Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The loss of a pet

Thanks Julia.
Yep its comforting to know I had a good 17 years with her.
She had a good life.
Losing a loved Pet

Has to be one of the hardest things in life and not dissimilar to when you lose a loved one.

My dog Alfie is 15, we got him from the dog recue when he was a year old, my little daughter chose him, although she’s now at Uni, as far back as she can remember Alfie is there, he’s been a fantastic little dog, intelligent, affectionate and a great little guard dog, he’s a house dog and participates in all aspects of family life and even comes on holiday with us which he always loves, in January I noticed he had a small lump in his neck and his lips were very red, so off to the Vet who thought he may have problems with his teeth and had picked up an infection so I agreed he have his teeth cleaned under anaesthetic and they took a biopsy of his lump, all went well and he was back to his happy self within 24 hours, the results of the biopsy were due the next day.

Vet called to say results were back and to bring the little fella in for a post op check, sadly the results were bad, he had Leukaemia and we were told he only had 3 or 4 months to live, longer if he had chemotherapy but unlikely to be more than 6 or 7 months, it was a huge shock considering he was there wagging his tail waiting for the treat the Vet always gave him, took a few days to sink in and we decided that he would not have chemo, its bad enough in humans.

For the first couple of months there was little change and I even thought maybe they had made a mistake but then again the lump was getting bigger and his lips were very red, in himself he was sleeping more and more and although still happy to chase his ball and go on long walks he was very quickly tired, he was also loosing weight and very quiet, on Monday this week he really deteriated and not eating very much and not really moving off his bed, although the tail was wagging whenever we came home from work or someone comes to the house, were only days away from that final trip to the Vet as this morning he has gone down hill further, im told I will know when the time is right and it will be a relief but it truly is one of the hardest things to do, Pets and particularly dogs bring us so much joy and happiness, give there love, affection and protection unconditionally, makes me think when people say that someone behaved like an animal or like a dog, how wrong that statement is.

Anyway not sure why I wanted to start a thread on it, maybe helps me but im sure there’s many out there who can relate to what im going through and have experienced a similar thing with there pets, in time we will get another dog I expect but maybe not for a while, had dogs all my life when I was a kid but maybe the fact this fella has been the only dog makes it harder as when I grew up we always 3 or 4 as my Mum would take the older dogs from the rescue that often no one wanted and give them a home for the last few years of there lives and remember we never had a bad one, all would come out of there shell and be charging round the fields were she lives in one big happy gang in no time, when they passed on it was sad but you knew they had come off death row and with the other dogs around seemed to ease the sadness, this little fella though will leave a big hole.
Oh, Pager, I do so feel for you. And yes, it's probably the most awful time for any pet owner.

You clearly know there's not long for him and the most loving thing you can do is to prevent him from suffering. Do you know if he's in pain? If so, then probably the sooner you allow him to go the better.

I so hope you'll be able to stay with him and hold him as the vet administers the injection. Our dogs would never abandon us if we were dying and imo we owe the same to them. I always feel so sad when someone says they just handed the animal over because they would find it too upsetting to stay.

Well, tough. Be prepared to be upset. That's the least any of us can offer for all those years of love and loyalty from our dogs.

Obviously he's had a long and wonderful life with you so you have many great memories for ever.
But at this time, that thought is hard to hold on to when you're faced with letting him go.

I'll be thinking of you. All the best
I know how you feel Pager. I had to make the same decision a year ago about our 15 year old little dog. It was a terrible time and I still miss him but the pain does ease over time (although tears are welling in my eyes as I think about him now). I think what makes it worse when it's a pet is that they live wth you. Often when we lose a loved one (such as a parent) they are not with us every day in the same way a pet is.
Very sad Pager.

I will say you can feel the same about a cat, I think I posted something about mine easler.

I agree with Julia, be there with him when they give the injection, if you don't you will regret it later.

I had to have a cat of mine put down over 10 years ago and to this day I regret not staying with her.
Just noticed the thread, you all had me in tears.... my sincerest condolences to all of you.

I used to rescue horses, dogs and cats....but after having to put down a dog at 17, after he had a stroke 2 years earlier and survived,, then an old rescued pony, age 33, then my 15 year old cat, all within about 6 months, I was truly distraught.....I felt I could not bear any more pain.....It was 20 years before I got another animal....she is now 5 years old....
I treat them as a member of my family, so their death is the same to me as other valued close family members ...
dogs name is Pre...its short for precious, and .. precosious.....

I took her to Million Paws walk this Tuesday she was so sick, I thought I might lose her....she vomited and diarrhea for 7 days...she is good now....she has had all needles,,,,heard on the news a stack of dogs were sick the same week, another form of Parvo...!!!! I wonder how many puppies were lost....they dont get their last injection until 14 weeks...but I constantly see people walking them at 10 weeks or earlier....if only they knew how dangerous parvo is....its a virus that stays in the ground forever....
and Pre was not interested in the other dogs, she spent the whole time sniffing the ground......
wonder if there is a new strain of Parvo out there ?...memo to self, to check this

here is Pre...
pre with red cushion 238.JPG025 (640x427).jpg
she is like having a dog and cat rolled into one....she washes herself like a cat....without fail every morning and every evening takes about half an hour each session....she plays like a kitten...and barks like a dog...
well she thinks she is talking to you, or barking orders....apparently most Maltese are noisy and vocal
and she constantly gets my attention, does anything to make me laugh out loud....she dances...I never taught her...she also holds a small squeaky toy in her mouth, and makes it squeak, whilst dancing at the same time...
she is hilarious....have a look at this...memo to self, take another photo with the glasses, after she is cleaned up..

