted with people who say "oh I don't eat much" but then chomp through six pieces of cake just for afternoon tea.

So if the topic is 'attitudes to obesity', I guess mine is impatience and intolerance when there's so much information about as to healthy foods. Just as we increasingly seem to blame others for pretty much everything that goes wrong in our lives, it's my guess that the obese have little difficulty in extending this to their weight.
Not another diet thread!!! We alread thave two threads on Weight Loss and two threads on obesity and sundry others on health.

I think Brad intended this thread to be about our attitudes to obesity.

my attitude towards obesity is to get my own health correct rather than preaching to others what they should/could/would do.....and to that end, correct knowledge and passing on that knowledge is an attitude rather than ad infintum blubbering and blundering on about attitudes......

an obese person is simply obese.....doesnt require an attitude......for most people ignorance is what keeps them obese in the same way that overtly thin people need to keep thin.......

damn......just developed an attitude :cry: :D
Not another diet thread!!! We alread thave two threads on Weight Loss and two threads on obesity and sundry others on health.

I think Brad intended this thread to be about our attitudes to obesity.

Thanks for clarifying, my opinion (unless the person has a legitimate medical illness/implication as to why they are over-weight) is that no one has any excuse for allowing themselves to get in such a situation. Do these people have no pride? Aren't they embarrassed walking down the street beside their spouse, friends, or family?

If I looked in the mirror every morning and saw someone overweight I would be deeply ashamed. I'm flat out every week and I still manage to take the time to ensure I am eating nothing but healthy food, fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, water the lot, with perhaps 1 chocolate a week if I'm lucky. Overweight people seem to find the gym daunting, but the only reason the people inside are looking good is because they are in the gym:confused:

I understand they may be depressed, but being over-weight certainly doesn't help depression, in fact I'd say quite the opposite. Get the help you need, or simply help yourself get out of the rut you're in. If you take comfort in eating **** food and feel good while doing it, imagine how great they would feel if they ate healthy, looked good and felt good. There is no excuse what-so-ever imo.
I think what Smurf is trying to say, is why isnt there the same negative attitude towards binge drinking?
I think what Smurf is trying to say, is why isnt there the same negative attitude towards binge drinking?

that's a good question.....most likely the answer is in the history books.....obesity from an Australian perspective is a relatively recent thing whereas binging and intoxication is inbedded in the culture from ship days......the work hard play hard ethic of drinking is also encouraged by governments via tax (in its extent) .....even tho most men develop obesity in later life as they drink and eat more yet much less physical work loads the obesity in young people is a reflection of the credit binge we've been through - even Babylon would have seen the same stuff....
I think what Smurf is trying to say, is why isnt there the same negative attitude towards binge drinking?

If this is so it's a terrible comparison, and don't most have a negative attitude towards binge drinking anyway? youth out of control is forever a highlight with Tracey Grimshaw and her brilliant journalism. I can only assume it's because the broader public that indulge in her half hour want to see it, and gasp over how drunk some 18 year old girl is.

Thing is, you're fat 24/7, you're only drunk for maybe 12 hours(or 24 depending on just how much you wish to partay). I'm not saying binge drinking is healthy, and not condoning it, but i would much rather have a few too many drinks with my mates once every couple of months than be overweight and not do anything about it.