Maybe a lemon coloured leather jacket would be more appropriate![/QUOTE JohnH, what we got was a lemon alright!! How wrong some of us were (well the majority) In hind sight I can see a $5mill handout, possibly some previous business connections to assist and a bit of acting ability can put on a convincing show!! My guess is the reason some so called gurus wear the colour red is because they have been doctrined to think that in the enneagram cult RED= (Motive: POWER)””These are the power wielders. Power, the ability to move from point A to point B, and get things done is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of vision and leadership and generally are responsible, decisive, proactive and assertive.
LOL!! What some think and what their capabilities actually are don't reflect the numbers.
Oh well, each to their own, unless it affects me that is.