Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

A mate of mind sent me this


On a bitterly cold morning in Canberra , K Rudd ( just before he was assassinated by his mates) is being chauffeured to Parliament House.
It is so cold that Lake Burley Griffin has frozen over.
As he jumps out of the Caprice, Kevy looks over the Lake & notices that someone has "peed" on the ice and left a message ......"K RUDD SUCKS".

KRUDD is enraged and orders ASIO to investigate with "no expenses spared" and to report within two days.
Two days later, the head of ASIO reports to the PM and says...."our investigation is over and I have three pieces of news for good news, one bad news and one terribly bad shocking news".
Well says Kevy, give me the good news. The head of ASIO says..."We spent $2 million dollars on the investigation and have come to a successful result".
Well says Kevy what's the bad news?
The ASIO boss says "The DNA testing shows the urine is Wayne Swann's". Kevy is shocked beyond belief.

Looking pale, Kevy says" and what is the terribly bad shocking news?"
The ASIO chief replies...." It's Julia Gillard's hand writing".
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This is my first post where I have been able to show confidence in Kevin Rudd.

I am confident he will get even with Gillard, Shorten and the rest of the gang who toppled him. He has now moved into the second stage of handling grief/loss. He has moved from Denial to Anger (revenge).

When our Kevin was rat-f****d by the Chinese there wasn't much he could do to return the compliment to a billion Chinese.

But being rat-f****d by Julia and her gang was a different proposition. He has the weapons to return the gang rape in spades.

There are interesting times ahead.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

If I was the one doing the leaks I would hold the best one for one week b4 the election, this would have the most impact on Labor.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This is my first post where I have been able to show confidence in Kevin Rudd.

I am confident he will get even with Gillard, Shorten and the rest of the gang who toppled him. He has now moved into the second stage of handling grief/loss. He has moved from Denial to Anger (revenge).

When our Kevin was rat-f****d by the Chinese there wasn't much he could do to return the compliment to a billion Chinese.

But being rat-f****d by Julia and her gang was a different proposition. He has the weapons to return the gang rape in spades.

There are interesting times ahead.

Yes, and Mark Latham did not help the cause of this now defuncted Labor Party last night with his suggestion that Rudd is the 'leaky can'.
What else could she expect after what she did to our Kevvie in Queensland.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Noco, Its strange that now people that HATED Rudd, now support him after what the Labor party did to him, Julia should have given him a top job overseas to keep him happy. The boys in the back room of the Labor party have poo poo in its nest big time.:banghead::banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd had a restless night after his release from hospital, his wife Therese Rein says.

But he is following doctor's orders to take it easy as he recovers from surgery to remove his gall bladder.

"Well, I'd like to say he had a peaceful night, but unfortunately for me ... he had a restless night, so I'm a bit weary this morning,'' Ms Rein told the ABC.

I'm not surprised. He usually sleeps only three hours a night.
Kevin Rudd For Speaker

This was a suggestion from Andrew Bolt on Insiders today.

If the Coalition get the independents on side, making Rudd speaker would be a masterly move.

He would feel important and could lord it over everyone and not have a deliberative vote.

In addition he would keep his "mates" in Labor in line.


Re: Kevin Rudd For Speaker

This was a suggestion from Andrew Bolt on Insiders today.

If the Coalition get the independents on side, making Rudd speaker would be a masterly move.

He would feel important and could lord it over everyone and not have a deliberative vote.

In addition he would keep his "mates" in Labor in line.



GG, you and Andrew are only dreaming the impossible DREAM.
Re: Kevin Rudd For Speaker

It makes sense, why waste a vote in the house.

put someone in the chair that is basically in the middle of both parties!!

anyway interesting times.
Re: Kevin Rudd For Speaker

Talk about throwing the cat among the pigeons:shoot: I think the idea has merit, and I can't think of anything Julia would hate more.
Re: Kevin Rudd For Speaker

My contacts in the CFMEU tell me that a mole of theirs in Casa Rudd related a 20 minute conversation that Chairman Rudd had with Tony Abbott after prayers this morning.

He (Rudd) seemed genuinely baffled afterwards, started counting his fingers, and was heard to mutter, Speaker/UN, Foreign Minister/UN repeatedly for a good five minutes.

Someone really needs to give the poor bloke a break and take him out of his misery.

With Rudd as Speaker and the Coalition running the Reps, at least we would have a functioning Guvmin as Marn Fergzin would say.

Then just before the next election , Rudd could be put up as Sec. Gen. of the UN and then the whole wide bloody world would have to put up with the silly bastard.

Kevin Rudd going in for heart surgery

Its unfortunate to hear Kevin has to go in for heart surgery all that air travel must have taken its toll.
I hope it all goes well and look forward to seeing it on R.P.A
Re: Kevin Rudd going in for heart surgery

Its unfortunate to hear Kevin has to go in for heart surgery all that air travel must have taken its toll.
I hope it all goes well and look forward to seeing it on R.P.A
Hear Hear! Good luck to him.