Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

And that, theoretically, is what it was designed to do. I repeat my point about it being primarily politically rather than economically motivated. You will probably disagree and that's fine.

You are really contradicting yourself here. Above you point out the purpose of the cheques to individuals was to spend in the economy, thus saving jobs (dubious imo).
And then you're implying criticism of those who actually did go out and buy the supa dupa plasma or whatever.

You would have paid the rates anyway. I don't know what your income level is, but I'd be surprised if most people didn't simply continue to spend as normal unless they were financially disadvantaged.

Many people actually saved the $900, thus - even on your own description of the policy - totally subverting its purpose.

I'll stick with my conclusion that it was largely wasted money in that it simply postponed the financial slowdown, something which we are seeing now.

Touche Julia, It's nice to see someone hit the 'plants' with a riposte. LOL
Pilots, that seems like largely waste to me, but I guess Eager would contend that the money was doing its job in keeping the booze sellers in a job.

Hardly my idea of my tax dollars at work, however.
After 2 years of enquiries, Fair Work Austrlia are still unable, or I should say unwilling, to come up with a report on this 'SCUM BAG' Craig Thomson.

It is a political issue which Julia Gillard is tyring to withhold as long as she can.

This new link revels the out come of Thomson's $24,000 tax payer overseas study and his report based on PLAGIARISING some other people's work.

He is not only a liar and a fraud but a cheat as well.

How can anyone have confidence in a Prime Minister who is prepared to shield such a rotten MP.

I wonder if he will feel guilty about accepting his massive pay rise.
If Gillard still expresses confidence in Craig Thomson when parliament returns, I am afraid to say not too many will have confidence in Gillard.

I had believed that FWA had already made a statement some time ago that they did not have enough evidence on Thomson., but according to the link below it is now all starting to be revealed.

Why is it also taking the Victorian Police so long. Maybe there are still some ALP stooges high up in the Vic. constabulary.
Does Julia Gillard really want to hold her job as Prime Minister after cabinet knocked her back over Bob Carr as foreign Minister.Just 48 hours after winning the ballot.

She then denies on TV that she ever offered the job to Bob Carr.

Bob Carr says he had he plane fair booked to go to Canberra to accept the position.

This woman could not lie straight in bed. Just another big lie.
Re: Gillard's Speech

"Who are WE? We are US!!"

Well I tell you what Julia, US are going to WEE on you at election time.

What an insult to politics this Labor Party is - more befitting to the mafia gangs whose only pursuit was to maintain their supremacy in whatever it was they were doing.

Is it any wonder they have no idea what they are doing or what they stand for.

Yep - we are us, and us is nobody

I just feel sure, when she's in her early taxpayer-funded retirement, that she will look back on this and CRINGE - absolutely curl up in bed and cringe with embarrassment!!

How did a competent Employment and Education Deputy PM get cajolled into doing this to herself?

If Rudd was crashing, the honorable thing was not to make statements about being a full forward for the Bulldogs.

The honorable thing to do and say was "If this ship is going down, I'm going down with it" and then seek to be Labor leader in opposition. Or if Rudd won in 2010, then serve another couple of years of the apprenticeship and then seek the caucus vote about now.

Instead, she chose the dishonorable path and every single thing she has done since then has been just that - DISHONORABLE!

Someone please help me - has she done one honorable thing since July 2010?:banghead::cool:
Re: Gillard abandons mining towns

Guys, Gillard abandoned all of us in June 2010 when she decided to pursue power at any cost.

Give her a time machine to go back to that point, and she would not have done the same thing, knowing how she has been thrashed since then.
Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Really, the crocodile tears were a bit much. She walked woodenly through all the visits to flood affected areas, clutched voters in the obligatory hugs of sympathy, and gave zero impression of being remotely affected.

Since then there has been much media comment about how poorly her performance contrasted with the empathy shown by Anna Bligh, how robotic and unsympathetic she was, and now suddenly today, voila, she is moved to uncontrollable sadness and tears.

What utter bull****. She has realised, belatedly, that she needs to do something to show she has some feeling.
Left me completely cold and I hope the population will not be deluded.
She's not even a decent actress. Her choking voice didn't at all sound like someone gripped by real emotion.

And then we apparently have Mr Abbott who, when asked about the most recent death of a soldier in the Middle East, is reported to have said "**** happens".
If he did say that (and it was reported on ABC Radio), then there is no hope for him.

What a miserable choice we are offered.:(:(

You're very perceptive - I got all of that and more! What about the giggling teenage girl outside the Lodge talking about Tim - that was fake too.

There's nothing there. The Labor Party (left wing) upbringing combined with the lawyer training has shelled her like a crab at the dinner table.

There's nothing left - I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when she recently visited her elderly parents in an Adelaide nursing home for dinner over a couple of years.

And she has a sister - what must be she thinking of the red headed robot gracing our screens on a nightly basis.

I suspect election night 2013 is when we will see the Julia dam burst open like Wivenhoe. There will be nowhere to hide then, and I won't be very happy to see her blame us stupid voters then. A Kernot-esque election night dummy spit would just about seal this terrible part of Australian history.

This grace-less woman must start preparing for a graceful exit now, because she will need all that time to convince even 10% of the elctorate (but not you or I).
Re: Julia Gillard Stockholm Syndrome

Let's forget her pathetic attempts at feeble policy (the most conspicuous being in the border protection area).

Gillard is not just showing Stockhom Syndrome and captive of the Labor Party apparatchiks obssessed with clinging onto power.

She has been "cored out" and stands for nothing. Imagine sending 800 people to Malaysia to be detained in squalor and possibly caned.

Did her father look her in the eye and relate his experience as a 10 pound Pom?
Re: Julia Gillard Stockholm Syndrome

I believe that Gillard practices hypnotism en masse.

She goes on in a monotone sprouting all sorts of bull****, and stares.

And everyone just listens, and then at the end she disarticulates her nose and stares anew with a fixed smile.

Then yer awake and can't remember what happened.

Poor bloody Rudd he didn't have a chance against that sort of mooja.

Its eerie, but now that I've worked it out I'll close my eyes when she speaks, even if its on radio.


Now we know why Tony's doing it too.

Obviously Bob Carr did not close his eyes when Tony was speaking.
Juliar Gillard believes she inspires confidence because of her accomplishments.
Now she hopes to inspire "trust". Trust is perpetuated from starting with the truth.

Her idea of truth is::::
"A lie told often enough, becomes the truth." Lenin:eek:(1870 - 1924).

Why does she continue to do this?
Answer!!! "The public will believe anything, as long as its not founded on truth". Edith Sitwell (1887 - 1964).

So her basic problem problem is how she is going about it. And at the moment she is going in the opposite direction.
Re: Julia Gillard Stockholm Syndrome

Now we know why Tony's doing it too.

Obviously Bob Carr did not close his eyes when Tony was speaking.

I mentioned this to Bob Carr last year, at a campaign I was asked to assist in, in ALP HQ in Sussex St. in Sydney. The function was not open to workers or taxpayers, just to ALP head honchos, greens, unionists, university professors, whalers, gamers and millionaires such as yours truly.

I am most upset he used it in an attack on Tony Abbott, without attribution to me.

He was the only person present who didn't shout me for the analogy.

Re: Is Julia Gillard a Dalek?

Are there any adults here ?

No but interesting watching the women haters apply their double standards whats the word?


Party poling has show men will not forgive women poly's but male poly's get another chance or two Howard proved the point I think.