Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Bring back the chat room

nulla nulla

Positive Expectancy
24 September 2008
Re: ASF Mark III
Originally Posted by nulla nulla
Hi Joe

Do we still have a "chat" room?
The access tab used to be on the top tab bar, is there a new link?

The complaints that always came in about the old chatroom is that people would come in and cause trouble or there would be personality clashes. For this reason I am trialling a Facebook style footer chat.

You will have to add those you wish to chat with to your friends list and then they will be able to see you online and chat with you. It is possible to chat with more than one person, but they will all have to be added as friends. People can organise this themselves via PM. This way, everyone can chat with whomever they want to chat with and I won't have to field complaints about people causing trouble in the chatroom. It got quite ridiculous at one point and hopefully this will solve the problem.

Those who do not wish to use the chat feature can simply hide the chat bar in the footer by clicking the down arrow on the far right.

I would be interested in any feedback on this feature.

I think it sucks. The live "chat room" gets the flick. Because of the actions of a minority of whinging posters, a live "chat room" gets replaced with a dorky facebook structure where "friends only" can chat to each other without fear of contradictory opinions.
Reality gets replaced with a sanitised form of "I agree with you & you agree with me, so we must be right".
Of course this is only an opinion and everyone else is more than welcome to jump in.
Re: Bring back the chat room.

Re: ASF Mark III
Originally Posted by nulla nulla
Hi Joe

Do we still have a "chat" room?
The access tab used to be on the top tab bar, is there a new link?

I think it sucks. The live "chat room" gets the flick. Because of the actions of a minority of whinging posters, a live "chat room" gets replaced with a dorky facebook structure where "friends only" can chat to each other without fear of contradictory opinions.
Reality gets replaced with a sanitised form of "I agree with you & you agree with me, so we must be right".
Of course this is only an opinion and everyone else is more than welcome to jump in.

I think you have raised a valid point there Nulla Nulla.

Whether it's FaceSpace or MyBook I'm not interested in joining either of them. (excuse the pun)
I'll just stick to my Neil Postman study group. :p:

But seriously, I started using the web for chatting back in the days of good ol MUD's.
Where you could play Lord of the Rings on a Unix based vi editor MUD.
But each to their own I suppose.

To summarize Tim Berners-Lee recently published thoughts on Facebook, Twitter and alike .... There is no such thing as a free lunch.

But he was quite noble in making the World Wide Web free for everyone to use. ;):cool:

Here's an excellent article by Lance Whitney of CNET. Definitely worth a read.

Tim Berners-Lee: The Web is threatened

Turning 20 next month, the World Wide Web has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. But the freedom and open nature of the Web that we sometimes take for granted are threatened, according to its creator.

In a long article published yesterday in Scientific American, Tim Berners-Lee writes that the Web as we know it is affected by elements that have "begun to chip away at its principles."

He points a finger at social-networking sites that he says are "walling off information posted by users from the rest of the Web." Though he acknowledges that sites like Facebook and LinkedIn offer value, he criticizes their "silo" approach in which the information is self-contained and can't easily be transferred to or used on another site.
Re: Bring back the chat room.

I think you have raised a valid point there Nulla Nulla.

Whether it's FaceSpace or MyBook I'm not interested in joining either of them. (excuse the pun)
I'll just stick to my Neil Postman study group. :p:

But seriously, I started using the web for chatting back in the days of good ol MUD's.
Where you could play Lord of the Rings on a Unix based vi editor MUD.
But each to their own I suppose.

To summarize Tim Berners-Lee recently published thoughts on Facebook, Twitter and alike .... There is no such thing as a free lunch.

But he was quite noble in making the World Wide Web free for everyone to use. ;):cool:

Here's an excellent article by Lance Whitney of CNET. Definitely worth a read.

Tim Berners-Lee: The Web is threatened

Turning 20 next month, the World Wide Web has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. But the freedom and open nature of the Web that we sometimes take for granted are threatened, according to its creator.

In a long article published yesterday in Scientific American, Tim Berners-Lee writes that the Web as we know it is affected by elements that have "begun to chip away at its principles."

