Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Where are all the freaks that voted for this trainsmash of a government? "It wasn't me that voted for him" I hear them bleat.


They can't stand up. A lot of the "usual suspects" post on the ASF. They are lying low.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Rudd, like Gillard, is a communist. He admitted being a socialist long before the last election, which means exactly the same thing. Yet otherwise sensible people still voted for him. Proof is in the pudding now. Enjoy the red in your portfolio & thank Red Kev.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

...So what do you guys think? Is Kruddy an 'economic conservative' in your view or is it more hot air from the political equivalent of the Zeppelin?

Below is a small excerpt from Julia's post from the Wall Street Journal in another thread (

...Rudd and Swan didn't say is that this bonanza helped fund the Labor government's unprecedented spending spree,
which sent the country from a $19.7bn surplus into a $32.1bn deficit in a single year....

If the WSJ have reported the above correctly, it is shocking. That's 49 billion down the drain. How can he possibly think he is economically conservative... :mad: Maybe he actually believes his own spin...:eek:

In private enterprise, they would most likely be sacked for such a terrible performance.
Could this government be sacked so such incompentency?
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Maybe Wayne Swann is a black swan event? And Rudd is just a nightmare that I am trying to wake up from? *pinch* NOPE ! They are for real alright ! :banghead:


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Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

It will take a long time for the Liberal Party to clean up this HUGE mess.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Where are all the freaks that voted for this trainsmash of a government? "It wasn't me that voted for him" I hear them bleat.


Must be you peanuts in the east Labor are on the nose State and Federal in WAWA land:D
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

*Sniff sniff* what's that smell? Must be the stenching rot coming out of Canberra or is it PM Kevin Rudds mouth?


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    a kevin rudd bulshit.JPG
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Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Where are all the freaks that voted for this trainsmash of a government? "It wasn't me that voted for him" I hear them bleat.


Standing up!!!!!!!

I helped get rid of Howard. Maybe I'll help get the the libs back but not with "big ears and bike riding budgies". I'll vote for a Turnbull led government.:):):)

Did I get called a freak? I just checked in the mirror and I think I looked like a normal Aussie. A little weatherbeaten but that is what happens when you spend many many years attending the school of hard knocks.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

I didnt vote for Labour but I can understand how people at the time did, he was good when doing his speaches and inspired the masses with his "revolution" communist talk, and I wouldnt blame anybody for not seeing through him at the time. But that isnt the problem...


I am being seriuos, i just dont know what is wrong with people and its sooooooo frustrating that soooooo many people cant see this government is flushing Australias wealth down the toilet. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Standing up!!!!!!!

I helped get rid of Howard. Maybe I'll help get the the libs back but not with "big ears and bike riding budgies". I'll vote for a Turnbull led government.:):):)

Did I get called a freak? I just checked in the mirror and I think I looked like a normal Aussie. A little weatherbeaten but that is what happens when you spend many many years attending the school of hard knocks.

Stand on a chair so I can see you ! :D

The budgie smuggling, bike rider is not really doing it for me either (women apparently don;t trust him either?) and I did not like Turnbull's arrogance I must say ! Joe Hockey is a dunce and easily baited. So who is next in line.

Maybe a Turnbull #2 with the rough bits cut off ?

My apologies on calling people who voted for Labor "freaks" I should have written "cerebrally challenged". :p:
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Stand on a chair so I can see you ! :D

The budgie smuggling, bike rider is not really doing it for me either (women apparently don;t trust him either?) and I did not like Turnbull's arrogance I must say ! Joe Hockey is a dunce and easily baited. So who is next in line.

Maybe a Turnbull #2 with the rough bits cut off ?

My apologies on calling people who voted for Labor "freaks" I should have written "cerebrally challenged". :p:
Why not focus on policy rather than the person?

If Rudd took measures to reduce the size of government, reduce taxes across the board, and promote ownership of property (not just the home ) and business I would vote for him. But for socialist policies I wouldn't. :2twocents
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

I didnt vote for Labour but I can understand how people at the time did, he was good when doing his speaches and inspired the masses with his "revolution" communist talk, and I wouldnt blame anybody for not seeing through him at the time. But that isnt the problem...


I am being seriuos, i just dont know what is wrong with people and its sooooooo frustrating that soooooo many people cant see this government is flushing Australias wealth down the toilet. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
And the middle class is the victim.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Why not focus on policy rather than the person?

If Rudd took measures to reduce the size of government, reduce taxes across the board, and promote ownership of property (not just the home ) and business I would vote for him. But for socialist policies I wouldn't. :2twocents

So if he said he was going to would you vote for him? Would you trust him to deliver that promise?

Or would you vote for him once he has actually done it? Without stuff it up in the process?
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

So if he said he was going to would you vote for him? Would you trust him to deliver that promise?

Or would you vote for him once he has actually done it? Without stuff it up in the process?
I would have to see some serious change in his management ability. I wouldn't vote on a 20 year future promise. I would have to see action immediately.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Why not focus on policy rather than the person?

If Rudd took measures to reduce the size of government, reduce taxes across the board, and promote ownership of property (not just the home ) and business I would vote for him. But for socialist policies I wouldn't. :2twocents

What policy of Abbotts do you suggest
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

What policy of Abbotts do you suggest
I think we are still waiting for it aren't we?
In general he seems to be more astute with regard to economic issues and I support his stance in opposing the ETS, and TAX GRABS such as what is going to happen. And the size of government will shrink under him. When I know his election policies I'll know more myself.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Why not focus on policy rather than the person?

If Rudd took measures to reduce the size of government, reduce taxes across the board, and promote ownership of property (not just the home ) and business I would vote for him. But for socialist policies I wouldn't. :2twocents

I totally believe in the policy positions of government rather than the individual. Unfortunately the way the media is these days it is more about the personality of the leader than what they are actually espousing.

Notice how PM Rudd has sidelined Garrett, Wong, Combet, Gillard etc etc to NOT speak to the media. Only Kevin himself is fronting the team with words like "The buck stops here" (Harry Truman style) and "We get it, the governemnt gets it" (in reference to the backlash by the people and policies that have now changed)

I would vote for two bushy eyebrows and a drovers dog as long as they STOPPED SPENDING !!!!!!!!


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Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

My apologies on calling people who voted for Labor "freaks" I should have written "cerebrally challenged". :p:

I'm still offended. I did an IQ test and got a result of 146. That was a challenge to the cerebellum. That makes me "cerebrally challenged" so I am offended that you relate CC to freaks.:confused::confused:
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

I think you're all being too hard on poor Kevin. He's quite a nice man really and he's doing the best he can for all of us.

Look at all the things he's given for the pokies, money to buy whitegoods made overseas, money even if you once lived in Australia but now live overseas, new school libraries and assembly halls so your kids can excel in school. Nobody could be fairer or more generous than that!

You lot are so ungrateful - you should be ashamed of yourselves! Now be nice to Kevin and Wayne and Julia from here on - I think you should all write to them and say 'Thanks Kev and Swannie and Jules - you're the best'.