Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Wellington Capital PIF/Octaviar (MFS) PIF

Its not just the elderly caught up in the PIF problems.

I am 30 and am just as much a victim too.

For information of all people the PIF Reaction group flyers are coming from Queensland. They were processed at the Northgate Mail Centre in Queensland 4013.

I have kept the envelope sealed with the flyer inside when I discovered its postage location stamped on the envelope. Photos have been sent the the AG and Castlereagh. The evidence is still here should it be needed for proof in legal action.

>>> They spread it around a bit, probably to try and confuse - mine were sent from the Hunter Valley Mail Centre (and I'm based in Queensland)
Its not just the elderly caught up in the PIF problems.

I am 30 and am just as much a victim too.

For information of all people the PIF Reaction group flyers are coming from Queensland. They were processed at the Northgate Mail Centre in Queensland 4013.

I have kept the envelope sealed with the flyer inside when I discovered its postage location stamped on the envelope. Photos have been sent the the AG and Castlereagh. The evidence is still here should it be needed for proof in legal action.

HI Sutho81

Its good to see the support of so many new names. I thank you all.

Unfortunately the vast amount of Investors are elderly and used the Premium income fund to supplement their pensions. They do not have access to the computer nor do they generally know how to navigate the internet. many have never ever been to a open forum like Aussie Stock Forums.

WC have been difficult to contact by phone and for the most part only ever had a recorded message - Communication is basically by phone. Wellington Capital generally ring you back in their convenience...... eventually.

MFS knew who its target base of investors were, and as we all know WC have taken over where MFS left off.

From what I understand Radar Investor relations were hired by WC, some Unit holders were individually advised by phone that castlereagh capital was not licenced to run our fund.
This is purely not the case and the correction was later posted on the NSX ....ONLY.( I dont know if any were phoned back correcting their previous comment)

Unit holders need to be informed with ALL THE FACTS that WC are not Disclosing to us about OUR fund. The latest fiasco in sydney asks the question why were stand ins handed pink proxys, told to act passionately and paid to pose as investors supporting WC. The same could be said about hired uni students holding placards supporting WC years ago.

I was at the meeting and am gobsmacked that Jenny Hutson didnt take ONE MOMENT to Acknowledge or address the very Investors who's fund she is controlling. All the facts about WC need to be spread far and wide to unitholders, but how?

Most unitholders are totally confused with all the "mis"information being sent to them and dont know what to do. Unit holders need to be Fully informed, but by whom?
Most of us agree that JH is not a fit and proper person to be in charge of our Fund.

Given the litany of evidence we have amassed over time and following the last weeks antics in Sydney I think it is time to bring her to heel.

It may be easier to convince a judge that her licence should be revoked rather than risk another EGM which she will probably thwart one way or another.

I have always contended that the Fund should be placed into administration rather than continue long term as Castlereagh propose. Most of us are elderly and would prefer something now to enjoy rather than leave an unknown legacy for our heirs.
Many people on this forum have mentioned that this whole episode is so laughable it deserves to made into a movie. Well, many moons ago I worked in the film industry and know how to develop a film treatment. For defamation reasons names and places naturally need to be changed.

Charles36, Breaker and Seamisty here is a little snippet about mailouts.

Napoleon Capital is embroiled in a hostile takeover bid by Darling Capital (the Darlings) headed by the gracious Mr Ferrett, who has a well deserved reputation for getting to the botton of things. There is a meeting of investors sheduled in coming weeks and Napoleon Capital's thoroughly unscrupulous leader Hottie Bandito needs something to discredit the very credible opposition.

Her closest advisor and mentor in the ENEMA - GRAM (a secret society based on narcissistic worship who practice daily enema cleansing), Dudley Wills suggests confusing investors with a series of derogatory messages about the alleged evils of the Darlings supporters. Dudley is only too willing to assist Hottie in any way as her organisation provides accommodation and very generous support for ENEMA - GRAM.

Dudley has flyers prepared and to cover their tracks enlists the help of the faithful ENEMA - GRAM congregation spread across the country to mailout small bundles of what they are told are recruiting flyers for the sect. In this way it will look like the anti-Darling movement is on a wide scale, and it will be difficult to trace their origins and importantly Hottie can deny she had any involvment.

Hottie is not pleased with the quality of the first flyer and implores Dudley to produce a further flyer campaign that will "spray mud all over the Darling's supporters".

In the next episode Dudley takes time out from extracting funds from ENEMA - GRAM's vunerable perdominately older, single female flock, to arrange a lavish film shoot in a very upmarket CBD location - unfortunately this produces a disasterous set of consequences for Hottie....

Stay tuned for more.
JH may think it's red but we know what her true colours are. No way this woman is ever going to win Australia's Got Talent. Cheers.
Oh dear!
I am also a unitholder in Rimcorp Property Trust No 3 (another WC fund), as well as PIF.
Any comments.
Many people on this forum have mentioned that this whole episode is so laughable it deserves to made into a movie. Well, many moons ago I worked in the film industry and know how to develop a film treatment. For defamation reasons names and places naturally need to be changed.