He points a finger at social-networking sites that he says are "walling off information posted by users from the rest of the Web." Though he acknowledges that sites like Facebook and LinkedIn offer value, he criticizes their "silo" approach in which the information is self-contained and can't easily be transferred to or used on another site.

Thank you Gumby Learner. Your eloquence and subtlety have addressed the principle far better than I could ever have done. We need an "open" chat site to foster the free development and exchange of information.
Re: Bring back the chat room.

Actually agree with ya nulla.

And i dont even use the thing that much these days ( not due to ppl,s behaviour but due to distractions, time restraints and "noise " whilst trading).........BUT do realise what a valuable tool it can be.

if its because of bad behaviour why not give nulla( anyone that a regular) a moderator button where he can boot the naughty kids out?

i know quite a few ppl dissalusioned with commsec chat that have now moved to asf on a regular basis that add value here and there both in the chatroom and in the threads, lots of visitors from commsec chat pop in from time to time also ...... how about giving nulla or any other sensible poster a "muzzle " button just to clean things up when its needed.

If the reason the old chat has gone is due to software diffulcultys then thats fair enough.

just my view from a now occasional user of the chatroom.
Re: ASF Mark III
Originally Posted by nulla nulla
Hi Joe

Do we still have a "chat" room?
The access tab used to be on the top tab bar, is there a new link?

I think it sucks. The live "chat room" gets the flick. Because of the actions of a minority of whinging posters, a live "chat room" gets replaced with a dorky facebook structure where "friends only" can chat to each other without fear of contradictory opinions.
Reality gets replaced with a sanitised form of "I agree with you & you agree with me, so we must be right".
Of course this is only an opinion and everyone else is more than welcome to jump in.

I have not yet made a final decision on the fate of the live chat room but sadly, as with most things in life, a small, irresponsible minority manage to spoil things for the responsible majority. I would check the chat room logs every now and again and the virtually non-stop high level obscenities used by some participants was simply over the top.

I have decided to trial a Facebook style footer chat to see if that improves things. No, you don't have to be a member of Facebook to use it. It is simply in the same style as the chat they have - a chat bar in the site footer which people can use to chat to those they have chosen to add as friends. This way, people can pick and choose who they chat with, rather than have their chatting ruined by those bent on misbehaving and stirring the pot.

As I mentioned, I'm interested in feedback on this system from those who have given it a go.

I will not be making a final decision on the future of the live chat room until some time in January. Since we're heading into the Christmas/New Year period there will not be much to chat about anyway, so please just bear with me on this issue. I'm not ready to make a final decision one way or the other until I have explored all possible options. However, the views of all ASF members will be taken in account and I am grateful for any feedback.
Since we're heading into the Christmas/New Year period there will not be much to chat about anyway, so please just bear with me on this issue.

This period, trading wise, presents a few opportunities as the instutional traders go on holidays and the small traders move various share prices up or down on low volumes. Those watching often point out the movements in the chat room.

Notwithstanding, I can see the benefit of the "facebook" style where a group want to "brainstorm" a strategy among themselves, an option that was not available under the flash chat set up of personal messaging within the chat room.

However, I still maintain that the "open" chat room was a big draw card of new members to ASF as it gave people the opportunity to drop in and contribute and learn from watching the comments of oher posters in respect of shares they are trading. Also the ASF site comes up as a "safe" site on the virus checker programs where some other chat sites don't.

Joe. Is there scope to run both systems under your new software?

Please bring back the chat room, it was a great place to exchange ideas and banter. If Nulla will accept the responsibility of moderator of the room I think that is a great idea as he is very level headed.

In the mean time will give the facebook thing a go, never been into it really but hey might as well try.


Please bring back the chat room, it was a great place to exchange ideas and banter. If Nulla will accept the responsibility of moderator of the room I think that is a great idea as he is very level headed.

In the mean time will give the facebook thing a go, never been into it really but hey might as well try.