I do believe, she is smiling in this photo

pre in sunnies.jpg

if I give her a tray of dog food, or a light container, as the noodles, she carts them around, with them in her mouth, she will jump onto the couch or the bed, and rarely spills the contents....puts a whole new twist to 'take away' doggy take away.....I caught her about to jump onto the bed...

pre with cup ready to jump _374.jpg
Passed away about 2 weeks ago, still miss him, he would always watch the footy with me and hang out!

Completly unexpected found him dead on the laundry floor, vet said it was most probably a heart issue.

RIP "Scotch" - My best mate.

Passed away about 2 weeks ago, still miss him, he would always watch the footy with me and hang out!

Completly unexpected found him dead on the laundry floor, vet said it was most probably a heart issue.

RIP "Scotch" - My best mate.

Very sad matty, RIP Scotch.
Not only have you all lost a pet also a part of your life and history.R I P
I find this part of the song, so poignant, in my grief, at the loss of a special loved one
..."Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed"


****Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed ....

***this is so profound, in my life now....
my soul is truly bleeding

and may I add....every time your heart is broken....
it cannot , ever be 'unbroken again'....

your heart can never be a whole again...

at this point in my life....I feel my heart, is made up, of many broken pieces....but they are special pieces, special
places in my heart
each time a loved one leaves my life, then a part of my life, and my heart, is split, into the many pieces, of the people that filled my heart with love......
at a rough guess, my heart now holds at least 20 different people or animals, in a special piece and place in my heart


Artist: Bette Midler
Song Title: The Rose

Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed
That with the sun's love
In the spring
Becomes the rose
So sorry to hear about your dog, Pager.
What sort of dog is he?
I have a friend going through similar with her 16yo Kelpie.

I think all pet owners know how you are feeling and what you are going through
I lost my cat in April, and in hindsight waited longer than I should have.
Easy to say, harder to do.

Sorry to hear about your cat too, Matty.
For those who aren't animal lovers this must seem a strange thread. But we've had pets for decades (1 yr in 30 without) even carting them overseas, and back. We've lost a few along the way. With cats and a dog and guinea pigs atm we're kept busy. we had to have one GP put down because he had a problem with his teeth, preventing him from eating. I ended up looking after them when the kids got too old & I couldn't believe how sad I was - I couldn't stay in the room. Coming off a farm I couldn't believe how sentimental I am to our pets.

Pets choose you - my cat Thomas is the first to be mine 15 yrs after the last one bonded with me. Though I love all our cats (4 atm). Never had to buy a dog or cat. The bond one gets is hard for non-believers to understand. But he follows me around & when I go away for work, he will run up and stand and put his paws either side of the face and rub and smooch. Kids call us crazy cat woman & crazy cat man.

To those who have recently lost a pet, sorry to hear of it. You know when it's right for a new one.
So sorry to hear about your dog, Pager.
What sort of dog is he?
I have a friend going through similar with her 16yo Kelpie.

I think all pet owners know how you are feeling and what you are going through
I lost my cat in April, and in hindsight waited longer than I should have.
Easy to say, harder to do.

Sorry to hear about your cat too, Matty.

He’s a Fox Terrier Cross, today he’s a bit brighter, wanted to eat and has also been cleaning himself so he’s hanging in there, Vet did say he would have good days and bad days, but each time the bad days are worse and he’s also over due from what the Vet expected him to live.

As long as he’s eating that’s a good sign but we know its any day that he will have to go, don’t want him to go but don’t want him to suffer.

Thanks for all the nice reply’s, it does help, just posting what im going through to people I only know by a username and who are strangers to me really apart from our shared interest in trading has helped me come to terms with what’s happening, long may this thread keep going for each time a member who has that special bond with there pet, loses there friend, maybe just posting is a tribute to the unsung friends who in there own way have helped us with our trading, many the time I have been reassured just by Alfies presence in my home office during the trading day, he just looks up as if to say im here if you need me.
I would agree with everything you are saying, I didnt realise it was possible to form such a close bond to a pet but we did have. Maybe something I didnt realise until he passed away.

You know he was part of the family, and it was a family member dying so was a difficult loss! And yes I bet that does seem strange to people that dont have pets.

Thanks for all the kind comments.
I think perhaps the other factor in why we feel such loss when our pets die is that they have for all their lives been completely dependent on us. It's totally illogical, but there's possibly some part of us which feels that we've failed them when they die.
I don't know. I do know the loss of my dogs has always affected me far more than the deaths of any of the human beings I've been close to.
Pager, it is a painful time and yet a time to still spend with your dog. Enjoy the time you still have with him...:)

We have had our share of animals over the years and still remember the tears and grief when they departed this life. The last one I held as he was given the final injection and it was something I will never forget. The vet let me leave by their back door rather than face the eyes of those still in the waiting room, however, someone walked past and their look of compassion showed that they realised I had just lost a much loved pet.

I think you have to have loved and cared for an animal to understand that the grief is very real.