The futs instrument itself attracts a bit of volume, about 4 times the spi for example, but the underling index only has 45 or so stocks in it, back of the envelope calculation its about 20% of the market Cap of the ASX200. So the fundamentals of the index is relatively thin. Therefore it moves more like a high priced stock than an Index.
Plus yes also the condensed trading time without any overnight trading helps to create an action packed session.
Ya might want to have a look also at STW (Taiwan out of SGX) and the Kospi.
May not be longInto hosipltal on Wed for a minor 4 hour heart operation!!!!! The rewards of a life time of daily exercise!! irony!
Thanks T/H, a lot to think about in there. I did take a look at the Taiwan index recently, but for a different sort of system.
I definitely notice in markets with smaller trading time that there is more of a sense of "urgency" during the trading, fund managers and the like who have to do certain things at a certain time I guess.
Here is me wishing you good health and speedy recovery for your operation, I hear they are cancelling both trading sessions for the day due to a lack of liquidity