1, Remember people that look like millionaires seldom are, High income does not always correlate with high net worth.
2, No, But being a doctor is not the only way to earn good money. the economy is a very dynamic thing, Full of holes and niches that need to be filled, and their is plenty of opportunity for smart and productive people to earn alot of money.
3, I haven't seen any body say that, But it is true you have to save and make sacrifices to own a property, that has always been the case, If property is truely over valued, don't worry, it will correct, it's impossible for it not to,
Obviously though if you wait till you turn 30 before you decide to start saving you are going to have a harder time at than someone who started saving at 18, and you will have to work harder and make much larger sacrifices, and those sacrifices will seem so much larger because for 10years you have spend every dime on consumption so it will be hard to cut back.
If you blow the opportunity to save in your 20's, your life will be harder and it is no ones fault but yours,
lol yeah right dude. That whopping 2% real increase is gonna masacre the 10% pa you get on housing :S
That compound interest gig is an old wives tale.
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