Charles36, Breaker and Seamisty here is a little snippet about mailouts.

Napoleon Capital is embroiled in a hostile takeover bid by Darling Capital (the Darlings) headed by the gracious Mr Ferrett, who has a well deserved reputation for getting to the botton of things. There is a meeting of investors sheduled in coming weeks and Napoleon Capital's thoroughly unscrupulous leader Hottie Bandito needs something to discredit the very credible opposition.

Her closest advisor and mentor in the ENEMA - GRAM (a secret society based on narcissistic worship who practice daily enema cleansing), Dudley Wills suggests confusing investors with a series of derogatory messages about the alleged evils of the Darlings supporters. Dudley is only too willing to assist Hottie in any way as her organisation provides accommodation and very generous support for ENEMA - GRAM.

Dudley has flyers prepared and to cover their tracks enlists the help of the faithful ENEMA - GRAM congregation spread across the country to mailout small bundles of what they are told are recruiting flyers for the sect. In this way it will look like the anti-Darling movement is on a wide scale, and it will be difficult to trace their origins and importantly Hottie can deny she had any involvment.

Hottie is not pleased with the quality of the first flyer and implores Dudley to produce a further flyer campaign that will "spray mud all over the Darling's supporters".

In the next episode Dudley takes time out from extracting funds from ENEMA - GRAM's vunerable perdominately older, single female flock, to arrange a lavish film shoot in a very upmarket CBD location - unfortunately this produces a disasterous set of consequences for Hottie....

Stay tuned for more.

Marcom. Can Robert Redford play my part.
I wonder if the Queensland government might be feeling that the "Wellington Way" could be unhelpful to the state's future investment prospects. Indeed, I will never invest one more cent into a Queensland enterprise.
I wonder if the Queensland government might be feeling that the "Wellington Way" could be unhelpful to the state's future investment prospects. Indeed, I will never invest one more cent into a Queensland enterprise.

I am with you, not only will I never ever invest with anything to do with Queensland, I do not even want to visit Queensland any more.
there is something very fishy about that statement....Who, in a right business mind, would buy a share at 10 cents, and sell it a few days later for 8.8cents...that is unless,they were setting up a cunning situation that could be used to their advantage at some future date.
Now whose name springs to mind, that just might think like that?...Need any clues!

As memory still serves me; same manipulation was used shortly after opening of PIF (PIN) trade on NSX. Shares were bought at "exorbitant" levels to drum up frothy excitement. That fizzled, as it continues to ever since.

Can anyone please explain or reassure me about the figures Wellington posted on the NSX website in relation to the votes?

It looks like we lost.

Can I assume correctly that the figures are only from Armstrong Registry and not Computershare?

Also would anyone have a rough idea of how many proxies there are that have voting power. If the figures mentioned on the NSX are short of what really exists then there is still hope.

Example Wellington states Proxies for removal of Wellington = 208,638,814, and Against = 310,739,020, and Abstain = 1,844,132.

Question out of all the numners above does anyone have the total number of votes that could possibly exist in the fund that will give us a real idea of the result???

I would imagine all proxies returned to Computershare would be pro Castleraegh.

To all who fret over WC table of proxies:
This Auditor must give certification.
Any TRASH coming from uncorroborated well of WC latrine needs flushing down the drain ASAP.
Please comrades, let this be the last word on this matter.
And why did I not see any PINK proxy forms with "FOR" emblazoned on it waiving at the meeting?
Redeem yourselves on 14th July.

Marcom. Can Robert Redford play my part.

Most assuredly Charles as Robert Redford's Sundance Films is a major financier of independent films in the US and Europe. The film might also get a showing at the annual Sundance Film Festival.
How many fund managers turn up to meeting with a body guard? Honest hard working ones don't need to. Ask yourself WHY she needed to turn up with SIX body guards. If she has been acting in the investor's best interests why would she need to be flanked by so many???? We all know the answer to that. Let's hope the media also start putting these pieces together & start seeing that blatant actions such as that, BY HER, are evidence that she has wronged a lot of people and can expect them to be very angry!!!

Because DD, she could not secure her own bullet proof vest in RED.
Keep ducking, cheers
To all who fret over WC table of proxies:
This Auditor must give certification.

Any TRASH coming from uncorroborated well of WC latrine needs flushing down the drain ASAP.
Please comrades, let this be the last word on this matter.
And why did I not see any PINK proxy forms with "FOR" emblazoned on it waiving at the meeting?
Redeem yourselves on 14th July.


Totally agree. WC refused to let us to see the voting figures for our unit representatives. How can they/she expect us to assume that a registry that is half owned by her/them will provide any accurate figures what so ever?