Hi Satan,

I'm trying to contact the core chatters to link up as "friends" but I can only send a maximum of 5 messages an hour even if it is the same message sent to 5 people at the one go.
The following are the people in the next batches to go out after 10:00am. (nunthewiser; satanoperca; taz2; marketta; lebo; My Aunt Fanny; poverty).

It may be easier (and faster) if people just send me the message and I can add them to the list. :)

nulla nulla
Hi Satan,

I'm trying to contact the core chatters to link up as "friends" but I can only send a maximum of 5 messages an hour even if it is the same message sent to 5 people at the one go.
The following are the people in the next batches to go out after 10:00am. (nunthewiser; satanoperca; taz2; marketta; lebo; My Aunt Fanny; poverty).

It may be easier (and faster) if people just send me the message and I can add them to the list. :)

nulla nulla

from my brief time in chat i can see the need for a moderator , there trully was some foul mouthed sexist remarks coming out in there . IF chat comes back i will only participate with a moderator present . check out ERA dgrades guys . patient and disciplined , hope you got out con
Yes, I agree with satnoperca and nulla. Thought the chat room was an excellent forum for discussion and exchange of ideas. Miss it greatly.
I want the chatroom back too! It was a clunky piece of flashchat crap though, can't we use something cleaner and nicer?

During my last ASX trade it was nice to be able to speak to people while monitoring the market. I only just entered a fresh trade this morning after a loss and wanted to speak to my new friends!
I want the chatroom back too! It was a clunky piece of flashchat crap though, can't we use something cleaner and nicer?

Would be genuinely interested in any suggestions you might have. Integration with this forum software is crucial.

To those trying to use the footer chat, I'm aware that there's an issue with the chat fetching friend lists. I am working on this and hope to have it fixed later today. Please be patient. :)
Would be genuinely interested in any suggestions you might have. Integration with this forum software is crucial.

To those trying to use the footer chat, I'm aware that there's an issue with the chat fetching friend lists. I am working on this and hope to have it fixed later today. Please be patient. :)

AJAX chat has a much smaller traffic and memory footprint + integrates with most forum software incl phpBB.
Hi Joe

Has the new "Chat" bar disappeared from the bottom of the screen or is it just my computers?

I didn't often use the chat room, but it makes so much more sense to be able to jump into chat where you'll immediately find people who also want to chat.

In the chat room I spoke to people who weren't my 'friends', but they were there because they wanted to chat, so was I, so we chatted. This Facebook system is stupid, and the Facebook chat is one of the (many) reasons I don't use Facebook. Usually I am busy with several things I want to put my attention into, and I don't want to be distracted by chat requests. If someone pops up and says "Hello" I then have to either be rude or ignore them, or I have to explain that I have more important things to do than talk to them, which is even more rude. Yes, I could probably find a 'hide visibility' or 'disable chat' feature, but then I'm going to have to adjust the setting every time I come on to the site, and realistically, I'm not going to bother, I'm just going to leave it turned off.

Chat is as much about meeting people as anything else. When I went into chat I'd always see new people I hadn't spoken to before, and otherwise never would have. You can't meet and mingle in the same way with the current system.

While I think it's good to avoid offensive language or vulgar conversation, I think many people are far too precious. If someone is that way around me it won't bother me, it will just lower my respect for them, and if you're precious enough to be bothered by the words of an anonymous person on the internet you probably need to rethink the way you take in what you see online. If you really do want to wrap members in cotton wool and protect them from the evil cyber bullies, I'm sure it's easy enough to issue one warning to offenders and then ban them from chat if they continue.

I am a member of sites which use chat rooms and have a very different demographic from this site's. Lots of young kids as well as adults, and members of all ages who are far more inclined to be vulgar or offensive, and of course, with younger members this is even more of an issue. If those sites can make open chat rooms successful, it's difficult to imagine there being a challenge on a site like this, where you would expect only older members and a much higher level of maturity, as well as much thicker skin.

The current system seems redundant. If you want to personally chat with your friends there is MSN, Facebook, email, etc. The whole point of a chat room is quite different, and one does not replace the other.

That was probably more than my 2c worth, but there you go.