Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

The present minority ALP government agreement with the Greens paves the way for a gradual diminution of the authority of Ms. Gillard.

The question now is, when will the shaky arrangement between a party infiltrated by old Cold War Socialists, such as the Greens, tire of the middle ground small s socialism and real politik of the ALP.

Tony will be PM within a year.

It's just a rehash of an old policy...going nowhere.



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What do you think of Amanda Vanstone's piece, Don't Lurch Right, Tony in the Fairfax press this morning? An excerpt:
Self-indulgent people who make silly extremist statements only make it harder for Abbott to sell himself and the party as a broad church. He may be there by virtue of the right wing, but he needs to bring anyone like that into line. And pronto.

Howard had Pauline Hanson's Liberal endorsement withdrawn. Abbott pursued One Nation through the courts. So why have federal Liberal MP Cory Bernardi's inflammatory anti-Muslim remarks not cost him his job as Abbott's parliamentary secretary?
What do you think of Amanda Vanstone's piece, Don't Lurch Right, Tony in the Fairfax press this morning? An excerpt:

Howard had Pauline Hanson's Liberal endorsement withdrawn. Abbott pursued One Nation through the courts. So why have federal Liberal MP Cory Bernardi's inflammatory anti-Muslim remarks not cost him his job as Abbott's parliamentary secretary?


Could it be that some of Hanson's predictions are now showing she may have been right back then? Perhaps Abbott is realising that many Aussies are becoming increasingly nervous about religious demands that weren't evident a few years ago.

There is some disturbing information and videos coming out of Europe and the UK where they initially kindly opened their doors to refugees. They now find their kindness is not being reciprocated.

I'm not a Hanson fan, but I think she has voiced the increasing concerns of people in this country.
I can't now even remember what Cory Bernardi said, so that's how much of an impression it made on me.

It's a bit rich for Amanda Vanstone to be commenting on people being too outspoken.
She herself was one of the most tactless ministers ever and, as far as I can recall, was not notable for any particular success in any of her portfolios.

About the best feature of Ms Vanstone, imo, was how much she liked dogs.
Perhaps more people should have the guts to publicly criticise the morality of a religion that encourages the massacre of innocent people using the excuse of a book-burning in America, by another ratbag.

At all cost the pollies have to ignore a fair go, reason and common sense in order to maintain some sort of overall status quo with the electorate. If it is totally ambiguous you cannot get into too much trouble either and it then leaves some room for the spindoctors to rub it up a bit more later on.

Julia, off topic here but I am sure you will be pleased that I check Google for words I think that I cannot spell, but some words I cannot spell well enought to get up properly on Google
What do you think of Amanda Vanstone's piece, Don't Lurch Right, Tony in the Fairfax press this morning? An excerpt:


Obvious to all except the right wing nutters.

You win elections when you win over middle Australia at the moment Abbott keeps hanging out with the lunatic fringe and calling them ordinary Australians.

The state lib government leaders quoted are all moderates and took votes of labor voters who were looking for a change.
Obvious to all except the right wing nutters.

You win elections when you win over middle Australia at the moment Abbott keeps hanging out with the lunatic fringe and calling them ordinary Australians.

The state lib government leaders quoted are all moderates and took votes of labor voters who were looking for a change.

Can you explain what a right wing nutter is please? :rolleyes:
Can you explain what a right wing nutter is please? :rolleyes:
I too would like a definition of this.
I suspect you would find, if it were possible to actually do the analysis, that Tony Abbott is about right on target with his comments to the electorate in terms of their fears about further cost of living exacerbations with the carbon tax.

You might consider that from your extreme left point of view, an essentially mainstream opinion will appear 'extreme right wing'.

Oh, and IFocus, I'm still waiting for that explanation of how the proposed carbon tax is going to change the climate.
Have now lost count of how many times I've asked.
Must be so embarrassing for you not to be able to even offer a hint of a reply.
Must be so embarrassing for you not to be able to even offer a hint of a reply.
The problem is that no matter how hard one looks, the answer cannot be found at the altar of increased taxation and wealth redistribution.
I too would like a definition of this.
I suspect you would find, if it were possible to actually do the analysis, that Tony Abbott is about right on target with his comments to the electorate in terms of their fears about further cost of living exacerbations with the carbon tax.

You might consider that from your extreme left point of view, an essentially mainstream opinion will appear 'extreme right wing'.

Oh, and IFocus, I'm still waiting for that explanation of how the proposed carbon tax is going to change the climate.
Have now lost count of how many times I've asked.
Must be so embarrassing for you not to be able to even offer a hint of a reply.

Point your rude fingers at some one else......................
oooh, that's getting a bit personal - easier to direct the blame elsewhere than to answer a simple question?
Sails, the non-response from IFocus is probably not really deserving of even a second of your attention.
I see Joe Hockey is suggesting closing the loop hole for tax avoidance through family trusts.

Good on him. I hope the Libs will make it their policy to get rid of this rort.
Sails, the non-response from IFocus is probably not really deserving of even a second of your attention.

It has my attention. I am enjoying his self-sabotage of credibility. :)

BTW still waiting on a cogent definition of right wing nutter Ifocus. :rolleyes:

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